Why were the Worgen sidelined so much in their own city's reclamation?

I should have said that the boons greatly outweigh the negatives in this situation. And is the whole rage thing even canon anymore? It was mentioned once in Wolfheart, but it’s never been bought up again since.


Yeah, in stories I could easily see this ‘curse’ needing to be handled and managed with some/many being unable to resist the problem elements…

Though really you just need the “beast” to recognize that friends are not prey but pack and all good.

All in all, even if you have a few “rogues” who enjoy acting like a beast that doesn’t need to be the default.

So, since players are not permitted choice and are beholden to the forced narrative of the authors, we don’t get the option to choose to let out or restrain the beast within.


I don’t think it would just go away. I mean technically at the beginning of Legion Genn gets really pissed off fighting Nathanos and transforms into his worgen form. You could argue that was an instance of his rage getting the better of him.

There’s also the worgen heritage when Tess is a worgen, she losses herself to the rage.

It just sucks Blizzard doesn’t do a good job of really showing the downsides.


Chiming in here, but only Sylvanas constantly caterwauled and bemoaned undeath and complained about it being a “curse” constantly. Even her own Banshees shrugged.

The Forsaken nation didn’t just collapse overnight after Arthas fell either because it’s so unbearable to persist and there’s no reason to go on.

Instead they rebranded and developed a new alternative culture. One Forsaken puts it as such:

Speaking frankly, the Forsaken of yesteryear were a sniveling, pathetic group. We huddled together in decrepit old human buildings, hiding from the Scourge, cowering from the Alliance, and groveling at the foot of the Horde.

Basically, you can either wallow in your pit of woe, or rebuild yourself and take control back in your life.

Both the Worgen and the Forsaken have done this. The cursed races shouldn’t be pitied or belittled. They’re stronger because they have a disability and instead they overcame it and now surpass the limitations they had before.

The Worgen have more than once demonstrated they deserve a place on Azeroth.


That’s true. And I’m not saying it should go away, they should lean into the curse more and show a split between those like Ivar, who view it more as a boon/blessing and those who may hate the curse, but decided to do something good with it.


While I do not remember the quest, if Nathanos was being his normal snarky, sarcastic self, then I don’t see how this is the curse’s fault.

There were many times when a simple Nathanos line made me wish I could just to rip his throat out with my own teeth, and I’m not even worgen!!


Not only was Natty Blight being his usual self, he was intentionally antagonizing Genn to boot. Knowing the guy had a short temper when it came to Sylvanas and the undead at the time.


Nah, Voss had to play grief counselor for the newly risen for a reason. Even Zelling, who is the rare case of someone we saw choosing undeath while they were still alive, had to listen to Voss give a disclaimer of the drawbacks. And that’s the point. There are drawbacks. That’s what makes it a curse. And that’s one of the reasons I’ve heard many Forsaken players cite as to why Calia is a poor representative of the Forsaken. She skipped all the drawbacks, so she isn’t truly one of them.

That said, I’m not saying it has to be all doom and gloom. It’s perfectly fine to have the pros outweigh the cons, and turning what many would consider a weakness into a strength is a compelling story. I’m all for that. They overcame a hardship and come out of it stronger than ever. That is what I think the worgen heritage quest should have been about. I just don’t want to see the negatives erased entirely because then the hardships are minimized and the story loses all its edge.


Nathanos was intentionally trying to make Genn angry to show the beast.

Nathanos Blightcaller yells: Slay them all! For the Dark Lady!
Genn Greymane yells: Monsters! You have no place in this world!
Nathanos Blightcaller yells: You call us monsters? How rich. Stop holding back, old man! Show us the real you.
Genn Greymane yells: Rrgghhh… ENOUGH!
Greymane obliges and shifts to his worgen form.
Nathanos Blightcaller yells: Ah, there you are!


Well I’d argue undeath has far more drawbacks than the worgen curse. Modern undeath as it’s portrayed (at least the Forsaken strain) is literally rolling the dice when it comes to what mentality/emotional state you’ll have when risen. Some are very lucky and come out emotionally/mentally the same person they were while living, some have dulled positive emotions and heightened negative ones, some lose the ability to feel positive emotions at all and only feel negative (Raleigh Andrean the ex-cook comes to mind on that one), and some come out a cardboard cut-out of evil ‘death to the living’ insanity.

Worgen…have primal urges and a short-temper. Which sucks, but I’d much rather have that than being a zombie.


I fully agree.


Fair, but I’d much rather be a mentally unstable zombie than deal with the absolute self-contradictory, intentionally-flawed, morally-bankrupt excuse of an afterlife that is the Shadowlands.

If that’s everyone else’s idea of a reward, you all can have it.

And the Worgen are still better people than they started as.


Lol, no. Making Tess a worgen is lame. They should make her like her hearthstone card instead.


Well, I wouldn’t mind going to Ardenwealde, but other than that, yeah >_>

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As a troll, Rathi should be going to the Other Side, but Zul’jin was sent to Revendreth, so who even knows how that works anymore?


Where are these Scarlet Crusaders coming from? Are they edgy teenagers from Stormwind?


I mean, if you’re going to throw Kael’thas onto the list, may as well add Rastakan too. Neither were technically a part of the Horde when they died, after all, but still were the proper racial leaders for two Horde races.


There’s as many elves Scarlets as the plot requires.

It’s a portal dimension they spawn from, I think.


All the MHPs who quit the game die and become Crusaders.


That explains a lot :stuck_out_tongue: