Why would you make the last day of the season on Labor Day?

No Dad, I can’t go to the family cookout because the PvP season ends today


you sounds like an entitled american


I mean life should be about choices and some have consequences… want to be top PvP? You make sacrifices…


Let’s end the next one on Christmas day


Or you could work in the medical field and you wouldn’t be able to go to the cookout anyway. But please…. Tell me of your woes choosing between wow or beer and brats. :stuck_out_tongue:

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If I worked in the medical field it wouldn’t matter to me. People are always in need of care. This date was arbitrarily chosen.

that would be awesome, most are not working on that day.


You know you have a gaming addiction problem when…

“No Dad, I cannot participate in a Family function and spend time with you in the real world, because useless, meaningless pixels on a screen are more important.”

Seriously OP, if this is really a dilemma for you, then you may want to seek some help, you may be starting to develop a gaming addiction.


First world problem.

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… except workers at Chinese restaurants.

Chinese delivery is a staple at our house for Christmas.

That and green bean casserole.

That’s kinda my point. Enjoy the day friend.

Mediacom pushed back my appointment because of this holiday. Makes me wonder why they scheduled it here to begin with if they were never going to do it.

My defective internet hell continues.

Idk why this is so controversial. Let’s just make every eventful thing that happens in wow fall on holidays.

Let’s release expansions on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. I’m not about making the game causal. I think hardcore play is great. But picking an arbitrary date that does nothing to improve the gameplay and only pulls people away from family is just bad. It’s one thing to make a vanilla honor grind that requires months to grind. It’s an entirely different thing to choose an arbitrary day on the calendar and pick a holiday for no reason.

You shouldn’t go anyway because of COVID.

To say you work in the medical field and go to gatherings speaks volumes.

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Learn to read

Changes nothing.

  1. You are going to gatherings with a pandemic.
  2. Apparently you wouldn’t care either way if you were in a medical field exposed.

Cherry pick what you want, this whole thread screams “WHAT ABOUT ME”.

It’s 4 people and we’re all vaccinated. Get off your high horse.

what are u hoping to achieve today lol…

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LOL like this ^ guy ain’t addicted either…

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To extend the season duh /s

The hell kind of question is that? This is the problem with these forums. You people will argue against anything and everything just for the sake of arguing because you have nothing better to do.

There’s like, what, ~12 days a year that are holidays? And they can’t pick any of the other 350+ days? They HAVE to pick one of those 12 days? Give me a break.