Why would you stay in classic?

I will stay in Classic because I level at the pace of a snail and my character isn’t level 60 or even close to there


classic died to me when BWL hit.

after that pvp got stupid because everyone started outgearing me because they are good at pve and I dont have time for that.

TBC at least I can focus on grinding pvp gear and not have to worry about pve gear at all, which is nice. My fav expansion is wrath tho

It does. However…

What do you foresee taking up the most of your WoW classic time, and how often do you play? Would you see yourself just hanging around socializing for an hour then logging off? Or would you actually be putting 2-3 hours a day leveling, pvp, pve etc?

This I agree with, that’s why I was advocating in the past Blizzard, just restarting WoW on a new timeline with BC and just get rid of all the aliens, naaru, draenei, spaceships, etc. Don’t kill Ilidan or make Kael’thas evil and a few other things. I never actually played much of BC though so I’m looking forward to being in outlands when there’s actually other people playing.

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Everything I listed.

Off and on.


Why not both? No PvP, though.

I meant out of those things which do you think you’ll be spending the most time with. I’m just trying to paint a picture in my head of what I would be doing if I paid to clone a character onto the classic realms… so the more details the better.

Do you consider yourself a casual player? And now I’m wondering if most of the people who want to stay in classic consider themselves casual players.

I’m a speratic player. I don’t plan what I’m going to do. I log in and do whatever feels right.

I do.

They might, but I can’t speak for them. Only they can say why they’re sticking around in Classic. I will speak for myself and myself only. I’m a VERY casual player, and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s more “casual” players than there are “Elitists”. And, it’ll be us “Casual” Players keeping the Perma Servers (regardless of which Era) “alive”.

But, that’s just my opinion :slight_smile:

IMO, It’s not weird. It’s all about perception. There were lots of good changes in TBC. The arenas and making all the specs (for the most part) viable to name two. But overall it sets the precedence everything I do not like about retail:

  • Homogeneous Factions
  • Homogeneous Classes
  • LFG
  • disposal of a whole world in favor of a few new zones.

So I’ll stay in Classic until my sub runs out. Then I’m done. I was hoping that Blizzard wasn’t going to recycle expansions and do something with Classic. I was wrong or in the minority.

I also think TBC is Blizzard’s way of taking their new subs and re-acclimating them to the 12-18ish month xpac cycle. You throw away the old couple of zones and get a “new” few zones. This is even better for them. Now they don’t even have to write, or create new skins.


Private vanilla servers were operating right up until activision attacked them (or maybe blizzard was more than a logo at that time) so it will last as long as it’s not shut down.


classic has a unique playstyle that differentiates it from basically any expansion after it. Non linear gearing systems (still around in TBC somewhat but by Wrath it’s basically gone), no resil/pvp specific stat, lots of cool toys/flavorful items to use in various settings, etc.

I’m not saying I don’t like the things I just talked about, but classic is basically the only time you can experience all these things in one place. I’ll always revisit classic once in a while especially if they do a fresh classic launch.


I’m cloning because I would like to tank more than just 4h & gothik in naxx, and because I didn’t finish TF. I bet there will be plenty of warrior clones xD

I have unfinished business in classic, and I want to finish it, even if it means four all to anyone else


I definitely feel this…they pull the rug out from under you every couple years, basically nullifying all your effort. It gets to feeling too much like a hamster wheel. We all know it is, but the resets drive it home more effectively than simply acknowledging the concept.


FYI, we don’t need to “convince” you of anything. If you want to play Classic then play Classic. If you don’t, then you don’t. Nobody can tell you how to enjoy the game. Only you can do that.


If there’s a hobby you wish to pick up, but aren’t sure that you like it, don’t you normally try to get others to convince you that you’re going to like it? Maybe that’s just me

What are you gonna do when you’re finished though?

…I typed out a bunch responses, but deleted them all 'cause they all kind of dance around the issue.

After my business is finished, I will create more business. I’m only half way to gold cap, and baron scrooge still hasn’t given me his horsey. And there’s always R14.

Maybe I won’t do any of that. It may be that my money spent on cloning was a complete waste. I don’t know the future any better than you. Perhaps less well.

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Get yourself a rabbit’s foot :rabbit2:. You’ll get that mount a lot sooner.

Because I like it more than TBC. That being said I’ll level in TBC the character I plan to play in Wotlk, and do the odd pug with it.

yes and all the “awesome” content has already been released in the tiers. now what?

That’s what I’m hoping to avoid. At this point in time I probably won’t be cloning any of my characters to stay in classic as I don’t see myself doing anything that I wouldn’t be doing in BC.

Though I’m still considering it.

Classic is a better MMO-RPG than TBC, while TBC is a better more balanced game.

Maybe one day we’ll get a nice blend of the two