Slightly better than bwl worse than AQ, kept out of reach until after AQ releases just to be extremely mid. Was R14 a scam?
Haven’t really looked at the other ones but the 2Handers for Warrior are easily gonna be BIS for PvP. Dark Edge will be better for 2H Fury PvE DPS. If you really want the Dark Edge of Insanity proc in PvP just get a Darkmoon Card.
Because they don’t want PvP weapon to be BiS compared to PvE ones.
PvP weapon are BiS for PvP with the amount of stamina and the 5% flat damage reduction.
In terms of damage, they are better than Ashkandi (3.90 sec for R14 2H compared to 3.60 sec. Ashkandi).
Overall, I’m happy with what they did for PvP. Between ranks and STV event it is possible to be fully geared without having to step into a raid, something a lot of PvPers have asked for.
AQ doesn’t bring much difference in terms of gear anyway. Some classes keep there T2 BiS even this phase.
I’m more angry that BiS weapons are R14 for my shaman. I don’t like WoW PvP at all and regret it has to exist and moreso that BiS Weapons are “gatekept” behind 7 weeks of misery. To that end, I avoided it and am pursuing the 2nd best option for PvE… a PvE weapon drop.
they are identical. the aq40 axe has higher top end but lower low end. it will make almost no difference
They don’t want PVEers to have to PVP but force PVPers to PVE by putting busted set bonuses and trinkets behind raids.
Oh I agree that the difference is very minimal. It’s not like I’ll lose a minute of sleep over it one way or the other. I just think that PvE gear should be superior in all PvE environments.
You mean how PvE gear is pretty much BiS in every circumstance of the game?
Ah yes, I could use the pvp weapon that has 5% damage reduction, or I could use * checks my notes * my wind striker that has a proc to guarantee crits for 3 seconds with roughly the same damage. I wonder what I’d pick.
Yeah but that’s always been true in Classic. It’s currently the best it’s ever been now because you can at least get an item on every slot through PvP. Except one trinket but Torment being BiS it can be farmed.
Now I agree that some PvE set bonuses are too good to pass for PvP. The worst being the ZG set that needs exalted rep on top of farming gears.
Really depends on your class/spec but even if the PvE set is better you’ll want to stack the Blood-soaked off-set to get some stamina.
The weapon bonus is not cumulative so you can keep your main hand BiS PvE and take the PvP as off-hand.
The weird thing is that the BiS 2H dropped by C’Thun has a PvP proc that has no purpose in PvE. I guess they want to keep some gear option and not completely separate PvE and PvP.
On a final note, end-game PvE is much more accessible whilst less needed for PvP so all in all it’s not too bad.
Same with the WSG legs… where the hell did those go?
Rogue set bonuses are too good to give up for stamina. Since we control so thoroughly, the stamina incentive isn’t nearly as appealing… and even if it were, guess what 2 set set bonus gives us increased 30% increased stamina from roll the bones being procced on combo points? You guessed it, the PVE 2 set bonus.
That just isn’t a good enough motivation for me to grind out rank 14 tbh. They should have added survivability set bonuses to PvP gear, not just stam. Probably should have added resilience to PvP gear as well instead of having the just baseline 40% damage reduction in PvP.
The rogue 6 set tier 2 gear is a 1 minute cooldown on Vanish, something that is super PvP focused. It’s just dumb and frustrating how they have gear designed in this.
I just hate feeling forced into activities I don’t want to do. And it makes it far worse since I main a rogue, which every raid is going to have 20 extra rogues waiting in line for a spot. I’m just jaded at this point.
Yeah that’s why I dropped my rogue alt.
I’m ok to do the endgame PvE with my main but not on a second char. Now I focus on classes/specs that can perform well in PvP without PvE gear, or just the T2 but not the ZG one.
Imagine playing D&D and being able to just pick up a better sword from the blacksmith in town than the dragon at the end of the campaign may have in their hoard. The game is an RPG. PvE stuff, as in stuff held by monsters, is and always should be stronger than the stuff you buy in town.
It takes 7 weeks to rank get R14 and much longer in terms of game time than to loot from raid.
So saying PvP weapon equates buying from the blacksmith in town as dumb as it’s inaccurate.
That doesn’t change anything about the fact that it’s available in town from a quartermaster. The town quartermaster isn’t making better items, and shouldn’t make better items, than the ancient magical artifacts monsters hold. It’s an RPG. Try to understand the genre.
Sorry that happened to you.
In a RPG what matters is dedication. The longer you farm or the harder the hurdle, the better the reward.
Doesn’t matter if it drops from a dragon or a quartermaster.
No, pretty sure lore matters in an RPG. Ancient foes will have stronger items in their hoards than the guy down the street. Read The Hobbit, maybe you’ll understand.
This! Ancient foes carry stronger weapons then body type 1 “kings honor friend” Johnny in Stormwind!
Hes not wrong though. Time+effort=better loot in an rpg.
Ever heard of rep vendors?