Why we don't have a barber shop in Silvermoon?

I know that this is a really old request, but i’m tired to have to travel to Undercity to groom my fabulous hair. The fact that we have to go to that city in order to improve our hairstyle is not fun at all. Who was the sadist who decided that my people must travel to that putrid place in order to have a hair cut? what my people did to deserve this twisted punishment?


So, i demand have a barber shop in my beatiful city, and i don’t want that being called Barber Shop, a more accurate name will be La Coiffure.

Shorel’aran, XOXO.


silvermoon like the exodar is a completely forgotten about city that does not even support flying. The BC only maps are now the oldest maps in the game world and thus they just somehow forgot to update them with any of the newer major city features


Be thankful you still have Silvermoon instead of a dead crater à la Undercity.


Because the devs want to force everyone into Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

I think it’s stupid to abandon all other major city except for those two and believe that every major cities should have all the basic city services such as transmog, void storage, barber shop, and portals to at least every other major city.

Stormwind and Orgrimmar are two of my least favourite cities in the game.


They’d have to actually touch silvermoon to put a barber in it.

In the lore Arthas killed all the barbers when he razed silvermoon.

You see, Arthas had an irrational fear of barbers after a traumatic hair cutting as a child (the barber nicked his ear). Why do you think he grew his hair out so long? because he was terrified of visiting a barber.

Silvermoon has never recovered from this barber culling.


The problem with a barbershop in Silvermoon is it implies that Blood Elves need a barbershop.

Since, like Saiyans, Blood ELf hair is set from the moment they are born, unchanging and unchangable (except in a barbershop where they use industrial grade gel and 10K degree heat dryers to set the damn stuff-- something Silvermoon doesn’t have the infrastructure to support), it would be pointless.


You didn’t get a barber shop in Silvermoon because you belf’s got that glitter :sparkler: shop instead.


/moo :cow:

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we still need a barber shop in silvermoon city why is not fixed yet?

Same reason you just had to necro this 4 year old thread:

No reason.

it’s not worth the effort. what server has people hanging out in Silvermoon except MG having some ‘rp’?

Ah, I see someone else was around in the 80’s…

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Truth! For that matter it’s friggin 2023 the games 18 years old not (by a LOT) at the popularity it once was. Just add all services to all the capital cities and be done with it.


yeah just add one NPC and one chair done should not be a big effort in every city …

Silvermoon is being reworked in a later expansion so it will probably be modernized a ton and nuetral like the night elf city.

Because SMC has not been touched by a single dev since the Burning Crusade.

Because Blood Elves are perfect already.

Necro twice.

But hey Midnight is modernizing all of the blood elven zones and making it flyable and BIGGER!