Why WOD is better than BFA

If mythic+ was in wod, wod would’ve been up to par with legion


I think I’m ok. It’s basically the same as legion and I liked Legion for frost.

I’m pretty sure you beat it when you called a war front content.


Then you weren’t paying attention. WoD lost over 4 million people in the first 6 months.


A Warfront over a Selfie camera? I’ll go down in my grave with that statement.

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I got that selfie cam achieve, didn’t you?

Ashran was crazy fun. Lots of people did it all the time.

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Yeah, some classes I still like the same, but imho, Cata was the last time disc felt not-gimmicky, but unique, strong, but not overpowered. I will admit it could be a little rose-colored action going on though as that’s when I switched from ele shaman to disc priest.

Do people consider posting drivel like this their 15 minutes of fame?

And now we don’t know what we lost since Blizzard is too ashamed of their numbers to announce them. So who knows if we didn’t lose more. Somehow the number of players playing a game isn’t a good way to judge a game anymore.

Nice try though.

Ashran was also called Trashran and hated as much on these forums (if not more) than Warfronts.

I’m glad you liked it, but the forums absolutely did not.

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These forums need to learn what bait is.

No, WoD is still the worst. I’d rather have content than no content. “Bad” is subjective anyway.

Except it is. What is it with people and dismissing anything that they don’t like? It’s content weather you personally enjoy it or not and I do.

What do you mean “nice try?” You said you didn’t recall the crazy number of people you know unsubbing in WoD like they are in BfA.

Over 4 million people in 6 months is a crazy number.

Yeah remember that.

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I’d be willing to bet we lost a higher percentage of players logging in to BfA this deep into the expansion than WoD lost at equal times.

WoD peaked to 10 million players and lost 5 millions in less than 2 moths.

It failed miserable how the f you didnt see any complains?
The whole warrior 1+shield thing was a subspec that was a nightmare to balance and they scrapped out the idea.
Hell the whole forums was only about the flying drama.

Wod literally lost more players than BFA sale of copies.

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It was very trendy to hate ashran on the forums. So many people quit after they shut it down without notice that they had to reopen it again.

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same thing with this expansion; seems very trendy to hate on everything here. There’s that whole “Two expansions ago was fantastic” mentality that I’m seeing a lot lately.


It’s the unquenchable power of Nostalgia if I’ve ever seen it