Why were cutscenes from 20 years ago better than current WoW ones

Guys seriously… the cutscenes in WoW today are terrible compared to the Warcraft 3 ones. The Warcraft 3 ones felt so cinematic and they looked so realistic it felt like you were there seeing what the characters saw. I feel like everyone would be a lot more attached to whatever weird stuff Bliz does with lore if they made those nice cutscenes where every footstep of a character sounds so crunchy and satsifying


I can’t say I agree that the WC3 ones were better but to each their own I suppose.


Have you seen the Orc, Night Elf, and Human endings in Warcraft 3 those scenes were so cool and impactful

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Comparing cinematics isn’t a zero sum game. Those can be cool without being better than the modern ones.


man you went from bloodthirsty horde killer to “WHY DON’T THE MARLBOROS I SMOKE EVERY DAY TASTE AS GOOD AS THE FIRST TIME I HAD THEM WHEN I WAS 14” real quick.


I was kinda hoping they’d do a series of cinematics for each expansion like they did for Saurfang’s Sad Orc Saga but I guess that was just a one time thing.


I’d like WoW’s cutscenes if I were more invested in it. I played as Arthas, I commanded his armies and when it came time for him to kill his father it was a great cutscene.

Sylvanas walking up to ICC with like 5 arrows in her quiver and somehow making it to the top unscathed just to slap Bolvar around is dumb. Sadly though Blizzards current writers are below your average sonic fan fiction author.

P.S. Blizzard get rid of Danuser


The old ones at least tried for animations. Still wonder who signed off on release of Jaina at the tree as anduin gets the heart.

Dramatic moment in theory. And there I was wanting to ask Jaina “are you having a stroke?”. As her face showed signs of it (lack of full normal facial muscle activity), and the marienette movement to show lack of body control…

I mean its cool in thunderbirds. Since, you know, they are marionettes. jaina is not a marionette.


They have different cinematic styles. Their full on cinematics I still see as top-notch(…we could argue about the content/logic perhaps). Their versions that use in-game models less so, but eh. Easier to make I guess by far, and the alternative is we’d just not have them at all so I prefer them to having none at least.

I seem to recall they had another style which I really disliked but it’s been a long time and I’m questioning my memory. Where everything looked like someone was taking pictures of a cutout and moving it around. But those were so bad that I feel like I’ve tried to block them from my memory.

I’m not even sure that was WoW at this point tbh. All I know is that it was a horrrrrrid style. :expressionless:

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Pretty sure those were the animations from BFA

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Too many of them, even if it was 3. Or 5. Or 1. Just bad.


My memory sucks these days.

Simple…better writing and Blizzard cared about the game and players.

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“I failed humanity once before, and I will not do so again. If you can not take up this cup, then I shall find another who will”

Always loved Medivh’s character.

The cut scenes I dislike are the ones they use the new models and don’t change their faces to match what they are saying. It does not work like how it did with the old models because it wasn’t as clear an image I think, the older faces allowed more space for us to maybe see they were saying what they were.

The new models are very nice, they are clear and you can read their faces better so it’s a much bigger difference when the words don’t match up to their movements.

The newest cinematics are beautiful however, the full cgi ones.

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True that, nothing still really tops Arthas’ return cinematic. The petals falling, the cinematic feel and the lighting all still stick with me as to why I “originally” loved the Warcraft franchise. Some things still hit that vibe though, like the WOTLK cinematic, Arthas’ fall, and as for recent stuff I personally enjoyed the first Saurfang cinematic where he talks with zappy boi. However, Shadowlands every cinematic has been dud after dud imo. I know people got all hyped for the Ysera one, but otherwise none have really made me feel anything. They feel more like they were made to hit story checkpoints than be anything truly special, for me at least. Just boring.

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Maybe because the cutscenes in Warcraft 3 were about setting the scene, were atmospheric and showing pivotal plot moments.

Also those Warcraft 3 cinematics weren’t;

  • Making people act out-of-character (eg; “Draenor is free!”, turning Thrall into a plot device)
  • Skewed priorities (eg; Saurfang getting spotlight for a near-genocide he helped cause… instead of the victims of said near-genocide).
  • Edgelord (eg; the Burning of Teldrassil, making a naaru a jobber for Illidan, Sylvanas being an undead Nietzsche with boobs).

Are you joking?

How can you shun the artwork about Thrall’s mother of the Frostwolf Clan? Especially how she was trained by the House of Eyes?

That stuff was BRUTAL. Very well fitting for a caring mother.

I still want to make Orc mom proud.

This seems to imply they don’t make these cutscenes for WoW. They do. They made a bunch of them for BFA.