Why won't Blizzard simply send out a survey to players to settle RDF debate once and for all

Why would they take an action that will directly hurt their business model of selling 70 boosts and paid server transfers? Not to mention the upfront development costs.

Why would I give you RDF when I can make you pay for a max lvl character instead?


They don’t care what the results are. I’m not sure they’ll change their mind about this even if it does result in a large subscription drop off (I don’t actually think it will, though).


Seems the one entity who actually makes the decisions seems to agree with me, Blizzard.

Mighty unfortunate for you and the rest of your “nobody” club.

Leveling in Wrath is simply not a daunting task, everybody who actually played WOTLK knows this. People don’t have RDF now and still have an army of alts. It only gets easier.

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Because they don’t have to. Their intellectual property, their decision. They’ve had over a decade of information with LFD logged and Classic and TBC without it logged to make a decision about their IP.

I imagine it will end up that way as well. It’s like the whole “Flight isn’t coming to WoD” debacle and after they saw the sub numbers drop and it not being a cyclical trend, it was their 911 button. They’ll launch without it, but give it around the time of the ICC heroics again and I’m sure it will be released as an emergency aid.

Seems authentic enough to me.

They arent targeting your wallet, Zip. Atiesh isnt one of the dead servers. They’re targeting people who will need to cough up $ for a server transfer and people who will cough up $ for a boost. Thats the true purpose of their decision imo.

Thanks for speaking on behalf of the playerbase, Zip. Thank god we have you as our representative and spokesperson. You ever consider Congress?

Because their decisions, as history has shown, end up causing more harm then good.
For every boost they sell, with even ONE sub loss, they are already losing money.
Now let’s imagine 10 people leave per boost sold.

Let’s say 10,000 people quit at Wrath launch. That’s $150,000 loss/month. To make up this loss, they have to sell 2.143 boosts every month.

Or maybe they know that they will make MORE money by selling boosts at the cost of unsubs.

But its guaranteed that less people will level alts, hence less game time, aka worse MAU metrics.

If you only play 1 or 2 characters, you are going to play less. You’re going to get bored quicker. I used to run 5 active toons on retail. But now I cut down to 2 this patch. I spend A LOT LESS time in game. I have guildies who have 1 toon. They are barely ever online, as instead of doing every activity x5 times, they gotta do it x1.

Let’s say 300,000 people will play Wrath. = 4,500,000/month profit.
Let’s say that 20,000 people quit the game for whatever reason. = 300,000/month loss.
Let’s say that every person out 300k buys a boost = $21,000,000 total profit.
$21,000,000/300,000 = 70 months = 6.5 years.

So yeah, maybe its worth losing 10% of the playerbase. I don’t know.

lets say they will
results will still be a big
“according to the results in our survey (results we totally didnt made up) it shows most players do not want rdf”
because they call the shots

They already know that the majority wants LFD.

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They should send out a survery. And it should only have one question.

Are you tanking?

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only thing that catches blizzards attention is when subs start cancelling in large numbers.

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bold un-backed statement

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They seem to be big on PR stunts currently so if a survey did magically appear with yes/no RDF on it all it would do is show people that their claims are right/wrong and could help just calm people down.

new 6 month subs promo
pay 6 month now and get this cool new mount!
quarter report status : saved
works like a charm

As much as I would like them to do something like that the problem is they would never actually give us the accurate result on top of that there is too many ways to abuse that.

I mean people with multiple accounts people can at least people that know what they’re doing can get multiple IP addresses.

And let’s face it there are people that would do that just so RFD does or doesn’t go in On top of that blizzard makes more money like it or not if RFD doesn’t go in.

On top of that it saves them work Now we can make an argument that whatever they are doing instead would be just as much work but you know that sort here nor there.

As much as I would like that believe I really really would But I don’t care what they say it’s not like blizzard doesn’t see the fact that most people do want it in then people that don’t want it in.

But that’s what I would say and that’s why they won’t do something like that

I have previously linked you a poll with 28k responses where 2/3’s have stated that they are PRO-LFD.
We also had large community polls on Reddit where the majority has stated they are PRO-LFD.
We also had a massive thread on these very forums where nearly 90% of replies were in support of LFD.

Also, warcraftlogs has a poll on their website too. No answers to see yet though. But I’m sure they will release them later.

Can you say that multiple people voted twice? Sure, but what if multiple people voted multiple times against LFD? You don’t know, neither do I. But if we go in with an appropriate assumption that MOST voted ones, we have evidence that majority in fact wants LFD.

But a lot of people have issues accepting existing polls.

Why? Because there are better arguments for RDF than ‘alot of people would be very happy if you did’. If thats your argument, youre in bad shape.

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