Why would you want to play a Classic forever server?

I want to level all classes. I want to max out all professions. I want to gather all profession recipes. All this takes a great deal of time. Just leave me in a Classic Forever server and I will have plenty to do. . . . and there will be more of us than you think. * Oh and rep, don’t forget all the rep for all the factions.


I was hoping to have this experience at the launch. When I had to leave for a period and came back, this game lost me. All the carries and sellers, Blizz allowing migrations, Just took the wind out of my sails.
I would def attempt to level and play on a forever server, as long as the selling aspects are minimal.

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No, not at all.

I play a lot of old games, a lot and hoard my work as “trophies”. Unlike other players, I don’t really level all that quickly. I like to level nice and slow. I like to have 1 of everything, in every form. I want 8 Warriors, each of them a different race. I want two Druids, 1 Horde and 1 Alliance. I want to max out all Professions including maxing out in the other “sub” types of Professions via Armorsmith BS and a Weaponsmith BS. I want to show my favoritism towards Nelves and Trolls by making all Nelves and/or Trolls of ALL the Classes that they can be. I want to max out on ALL Reps, as possible.

There’s plenty of content out there, for me (personally), to achieve.

And, to be fair, all of this pointless, including the Standard Game/Progession Classic Era Servers :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

EDIT: On top of 8 Warriors, let’s multiply that by 3 ('cause 3 Warrior Specs) so really, that’s 24 Warriors. Plus, 2x3 is 6 Druids (2 Races can be Druids, but there’s 3 Specs, more like 4, but I digress), so that’s 6 Druids, but let’s make that 8 Druids 'cause the Feral Tree is split into two: Bear and Cat.


forever and ever and ever

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Retail tourists just dont get it.
Naxx cleared? Next fresh, simple as


I think some people like to have a natural “end” to a game. Even though this isnt a single player game and doesnt really have an end so long as the player keeps logging in to do stuff and/or rp or have fun with friends.

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Leveling alts on Classic is actually really fun.

I know that sounds corny but it is actually super fun and you have a very wide variety of group comps to dungeon with and a lot of times as long as you’re not too picky you gotta make bad comps work and that’s actually fun because it make what could be an easy dungeon much harder and in turn way more enjoyable to do because you gotta work at it.

Also once the swarm of mostly not very good zugzugs go away what will be left are mostly ultra casuals, levelers(like me) and those who really enjoy the classic era community and all that wacky stuff and the classic era BG’s that are actually really good once you’re in tune with the blistering fast pace of the thing where you can be killed 100 to dead in less than a global. It’s really actually super fun!


It wouldn’t be hard to make vanilla-quality content with today’s 3D apps, and the hype would be unreal. That Blizzard isn’t doing this is mind blowing.

Because I like classic. It’s more of an mmorpg, tbc is too retailish.


That’s a six year lifecycle you know.

Why do you like chocolate ice cream?

vanilla > chocolate

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Um… They recreated it. You’re not making much sense.

Classic is perfect just how it is that’s why people have been playing it for years. Still love TBC more

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They copied data values into their current game’s engine. They didn’t do any of the work that actually makes Classic good. Blizzard is only capable of making Classic worse by messing with it.

If you don’t like it, quit. I think they did a great job.

Classic forever yikes. Then again it’s going to be a bunch of warriors trying to scramble together a raiding guild.

Learn to read and stop trolling.

Does this sound like I said I didn’t like it?:

I read. Yeah, it sounds like you’re pretty dissatisfied.

Then your reading comprehension is abysmal. Try reading again very carefully.

You’re a poor writer. I suggest you write more carefully.