Why would you make the last day of the season on Labor Day?

im trying to understand what has to be done on the last day of season 1 that you couldnt get done the other 100+ days or so season 1 has been around


The vaccine does not work that way.

You are not immune.

You can still carry it.


This right here is why blizzard will never make the 2021 community happy. They make a blue post about something ending and people complain because they realize at the last minute it’s labor day and blame blizz.

Sure, you are a liar. See you ingame !

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Care to rethink that? As you can see, my subscription expires in November and the fact I have an “Add a subscription” button means there is no subscription assigned to the account anymore, meaning it is canceled.

Anyone that goes around calling people liars without any information or proof is a blight on society as a whole, you should be ashamed of yourself.

How about you post on your main and not this 8 post alt account. What are you too cowardly to admit you call people liars without any proof. Afraid someone might call you out if you posted on your main?

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My favorite race ingame is a troll. TROLOLOLOLOL :sob: :exploding_head:

Chinese food is trash

This is a really really stupid point you’re trying to make here. If your game time doesn’t expire until November you clearly buy game time in prepaid chunks, meaning you never had a subscription to stop so you’re obviously lying.

Nice try though?

Awesome!! Sounds like a good reason to not attend the family reunion that I didn’t want to go to in the first place.

He says from his lvl 32 retail alt.

don’t forget retail.

It’s never that simple. Other people are relying on you to be there.

You’re essentially abandoning a friend to hangout with another friend

Are you that dense? I enrolled in the 6-month recurring SUBSCRIPTION.

Which clearly states, “Billed every 6 months. Cancel online anytime.

On other words, instead of renewing every month for $14.95, mine renews every 6 months for $77.95. And yes that is the same as the monthly, it is just billed on a different schedule. And YES, it can be stopped hense the “CANCEL ONLINE ANYTIME”

How special are you exactly? If this is really an example of your level of knowledge and intelligence, then my impression of you just took a major nosedive.

And now we know you fall into the same category of anti-social leech as others that call people liars without having any information first.

Then you’re doing it wrong.

I demand a huge reward for going to work.

I’m not a freaking charity.

The pay is enough.

I don’t need a cookie.

I love it when people make themselves look like idiots…

I don’t discriminate against pastries in my compensation package.

Work sent me some cannoli last week.

I was driving to work and I saw a sign for KFC “Now hiring cooks for $15/hour with a free lunch!”

About to change professions.

They had me at free lunch.

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Any day they choose will be bad for someone.

You had like 3 months to grind rating unless you are battling for last second infernal gladiator, last day pushing isn’t really that important

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