Why would you stay in classic?

Other person “I want help understanding”

I liked classic until they decided to connect realms.

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I liked classic until Naxx loot broke certain classes wide open in PvP.

Yeah 2.5 and 3 just should not be in classic. Everything was designed for T1 and blues.


I’ve of the opinion that T2/HWL, is about right. After that it begins to get stupid.

MoM Warriors are asinine, and a mistake in PvP.
Warriors are a mistake in PvE.


That’s great.

I’ve seen the 30% reduction 1-60 mentioned in multiple places and have done the leveling myself. I tried to find an official source but can only find websites that I’m not going to link talking about it (and websites with just formulas to level). Again I’m not trying to say don’t go to TBC (nor would I ever because unlike some people I think that different preferences apply to different people) I’m just explaining what the thoughts are of others who are choosing to go a different route.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I really hope this isn’t true… Cuz I don’t want to put my alts permanently into classic unable to ever go into TBC unless i really have to.

No need for the disclaimer. I genuinely want people to convince me to keep some of my characters or clone them to stay in classic.

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Personally I just think classic is the best version of WoW, all of the expansions make the game worse. Yes there is no new content, but I could play this game a decade and not do everything. Doesn’t mean I’m going to play 10 hours a day for the next year, but if I am going to do a raid or pvp I’d rather login and do it on classic than any other version of the game.


What’s there to do that you can’t do in BC though?

I honestly respect that you are asking the questions because you really want to learn. A lot of people will say this but really just want to give their opinions and have no interest in listening.

Why would I want to do things in a version of the game I don’t like as much?


You should get some mirrors in your house.

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The whole point of getting Classic is so we could play it forever lol. How don’t people understand this?


Idk why you’re even responding to me honestly. Its kinda creepy.

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I can answer this with your own question. Why do you want to play classic servers, if you want to progress?

I like that there is a limit on progression. For me, I lose interest when they change up talents and you have to get new gear.


I heard breathing was optional. You should consider this carefully.

Classic is the ONLY version of the game with Faction bound Classes via Paladins for Alliance and Shamans for Horde.

I like playing the version of the game without all the extra stuff seen in later expacs.

Level, RP, Collect, Reps, etc. Tons of stuff.


I might. I didn’t raid much in Classic, to begin with, but if I see an Ad for them, I might tag along. Depends if I want to or not.

I might. I’ll need to to have access to the Mounts.

Faction Bound Classes, no Belves and Draenei, no JC, no Guild Banks, no Insta Mail between you and your Alts (of the same account), no extra world/zones. Just original Azeroth.

Character Copy is still the “money grab”, for Classic, if you plan to play both.

Hope this helps!


Here’s one example. Something I have planned for some of my time in Classic: I just created a new Mage. I plan to try to deck her out in - of the Eagle greens. As much as a full suit as I can scare up. This will involve research, drop rates, etc. while I farm these items. I think it will be interesting and fun. And the nicest thing about it is that it is an entirely solo endeavor.


TBC is just not as good of a game compared to vanilla imo. I’ve played casually on private servers of both before classic came and the overall aesthetic and feel of tbc just sucks aliens everywhere and elfs in the horde lmao. Gearing is super straight forward hand holdy every spec and class has its own special snowflake min max gear set, quest hubs are all super close together no sense of adventure etc. Feels much more like a game and less like an actual world. I will still be playing it for a bit though, because I am finished with vanilla and want to try tbc arenas a bit can’t see myself playing for more than a few months though.


I feel the same way about this. I was starting to think I was the only one.