Why were mail wearers given the short end of the stick in 9.2?

Says the friggin windwalker.

I’m pretty positive people who’s job it is to design armour etc…and also classes have it out for the hunter playerbase. I’m not even joking they constantly design the worst looking sets for it despite it being the most played class in the game and I’m pretty sure they hate the hunter playerbase because most just straight up refuse to play survival post rework even now when it is so OP in dungeon content.

Several people in this thread at least.
246 is not as strong as 259, pretty self explanatory. When 2 armor types are getting 2 main slots, 1 is getting 1 and you are getting 0 it feels a bit unbalanced.
The Tier Bonus slots also offer the highest stat budgets so a 13 item level loss in noticeable.

This just shows, imo, that we desperately need a 3rd class that uses Mail armor and possibly ranged weapons also.
Whatever it may be it is long overdue.

They’ll “fix” it when the engagement metrics call for it. That’s how things go now.

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I have a PvP set from way back that I still like. But overall, mail armor designs seem to get put through an algorithm that churns out completely and utter “meh” looks.

If you turn your resolution waaaay down, to the point where your toon is a pixelated blob, then all things are equal. I find this technique helps with some of those awful clothie robe designs as well!

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If you need a prime example of mail wearers getting the shaft design wise, look at the mage tower recolors.

I just wanna talk to the designer who thought bright blue and red made sense for a set designed around us wearing Gronn pelts, who are always neutral color tones.

Apparently we are supposed to believe somewhere out there we found a bright bright blue gronn and killed it just to make armor.

And that’s not even touching on the fact these colors red and blue do not go together at all. Especially with the browns.


Maybe you guys just aren’t creative

Maybe if we get a new class, Tinker or Bard or Dragonsworn or whatever, they will give it Mail armor and we can get some cool new looks.
The Hunter and Shaman aesthetics they’ve been using feel so random.

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I’d guess because there are only 2 mail wearing classes…but that’s probably not why

I’m gonna say we need a Haberdasher class ASAP to fix this mess.

that’s more hunter gets shafted than mail gets shafted tbh, hunter sets are pretty meh for the most part

Covenant mail sets aren’t bad. Kyrian armor texture looks like “mail”. Our armor either looks like leather or plate but not mail. They are getting better with “scales” in the armor texture, but truly in most RPG’s a Ranger wears mail. A true hunter would just wear leather as the moniker suggests. Our Ranger build would be survival well was in classic due to the DWing and using ranged attacks.

Sorry got off topic but yeah our armor usually sucks.

Imo they could stop making mail, move hunters to leather and shamans to plate, and the game would be just as good.

but it’s a benefit before the catalyst is released. Retitled: Why does Blizzard favor people that use mail?