Why. Why do this? Research report: Adaptive Alloys

I did read it. I also pointed out how this isn’t really a problem you need to worry that much about if you are willing to put in some minimal effort for gear that will eventually be better then what you can get from a normal raid.

Perhaps if you played more and posted less you’d get the relics faster?

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Some might say that those some have no idea what they’re talking about, since they’re comparing looting treasures and doing dailies in Korthia to Heroic raiding. While Heroic raids become easy to people who clear them every week, I would love to see some of the people, who exclusively gear from Korthia and haven’t touched a raid beyond LFR, be thrown into a Heroic raid and then tell me if it’s “easier” than Korthia.

Also, being time consuming != difficult.

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My guess they will end up going back to that model after seeing all the complaint threads made about world quests this expansion. Especially now that titan forging, and war forge are a thing of the past. Raiders would no longer have to worry about world questers getting stuff that could forge to heroic, or mythic quality. Don’t see why raiders would worry about world questers getting normal raid mode type of stuff, since most progression/hardcore raiders blaze through normal mode raids, and mythic+ dungeons in a matter of a few weeks anyways.


You really didn’t though.

put 252 volt awart for world quest , pepole gonna love it , then gonna do alot of world quest if then like to do , is fun

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I did actually, but the simple fact was that the obvious needed to be stated. That you are rejecting the tools that you have at your disposal is on you, not the game.

no u cant , koranita gear dont get dom gem , and

No. All you’re doing is spouting puns without actually addressing anything that I said. Look at this statement:

This isn’t about my effort. If it was, I could have had a full set of 226 gear by now. This is about the mechanics imposed upon me by blizz restricting said effort.

I’m also pretty sure you’re just trolling me at this point so I’ll be putting you on ignore now. Bye.


The topic here is relic gear, not dom shards (which you can still get by clearing Mor’geth over in the Maw/

cant do margeret alot u can do one time in a week , then u dont get a gears of it as pepole gonna give to the bad demon hunter that do afk

I’m sorry that the game isn’t supportive enough of your casual lifestyle? :man_shrugging:t4:

Yes but since you need at least 50 days to get a full set of 226 gear and the unlock won’t happen for at least 35 days plus you only get roughly 1200 CR a day means 35 x 1200 (assuming you play everyday and do everything = 42k CR. Less 4k for the item itself = 38k. 38k CR / 4250 per item = 8 slots of 226 gear by the time that rolls around. 8 slots out of the 14 for normal SoD gear…

Of course, that math depends on when you started farming. If your farmed from day 1, you’ll have more CR. I didn’t start day 1 :expressionless:


So what your saying is it unlocks too early? And we should push it back to renown 80 which will give people enough time to farm the research for all slots?

I mean sure its no problem for me if they push it back but I think alot of casuals would rather fill the 8 slots they can (weapon, rings, neck, trinkets, 2 non dominanation slot gears and cloak is 8).

It makes sense to me. If you’re going to raid Normal, as you brought up, you’re fine with what you can currently unlock.


Lol no. What I’m saying is the unlock should be much earlier. If it was, then I could at least start working on my first piece of 226 gear. Or getting a piece.

Say it again for the people at the bottom of the thread. Im heroic raid geared and some of the world elites still give me a beating. There is plenty of reasons why people who only do world content need to gear up.


You can. Save up the CR. There’s how you start working towards it. I get that you don’t want to wait a bunch more weeks to get Normal raid ilevel, but you’re not going to get it any faster. If that happens, people will complain like they did about the Covenant set: it was too easy and too fast.

There’s no winning in the time gate debate. :confused:

Of course they do. They’re elites. They’re supposed to.

And casuals do gear up. They just gear up slower. Some don’t like how long it takes, but it’s even like this in Old Republic if you don’t run raids. If there’s a happy middle, no one’s found it yet. lol

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Blizzard made the call that opening up 226 gear too early would hurt engagement with their group content (raid, m+ and rated pvp). Which is true if you can get equivalent gear from spending 1hr doing some dailies and killing elites around you.

While you might not agree with the decision it does make sense from a numbers perspective as if there are no players doing X content its hard to justify producing that content for next expansion and trust me wow with just heroic and mythic raiding would probably die fast due to alienating a huge section of the player base.


I have been a heroic raider for a very long time, and I find gearing through raiding much more fun then the endless grinding of research that I do on my alts.

But then, it leads me back to my main point. Why do you even care? You have your path to gear and OP has his way. You see heroic raiding as more difficult and time consuming, bully you. :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s not like he is going to steal your place in your raid… :thinking: or is he…


226 is normal. Basically there’s no reason to farm korthia beyond 220 and then just do Normal SoD or Tazavesh normal/hard with pugs. There are good pugs exist that can do normal without hours of wipes