Why were Class Halls abandoned?

It was such a great concept with the possibility for stories going on parallel to the current expansion and evergreen rewards.


Could ask the same question about literally everything that isn’t current expansion lmao


caz it was the past expansion “shiny new thing”. it happens every expansion. everyone knows it and that op is askin makes me feel like there veeeeeeeery new to wow or/and a troll (a lev 14 makes me think troll more so)

it happens every expansion. just look at the wod ring, garrisons, the bfa cape, sl legendary items, etc


Why were garrisons abandoned? Why was the mission table stopped? Why no daily callings? The list goes on, things can change and we have to get used to it.


Honestly, taking it on forward would have been a great idea but who knows? The new set of dev’s designated for that expansion probably decided not to go along with it, I dunno. I am really curious on what happened to the legion dev’s though. Did they leave or something, cause’ the latter mog and weapon appearance sets were crap in comparison to legion.


I honestly don’t know how it is with other MMOs… but most of these features are expansion pack specific only.

I would love for dragon flying to come to the main game, but I think it will only be for this expansion pack.


RIP to Evokers getting a class hall.

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I really didn’t care about classhalls but I sure do miss my followers.


It’s a past expansion thing and they cut it to add something bigger in the next so we can focus on that. Here’s hoping they bring it back because they talked about continuing dragonriding further instead of dropping it at the end.

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But I gotta imagine given the Dracthyr history, that class hall would be a dank hole in the ground with oversized padlocks on the door.

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I still use my garrison for the buff you get from having a BS hut with follower.

I always thought class halls and legion would be what stops new classes. Boy was i wrong lol.

While i loved a lot of the content that came from the lock order hall, i can’t help but feel like they were a bit of a waste for someone like me because i only really play my main, when i think about Legion, i think that there’s a heap of content i never got to experience because i don’t have one of each class.

What devs really want is to design an entirely new game every expansion. It’s awkward and inconvenient to have to integrate old content into the new content.

They actually did talk a bit about some of the challenges with class halls. The biggest one is it required making 12x the story content with the majority of players only ever seeing a fraction of what they make. It stretches development resources a lot and the average individual player won’t see the full tradeoff.

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Cause Blizz loves their parasitic game design


I’d like if they kept the Garrison’s proffession lots useful, updated with each new expansion in some way.

Not everything is expansion specific. Many things added back in the day still exist today. LFR, Mythics, pet battles, transmog, etc.
Class halls brought so much class specific content. It’s sad it was abandoned. And I miss having a follower with me in the open world .


It is the usual borrowing power theme of the an expansion , do and abandon

At least with the MMOs I play, whenever a new gameplay mechanic gets introduced, it becomes a new main staple in the game’s fuctionality moving forward, with each expansion adding it’s own content or use for it.