Not just the more down to earth nature of it all, but creating dungeons that are not completely connected to the outside world offers just so much creativity for narrative beyond just art design. You can only do so many things with the Wailing Caverns or Stockades, even Deadmines, until it runs a little dry.
Given our 5 years since end of BFA and the crippling of most military forces in the Horde and Alliance (recall folks one lost almost every engagement, the other was about to call up farmers to fight) and our fun Scourge running rampant issues from Shadowlands - everyone is running a little thin.
So its a great time and place to revisit some of the more minor threats we’d normally had under control and dial them up.
- Scarlets are a first that come to mind personally - radicals who are, apparently, still able to pose a physical threat to the Forsaken in Lordearon of all places are great for their traditional areas but also their new stronghold in the remote mountains of Alterac.
- While the Defias seem gutted, I’d like to see some sort of schism happen there with the more grey, red bandana wearing, communal forming, radical organizing, union thugs against the monarchy are having to purge their more criminal elements who joined just for the power. Westfall and Elywnn remain great places for them.
- Grimtotem expanding in Dustwallow, 1000 Needles, Feralas, and Southern Barrens. Both pushing back any Alliance trying to reassert themselves but also claiming they now watch over territories that are at ends with Thunder Bluff and the tribes associated there on a tribe by tribe basis. Ragetotem in Southern Barrens, Spirithorn in Feralas, Ogres and Mistweavers in Dustwallow, and Stonehoof in 1k Needles. Actually show Thunder Bluff is a confederation of tribes and not a monolith.
- Druid schism in Desolace, northern Feralas, and Stonetalon. Primarily between restoring all to a heavily forested, dense, and almost tropical, biome and letting life or growth be restored in its own manner. Aiding it grow where it struggles, but not forcing their ideals of what it should be.
- Gurubashi joining the Horde and having to convince or pacify the smaller tribes along Stranglethorn. Alliance obviously trying to hinder these efforts.
- Demon issues in Swamp of Sorrows and Blasted Lands. Some Dreadlord or other crafty/strong Demon doing things in the places we expect it/have seen.
- Deaders are in the Plaguelands and Ghostlands still. Finally the final/major assault into the Plaguewoods and Stratholm.
- General nation building issues Arathi, Hinterlands, and Twilight Highlands. Could add the Dark Iron in Searing Gorge to this - if not making Blackrock Mountain its own independent zone cause it certainly has the size…
All of these remain a bit open ended when we finish. Sure we succeed, but given how thinned out most official forces are their ability to maintain most of these gains are sporadic or tentative at best. It keeps them open for small revisit quests later, dailies, and other end game/collectors/just for fun content. Think all the old PvP objectives we can revisit - as big/central/obvious as Hellfire towers or small and minor as the Southern Barrens and Twilight Highlands flag + dailies.