Why were the OG ZG mounts not added to the secrects of ZG in 10.0.7


As the title suggests im curious as to why these mounts were not added as rewards for the ZG content added in 10.0.7. Even if a great deal of work and gold is required to obtain these mounts (much like t3) I think they should have been added.

What are your thoughts on this idea and the new secrects of naxx feature as a whole?


to remain prestigious for those who have earned them the right way.

and to give others a reason to envy and admire these human giants.


ugh! With as low as the gold bijous are currently dropping, I would not be keen on farming more for the mounts :rofl:

Because Blizzard cares about the people that bought pixels from the BMAH but not about the people that paid 10x as much on TCG items.

It’s selective prestige on Blizzard’s end.


Pray tell, what is prestigious about dropping a couple gold caps on the BMAH?

it shows that you’re a big roller, and makes all the poor peasants turn their heads at your magnificence.


You mean solo them in wotlk and pray RNG they dropped?
This is the equivalent of having the lich king be removed tomorrow and then calling invincible prestigious for “earning it the right way”

Dunno. The prestige for Zul’gurub is not really there when you get down to it. Naxx Drakes to a certain degree. The wotlk version was mocked as a joke for a reason and the server crashes and lag were far bigger dangers for your immortal runs than the actual bosses, as well as the short time window for their availability.

Gladiator mounts have far more prestige that whatever prestige there’s for Zul gurub mounts or naxx proto-drakes. Those were and are still hard to get plus they require your skills and time investment through the season.

The vanilla pvp titles are a bit of a oddball. In theory, they ARE supposed to be prestigious. In practice, pretty much everyone actually shared account to keep pvping nonstop and earning them. The way the honor rank worked meant that even a single day skipped could set you back a lot, and no sane human being would be able to no-life wow pvp nonstop like that.

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Because it’s a mount and not transmog

I dont’ see the prestige. Gladiator mounts are prestigious, but not this ones lol.

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False. I did it in Classic and I did it without any assistance. To this day, I enjoy the fact that I can mog the Replica Gear to this day because of it, and I achieved all of my PVP victories through sheer determination.

Fun fact. Blizzard was far more proactive about their GMing of such things in 2005. Anyone who shared accounts got banned, full stop the end. Stop trying to marginalize people who achieved what you probably were not able to. Be glad you can even get those titles and the mogs still.

Behold, peasants. My swift zulian tiger I got from soloing zg the month before it got zapped.

Totally earned it for being handsome and correct.


Not sure why i have a hard time believing it, especially given how the honor rank decay worked in vanilla. IF you are being truthful, then grats. And i have to question if you have any kind of sanity left after that lol.

Not always. Account sharing did happen by having someone else play from your pc or something like that. I know plenity of people who did that. And a lot of people more or less came forward and admitted as such on forums like mmo-c and reddit.

I’m not marginalizing anyone. I’m just speaking based on what i observed. You should chill, because i can see what kind of sanity got drained from you after that grind lol.

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Maybe they were on a quieter server. I know the turbo nerds on some of the bigger servers had spreadsheets and an agreed upon order of who was getting rank 14 that week so they didn’t all have to poop bucket it.

Of course that went about as well as to be expected and much poop bucketing and drama was abound.

I also know on my server this retired person managed to get grand marshal and they keyboard turned and clicked but they were on every day and night.


That pretty much sums it up. You either logged and pvp’d every day or you shared account. Im not sure if the former is a positive, given the guy above that lashed on me for “marginalizing”(i did no such thing) him. And yeah, any attempt of organizing who gets the ranks went about as well as you’d expect.

I do remember a fair few people on my realm were accused of account sharing and a few of paying farmers from China.

I also know people who account shared for much less nefarious reasons who never got actioned.

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Which is? Buying it off the BMAH?

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What a lot of people don’t realize is that Blizzard GMs, for as active as they were, usually didn’t look into your account unless you were pretty blatant or careless in your account sharing or whatever EULA violation you were doing.

I know for a fact that during MoP, someone from my old server got green fire for his brother and his gf’s warlocks and had no issues whatsoever. They were playing in WoD still.

I was being flippant. I think it’s stupid that Blizzard is picking and choosing which 8 pixeled crap is going to remain rare and “prestigious” and which isn’t.

They can’t say “oh we can’t put old ZG back in because people spent so much money on the mounts” then turn around and make a drake that used to sell for millions of gold worthless. Plus, the majority of mounts on the BMAH are still obtainable from their original loot tables.

I also think the Naxx drakes should come back for the simple fact they have never removed achievement meta mounts since then. I fully support the titles staying gone but the mounts make zero sense.


Love the name btw. Just wanted to say

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it went from 100% to 1% didnt it? when it stopped being current tier?