Honestly i think cuz no one goes there, and if its a new toon which you have created 1 min ago you shoulda picked out the the look you want
Because Blood Elves don’t trust any other Blood Elf to cut/style their hair.
ugh, Blood elves are to prissy and snotty and usually do their own hair cause nobody else can get it right. Honestly, I know a bunch of undead stylists that intentionally mess it up on them. The still tip well.
Pretty sure all barbers are Goblin on Horde.
Necro’ing threads should be punishable by death!
Anyway, Barber shops were a Wrath of the Lich King feature.
Silvermoon and Exodar are TBC cities, like Shattrath, and thus, no barber.
Stormwind and Orgrimmar are Vanilla cities. Your comment made no sense.
Edit to add: there are barbershops in Ironforge, Undercity and Netherstorm.
All cities should have a Barbershop, bank, AH, etc. We need to stop leaving places empty for this bad idea of funneling people into only two main cities.
Be careful, the whole game might collapse if this gets said out loud lmao. The content we are doing right now is about to get the same treatment next expansion.
Cities get left in the dust every new expansion. It’s all a waste of time. They should do up the old original cities and give them all an update instead of creating a new place which will be forgotten about.
Those cities got updates pretty much forever lol, Stormwind and Org.
Ironforge has one too, and Undercity, but those cities pretty much got nothing else added aside from the barber shop in Wrath.
It makes perfect sense to me, especially once you know that those cities (Silvermon and Exodar) share the same map as Outland itself. It’s why we still can’t fly in Silvermoon/Exodar.
They’re trapped ‘back in time’.
No, your excuse doesn’t make sense.
But there aren’t any Goblins in Silvermoon, so…
Who tf is going out there for a haircut?
That is weird, I’d go there for PvP gear but literally never knew there was a barber there lmao.
All of Outland, I assumed, had none.
Eh, typical Blizzard updating some areas and ignoring others.
Dunno. But they exist. Probably because barbershops are usually Goblin related.
It’s even weirder that it’s in that zone over Shattrath. Or even the starter TBC cities.
Who is going to Netherstorm, once Wrath arrived?
Netherstorm is an endgame TBC zone- people are/were gonna leave Outland itself at 68 to go to Northrend instead.
Maybe they’ll put another bruto on the shop that has a barber on it.
My boys in Tempest Keep keeping it in business clearly. Kael and the crew lmao.
Like I said, I think it’s because it’s mostly a Goblin business. Back then, maybe they just figured Goblins didn’t make sense in a Draenei city. I dunno. I’m just spitballing here. lol
Ikr, the fact it’s in Cosmowrench, way out there, is pretty funny.
Maybe it does exist for Blood Elves alone.
It’s also in Area 52. There’s actually two of them. lol
Lmao that’s hilarious.
Blood Elves all over Netherstorm, I guess it checks out.
The manaforges and whatnot.