Why we don't have a barber shop in Silvermoon?

Because there’s no barbershop.

Well since others already revived this multi year old thread anyway…

At this point just wait until midnight I’m sure silver moon will be fully overhauled for that expansion

And I’m guessing this fall that happen or at least a lot of news will come out for midnight then

I think its super annoying that there is no transmog guy in darnassus.

I made a night elf and couldn’t go to stormwind until level 10 because the portal wont let you take it till then.

I was stuck for 10 levels in ugly armor! yikes lol

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Sorry to say but Darnassus has been burnt to ash , Your new home is a tree house at Stormwind

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The old cities need portals, then they would get used.

There’s a reason elves have long lavish hair :triumph: No barbers!

♫•* ̈*•. ̧ ̧♪ :drum: Budum Tsssss!

In all seriousness though we’re probably going to get one in the next expansion Midnight given the expansion is said to be returning to Quel’Thalas — Meaning that Silvermoon is most definitely going to get updated.

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There’s a Barber in Dornogal and Orgrimmar and Dalaran hearthstone.

SM didn’t get a Barber because it’s TBC.

#barber shops for smc.

Silvermoon was a portal to undercity to zepplin to Org and never to return after level 20.

Retail changes have not improved that arrangement lol. No need to see undercity now.

Says who? Where do you people get this neutrality stuff?

During the tri-expansion reveal. They talked about how we would be fighting for silvermoon. And the expansion would focus on all the elves reuniting. So… it’s only logical to think since the new night elf area is a nuetral faction zone, the same thing would happe with silvermoon.

I don’t see any logic here. And the theme is as follows - the void is attacking quel thalas with the intention of capturing the Sunwell, which is on an island outside Silvermoon. In fact Silvermoon isn’t even mentioned. The Sunwell island on the other hand is neutral since it’s creation. So what logic did you apply when you thought they were gonna take a Horde city and just make it neutral, I’m curious.

Well lets see what they do. Since next is undermine, basically making the goblin home nuetral. The new dranei home is being built. Let’s see if that goes nuetral. And so on and so forth.

BL zones may get updated during midnight.

Also the nuetral part mostly would inculde probably the void elves reconnecting with the blood elves and sharing silvermoon.

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Chief, the Goblin home does not exist. It was never there as a faction city. What you on about? How does it compare to taking a faction city that has been Horde for almost 2 decades and turning it neutral.
The logical thing will be that the player hub will be on the Sunwell Island which is neutral, always been. The city will probably be update at the same time with the Exodar and will remain faction-exclusive.

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I believe in the books they talk about how high elves frequent the city after the war; from what I think I’ve heard in some lore videos. So we will see. Blizz tends to set up stuff for ingame.


All cities should have amenities like barber shop and the full suite of tradeskill work tables. If I want to vibe in Exodar to their new age spa music while I tailor and disenchant, I should be able to.

Silvermoon should remain in Horde control. If the story.demands an Alliance presence then turn the questing area of Isle of Quel Danas (long since pacified) into a foreign quarter for Alliance. Silvermoon City proper needs a facelift but it needs to remain Horde controlled.

exodar deserves nothing.

To be honest, It’s basically an abandoned city with no activity in it. Thats like asking for a barber shop in Gilneas…

But fair is fair, Bloodelves are all about their ‘looks’ so it kinda makes sense to have one.

To be fair, I’d say Gilneas really needs a pet grooming shop. The beautiful elven coiffure doesn’t necessarily require it, perfect as it is already.

I love my beautiful home city of Silvermoon. I still have family members that live there. They enjoy easy access to the bank and auction house, in the beautiful city. Forcing them to go to the dirty city of Orgrimmar for a hair styling by a Goblin is torture. Have you seen the Goblin hair styles? Eww! I like Voudica’s name suggestion of La Coiffure. I would add that the stylists must be Blood Elves.