Why we yellin 17/17(OS 3D) recruiting Rdruid and Caster Dps

why we yellin is a semi-hardcore guild that raids one day a week, and aims to clear 25 man content at a good pace. We have cleared all 25 man raiding content including OS 3 Drake, and looking to start doing achievements for the Black and Plagued Proto Drakes.

We don’t have strict 10 man groups, but our main 10man guild group has achieved The Undying.

We are looking for players who want to clear content good pace, push their characters as far as they can go, and want a fun environment to push themselves.

Raid Times: Wednesdays at 8 PM Est to 12 Am Est

Loot System: Loot Council

High Priority: Warlocks and Resto Druid

Medium Priority: Moonkin and Mage

Logs: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/675473

Add me on discord for more info Ssds#5879 or waggies#6969