The only thing I can think of adding any more to the OP and all the discussion on this quest, and I could probably say this in a few threads by now, is adding the Scarlet Crusade as the antagonists of the quests was a good call.
Hear me out - this isn’t a ‘wo is me’ Forsaken who doesn’t want to be slapped around by the Alliance again. Far from it. I saw one suggestion that bringing Godfrey back out of nowhere (just like they did Warden Stillwater) and having his own little Forsaken separatist/Scourge army and thought it was a pretty A+ idea. (Make him an enemy of Calia too and I might have joined up with him). Rather, I still believe Scarlets make compelling enemies and their focus/attempt of taking over of Gilneas is a natural narrative progression for them.
I’ve mentioned at various lengths how the Scarlets can/should/have come back, grown, and reestablished their presence in the Eastern Kingdoms. At some point I should really do a master list of it all. Anyway, the projection of the Crusade has been from noble/“noble” aspirations fighting the Scourge, to zealous and paranoid Scourge fighters cleansing the unclean, to actual xenophobic (albeit successful) Scourge fighters fanned further by Balnazzar. They were outwardly successful, all the followers are lost in the sauce, holdings safe and secure, and their military force formidable.
Looking to Gilneas as this source of ‘unclean’ monsters that plague the living isn’t far fetched, nor having concern in their twisted minds that the Worgen of Gilneas, much like the Forsaken of Lordearon, are no different than the Sons of Arugal or any other feral worgen. Add the fact that the Lich King at least can bring back Worgen into undeath reason enough for them to burn them just the same as any potentially compromised or unclean human. Given Schrodinger’s Gilneas going on 10 years, I see no reason as to why Scarlets wouldn’t find a relatively empty kingdom and setup shop. Even if it was just a splinter force.
Yes, they were out of nowhere and the Worgen have yet to have any meaningful interaction with the Scarlets. There is no denying that. However, the quest doesn’t suffer from who you’re killing as much as it is who you’re helping as has been thoroughly discussed (worgen in human forms, Tess, Calia, Voss, the lack of so many characters, any real worgen/warewolf feeling, the bare bones completed phase, etc)
If they’re really this intent on making the Crusade a thing again, and as I’ve mentioned a number of times, it is almost fully logical given the setting’s events that people my flock to them in relative droves once more. This is just another extension of that. How they’ll actually create the Scarlets as a force to be reckoned with rather than plopped in quest fodder is an entirely different story (cough Alterac cough, I also go something for Tyr’s Hand cooking).
We need more persistent 3rd parties in the world if we ever want to break this cycle of cosmic world ending events and overt faction wars. The Scarlets can, and should be, just one instance of that.