Why were the Worgen sidelined so much in their own city's reclamation?

They never should have had the Forsaken, of all people, helping them in that fight. At least, not without the Forsaken facing fierce resistance from the Gilneans. For me, the “cool, werewolves fighting alongside zombies” sentiment only goes so far.


I don’t have an issue with Gilneans fighting alongside Forsaken eventually, the problem is that this was the GILNEAS RECLAIMATION. The Forsaken should have had NO say in the matter.

Including the Forsaken also took away from having more worgen presence. For example, imagine if the Lilian Voss ability was summoning worgen down to pounce and ambush foes like they are stated to do in lore, and we have seen them do before? That would have been way better.

Instead Blizzard shafted worgen because the Gilneas Reclaimation quest was MORE about showing the Forsaken have turned a new leaf than it was about the Gilneans actually reclaiming their kingdom. There was no reason to have the enemies be Scarlets other than it gives the Forsaken a reason to be there cause Blizzard wants to force feed this story about how good the Forsaken are now under Calia.


Only if she makes thigh-highs great again.


Calia is Golden’s new pet so of course she gets spotlight since the Forsaken must be saved from their own darkness or something like that. The force of showing us how much we suck up to the alliance neigbors must be seen and accepted by all players.

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So, anyway, Worgen. Cool werewolf race that got sidelined in their own story. Feels bad man.


Par for the course really. And I think it’s largely because

  1. The devs didn’t want to actually make them playable, but someone higher up overruled them

  2. They don’t know what to do with the actual race itself and so they just act petty and screw over the worgen community where they can.

But that’s just a theory of mine, not much to back it up besides the terrible plot hooks they keep adding and them ignoring the worgen for 13 yrs


Wouldn’t surprise me. Their weird explanation for why the curse doesn’t get passed down and the fact they put a non-Worgen in charge tells me they just want to throw them on the pile of “races we don’t want to include in the story anymore”. Will sit there right alongside the Tauren and Pandaren.


Callia made an overture to Greymane and he accepted. Greymane had personalised their conflict as one between himself and Sylvannas and she isn’t in the picture.

And the help is in the persons of Callia and Lillian Voss, probably the best faces that the Forsaken could have put forward, especiall since both Voss and the Lady Greymane served together with the UnCrowned.

Genn is pretty old now. Bliz prepares the new generation of leaders for “mortal races”. They want to introduce some “new and young” faces as leaders in the races of the game.

  • Dagran Thaurissan II for Ironforged Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves (and Wildhammer?)
  • Shandris Feathermoon for Night Elves
  • Tess Greymane for Worgen
  • Already done for Kul Tiran
  • Thrall soon for another Orc for the Orcs?
  • Already done for Trolls, Zandalari, Goblins and Forsaken
  • Lor’themar Theron soon for Lady Liadrin for Blood Elves?
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I don’t mind most of these “passing of the torch” type scenarios… except for the Worgen. They decided that Tess shouldn’t be a Worgen because the curse is suppose to be a bad thing. Except that they never really ever addressed the bad parts of the Worgen curse. The only time we were shown any real downside to the curse was during the intro quests, which is promptly “fixed” by the Night Elves coming in and teaching them the ritual to calm down the wolf.

If Tess were to become a Worgen herself, then there wouldn’t be such an issue with her being the new Queen of Gilneas. Yes, Gilneas is one of the human kingdoms and there are non-Worgen Gilneans; but that’s not the fantasy that players signed up for when choosing Worgen on the character screen. The players were sold a werewolf fantasy, to be that savage beast lurking just under the surface.

And now Blizzard has completely pulled the rug out from under them because it’s become clear that if it’s not a Human, Elf, or Orc… then they don’t matter in this franchise. They’re just the sidekicks.


And the Deathguard outside hucking canisters of Blight at the city.
The same artillery that was used to initially force the Gilneans out after Sylvanas killed Liam.


It’s all relative… most of the armanents we condemm other countries for using, we happily develop ourselves.

So, tell us all the times the gilneans used the plague on their enemies. Seeing you believe it’s all relative and all.


“They never should have had the Forsaken, of all people, helping them in that fight. At least, not without the Forsaken facing fierce resistance from the Gilneans. For me, the “cool, werewolves fighting alongside zombies” sentiment only goes so far.”

It’s like with Amadrasil. If you are going to have a patch based on Alliance content, then Horde players either play it also or have to sit out the patch.

So you needed some way for Horde characters to be protagonists in the quests. What race would you replace the Forsaken with? At least this drove home the plot development of Forsaken-Worgen ending their war.

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There are a few options;

  • Goblins, including Gazlowe’s cartel from before he replaced Gallywix.
  • Tauren, given a few shared customs and values.
  • Blood Elves, given how they used to be Alliance at one point and this can also be used as step towards reconciliation or at least reducing bad blood between Horde and Alliance.
  • Nightborne, perhaps trying to indirectly atone for their involvement in the War of Thorns and the Burning of Teldrassil.
  • Nightborne and Blood Elves given the last two points and their leaders being happily married.

Resolving the conflict between Forsaken and Worgen is a fine idea, but it was poorly done in that scenario.


By accepting the help of the Forsaken, they did it to the Crusade… So it’s an even one for one.

No one can argue that they were going to be ignorant of the tactics that would be used.

Liam jumped into the arrow that Sylvanas was aiming at Genn. Liam killed himself.

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The arrow killed Liam.
The arrow shot from Sylvanas’ bow, by Sylvanas, with intent to kill.
At absolute best it’s manslaughter, because she had intent, and it’s completely on her.
Setting aside the whole invasion and attempt at genocide for a port and all of that obviously villainous such and such.


Or… and I know this might be CRAZY, Blizzard could have just done what they did with the Reclaiming of Lordaeron questline where the player gets disguised to look like the other faction while they help them in their quest. That way lore-wise the Forsaken weren’t really there helping while it allows Horde players to do the content.

There was zero. NONE. No reason for the Forsaken to be involved in the Gilneas questline other than the fact that Blizzard is pushing the Forsaken with Calia are good now narrative.


Feels arbitrary to me. But I guess that is the choice. Either the neighbors you have conflicted with, or someone neutral because you haven’t interacted with them much.