Why. Why do this? Research report: Adaptive Alloys

So it would then be reasonable to assume a path to gear that makes them not hurt so much is reasonable. i know ill out power them eventually as a raider. why should a world quester not get to be the pinnacle of their own content.


its catchup gear for alts my dude, not an avenue for lazy people to be as strong as people who play the game at higher levels

it’s almost better/equal gear than normal SoD. it’s for casuals/alts to get decent gear. of course it takes longer. it’s extremely easy to get compared to raiding.

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Feel free to pat yourself on the head for getting what you wanted.

Interesting article. Sadly, it seems that there are a few similarities to WoW.

Thanks for linking it.

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There’s already several. I fail to understand your point.

And what exactly is it that you think I wanted?

Your the reason many of us say that even when you give solo players a path to raid quality gear they will just whine about how long it takes to get.

I say we go back to the days where solo players got greens and maybe a couple blues from questing and if they were extremely lucky a epic BoE, they were much more happy back when they didn’t have to worry about gearing up.

Look how important you think you are!

How adorably cute.


honestly i dont get the big deal, as a current heroic raider, previous mythic and realm first raider, getting more access to gear i can use is great, others getting more gear they can use is great. Hand heroic gear to everyone. Getting gear is only going to make another play good to a point. I dont understand some peoples obsession with denying others upgrades. I want better players in my raid team, if im gonna beat someone on the meters i dont want it to only be because ive more gear. Such fragile egos that need to 1 up everyone at any cost.


Because it takes about 2 weeks worth of research to afford the tier 6 alloy diagram anyway, so it wont really matter. Unless you are just saving it all up for one item.

because this is shaping up to be a 3 year + xpack

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I think that speaks more about the content than the players. If the producers are afraid that players would rather do easy content to get gear, then why waste so many assets on the hard stuff? Seems like an illogical conclusion to me.

There are definitely players that love the hard stuff, and then there are players that just like to try and keep anyone else from having fun.

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Well I mean its basic math why would I spend hrs on a full normal raid clear for a chance of loot. When I can spend a similar amount of hours for a better return (plus get gear from 200ilvl on up so it can be done even by a fresh 60 who couldnt possibly raid).

Full 220 gear is sufficient for the first few weeks of 9.1 allows you to start a new alt and gear for the heroic raid in about 2 weeks.

226 this early serves no purpose except to completely invalidate normal raid gearing (which for some players is their endgame).

220 or 226 has no difference for heroic raiders we will take a 220 geared alt who has normal raid experience (to understand the base mechanics) to heroic as they can clear the first half the raid and get upgrades.

210 ilvl can clear m+10 dungeons so also no need for 226 to start that either.

What value does 226 or 233 items at the start of 9.1 give? What does it cost? What content becomes no longer valuable to do?

The thing is, the OP has; they don’t want to group up or join a guild so they’ve effectively reached their soft cap.


You’ve still got gear progression. it’s just not as fast as you like it. That’s a personal problem, not Blizzard’s problem.

You want faster gear progression, raid, do M+, PvP. Literally anything but world quests and grinding korthia will give you better gear.

Because people cried for all of 9.0 that they wanted a long slow grind that allowed them to progress their gear.

Be careful what you wish for!


Yeah pretty much this; you can get gear up to some crazy high levels it’s just that it’s going to take you a while to get it there.

Which is what the casuals were demanding?

I ground all the way to 6, and its not even account wide for fresh alts. wtf is wrong with this game


Ion forgot that the “casuals” are the ones who actually keep the game alive, apparently. I wonder how all the heavy raiders and high m+ runners will feel when their game shuts down because they were so upset that a “casual” :scream: dared got to within 20-25ilvl of them. The horror! The horror! :crazy_face:

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My favorite part is not only is using it not account-wide, your alts don’t even unlock the ability to purchase the book unless they’re also rank 6.