Why were Scenarios removed?

Would be a nice addition. Some of the jumps in the story are pretty confusing since its ‘all in the books’.

They would distract from their e-sport agenda. Why bother making content that is only for fun?

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Side note, I get so excited to see you in a thread. You’re always a super positive player.

Not sure, BFA had island expeditions but that’s about it. I would most certainly play them. They were one of my favorite past times to do in MOP.

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Apparently scenarios would require nearly as much effort as a dungeon to make, except be way worse to do due to the rewards

So they just dropped them

They were a cool way to insert a little more story into the game.

That can’t possibly true – not that I think your lying, but there is no way those small Scenarios took as much effort as a ‘dungeon’. It’s more like getting your legendaries in Legion if anything.

I think more so they just don’t want to put the effort into Scenarios is most probable.

It isn’t a waste of it gets used as a way to reiterate and build upon, and whilst it feels like they were “removed”, ultimately, as Darthvixen pointed out, they were turned into other scenarios and PvE content

Besides the fact they, primarily, used locations already existing in the game, yes they could easily take as much time as a dungeon to design, especially since they were far more story driving which means a lot more voice acting, a lot more storyboarding, making sure mechanics work that are specific to each scenario, and so on

Blood in the Snow was nothing like A Little Patience or A Brewing Storm - which means nothing can be reused and they all have to be unique, which whilst good for the players, it means that they are far more difficult to make and honestly, as someone who played during MoP … they weren’t anything special, folks did 'em for the reward and then forgot they existed

Scenarios became quests with stages in WoD; then in Legion they were probably scrapped and the development was used for M+ except for the Withered Training scenario; in BfA they became Island Expeditions; and in SL they became Torghast

That’s just the nature of how Blizzard tend to develop the game for better and worse; it means we get more variety from one expansion to another, but it also means that we don’t get massively in-depth explored and developed systems
Come DF I have no idea what ‘Scenarios’ turned into but, through a complicated process that has taken from Legion to now, I suspect that ‘Scenarios’ has turned into the profession overhaul which… a lot of people are going to be happy about, but we also dunno if they are adding in anything else that’s more PvE-scenario-esque based, at least I am not aware of anything at the moment of writing this

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They didn’t really provide a whole lot of incentive other than to progress or for achievement hunting reasons. I’d be better off doing Dungeons because it gave actual rewards for doing them.

Much as I did have fun with them, its honestly no different from a dungeon other than it takes place out in the world than a closed instance. (Which honestly, they should do more if possible…)

Fair, I suppose I didn’t think of it that way, it just seemed with how small they are – that it wasn’t possible they could be as large as Dungeons were.

They were small in terms of the areas they occupied, but development-wise … I dunno how big they were since I’m not a developer but still, I have a hard time thinking they’d be small

And hey, we have received other scenarios since then, even if they have focused more on introductionary elements rather than storytelling specific acts or aspects of the game, and don’t get me wrong - I definitely want some of those scenarios back again but… its better to keep it to questing I think, rather than “Oh-kay, I need to go and revisit blowing up Theramore again” much in the same way that the daily heroics used to work, but without the daily-incentive … very few actually ran 'em :confused:

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Imagine if the brought them back and used them for story stuff but, they also added m+ to them however the rewards would be worst in terms of gear than an actual m+ dungeon.

Because they gave weak loot.

Similar to how non-current LFR dies because nobody actually wants to see story stuff.

I wish this was true, we would have so many dungeons and raids. :c

A ton of content is removed because to entice participation it will offer rewards, and if the reward is in any way a pathway to power progression then the elitists will cry like toddlers all day that its “mandatory” and they shouldn’t have to do anything outside of the thing they want to do. It’s happened every xpack that the raiders will cry like toddlers about having to do anything other than raid log.

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I would of loved for Blizz to have brought back scenarios via the table missions.

Instead of sending followers on mobile game missions players would select themission ,pick their followers then queued for scenarios with their followers .

Would of been a fun way for solo players to have a way outside of open world for gearing and they could of had different levels of them based on a players ilvl .

Because they weren’t broken, which meant they needed to be fixed immediately

I think that’s more that the people who wanted to see the story stuff saw it every week for a season and there’s nothing left to discover.

It was about four years of playing before I figured it out. lol

We have had them back, just in different iterations.

But, they were gotten rid of because of a few reasons.

  1. Blizzard simply likes to try new things.
  2. People actually complained about them a lot.

I know a lot of people look back on them fondly, but, do you remember grinding them for hours and hours? Do you remember listening to the same dialogue over, and over, and over … and over… … … and over?

Scenarios were great, I enjoyed them… but, the path of least resistance dictates where the groups will go… and leveling and gearing in scenarios (if I’m remembering correctly) was super fast, which meant you had to run them on repeat.

I really wouldn’t mind them coming back, I think they’re a great way to tell a story and make sure people are all on the same page. There’s obvious issues with scenarios remaining relevant going from major patch to major patch, but, that doesn’t mean they can’t be used.

I think islands in BFA was their attempt at something similar again.

I hope it comes back again in some way. Small group content is fun. And more solo ability.