Based on my experiences with the questline, I do think the Scarlets have… reason to be present in Gilneas. At least if you’re willing to believe that them permanently establishing themselves in Northrend is unsustainable. I’ve always thought they’d eventually try and return to Lordaeron, except between the Forsaken, Ebon Blade, and Argent Crusade, there’s no where for them to reestablish themselves.
Given that Blizzard waffled endlessly about whether or not Gilneas was a toxic wasteland, or a Black Dragon hideout, or completely filled with Forsaken expats, I’m also glad they decided it was relatively intact. Meaning that an empty nation that’s being abandoned by it’s occupiers would be my first choice for a base of power neighboring my enemies.
If I was the one to work on it though?
First of all, there would be Scarlet and Gilnean/Kultiran ships in the harbor in a full blown naval battle. There’s the Alliance participation since the Scarlets had to have sailed down from Northrend, so they’d have ships surrounding the coast. 7th Legion keeping the Scarlet Navy occupied works well enough for Genn and the Worgen to make landfall.
Calia and the Forsaken are to help to uphold the promise made to Genn? Fine, have the Forsaken army near the Wall, and be pulling a faux retreat. The Scarlets, being zealous in their hatred of the Forsaken give chase into the northern woods of Gilneas. Fill the area with fog and then have the Worgen ambush the Scarlet Vanguard from behind in the fog. Have the Worgen Commander be Crowley because northern Gilneas was his land. The Worgen can’t lose the opportunity to cripple the main Scarlet force, so by the end of the first phase of the battle, the Scarlets are caught between the Forsaken ahead of them, and the Worgen behind them.
Once the Scarlets rout, Crowley and Calia meet at the gate. They can exchange words and Calia can offer to come with and help. But the Forsaken Army is outside Gilneas now. The rest of the battle would be up to Crowley, Genn, and Tess, with Calia offering her assistance. Now the Worgen will siege the city and they’ll do it their own way. No tanks, no bombardments, guns optional.
They just clamber up and over the walls and rooftops like the horrifying bloodthirsty beasts they can be. Have the Scarlets in the city set up their barricades and stakes, and watch as the Worgen just go over or around them. Jumping down from the rooftops on top of guard patrols, grabbing lone Scarlets in the alleyways and snuffing their torches. These are creatures of the night, the battle to take the city should take place at night.
Scarlets exhuming the Gilnean graves to purify them? No, lame. They’re not the Forsaken. Instead have the Scarlets keeping caged members of Ivar Bloodfang’s pack, whom will be put to death soon. Break them out, meet with the Bloodfang, bring them in as reinforcements. But then it happens. The Bloodfang are relentless and rabidly attack anything that looks like a normal human, mistaking them as a Scarlet.
And Tess is a normal human, and that’s enough of a reason for a Bloodfang to attack her. Of course she wins the fight and disables her attacker before retreating into a building to check herself. Her arm is bleeding. It wasn’t a flawless victory and the realization that she’s been bitten dawns on her. She wraps up the wound and soldiers on.
Boss fight against the Light Fanatic proceeds as usual until the Light Fanatic changes into a big light monstrosity, and then blasts Genn and wounds him badly. Tess is triggered. Cue the transformation. The Scarlet leader is defeated and Tess flees the scene. Genn recovers, and tracks her down. Cue the Daddy-Daughter talk, except now Tess doesn’t need to guilt her father over the Wall, but instead the fact that his concern for her only spiked once he discovered she was cursed like him. Repair their relationship as intended, Genn passes on the crown.
HAVE A CROWNING CEREMONY TO FINISH THE QUESTLINE. Come on, it’s just NPCs standing around watching, it’s not that taxing. Leaders are passing on the ruling of nations like it’s parents handing off the keys of their old car to their kid as their first vehicle. There are steps that must be performed, you can’t just call yourself the Queen now offscreen… Calia.
Okay, that was a lot more than I intended, shutting up now. I just would have liked a bit more… a bit better.