wait puny draenei actually fell for it
Trying to sabotage belf defenses so that the scourge could rush in and kill all remaining blood elf life is a -bit- more heinous than the usual spycraft games.
It’s the side effect of blizzard whitewashing the Alliance to be dumb boring generic “good guys”.
Anyone who doesn’t kiss Anduin and Jaina’s feet have to now be evil, because the current devs have a fetish for them being perfect cupcakes that everyone has to love. God forbid anyone have legitimate gripes against the Alliance and their heinous actions that routinely get swept under the rug and forgot about.
And that’s how you get Baine giving Anduin his horn, and Calia, and such.
I’m confused, are you explaining WoW, or Seattle?
Yup. And anytime there is a chance to have a “questionable” Alliance group, previously established, they get put on the Horde instead. Until we got the Dark Irons, at least.
But even in BfA, we see “evil” Human groups working with the Horde instead.
Horde characters can’t speak openly about Sylvanas without being imprisoned or killed like Zelling/Baine.
Weird because most Alliance streamers are working out,have life and are educated.
As much as I disagree with killing/imprisoning them, they were punished for specifically working against Sylvanas’ plan, not “speaking out”. Baine specifically spoke out against Teldrassil and was still allowed to lead horde forces after.
But on the Alliance, you’re a dead man if you dare protest against the Government screwing you over by not paying you for services rendered, and you’ll straight up be exiled for having basic compassion for an enemy race.
Must suck to not be able to see the beauty in your own kind.
Uh do you remember the part where she murdered all those Forsaken running through the field to their families because she couldn’t stand the thought of them being hopeful?
Also the last paragraph is just false. Our King and leaders like Jaina are literally all about working with the Horde, that’s why the NE defected.
I am not a void elf in real life.
i thought they simply said “we’ll do it ourselves!” while still being a part of the Alliance.
Nah even though the player character is considered Alliance, canonically Tyrande said F U to the Alliance entirely.
She is still a part of the alliance. She simply was pissed off they did not do what she wanted.
Void elves with “normal” skin are still void elves.
Memes aside, the reason I’d never join is their quests aren’t that great. For the most part they are boring to me. They also need to stop focusing so much on humans.
should you join the alliance, if not for them then for me
im the life of the party over here
Bruh she doesn’t even show up during the end of the war campaign. Quest dialogue says she stops reading Alliance correspondences entirely. She refuses to sign the peace treaty and she dispatches her sentinel’s throughout Azeroth against the Alliance’s wishes. She’s not part of them anymore.
I think a lot of people missed what the original post was actually about. That this isn’t a political flame-war, four hours later, is probably proof of this.
Have you seen troll / Tauren shoes? Ya you have no room to talk.
Thats more of a liberal thing to do. Just so happens Horde is a lot more of a liberal faction. Try again
See above
See above
Have you seen Bajheera? In comparison have you seen Preach? Nuff’ said
You have playable cows. Literal walking obesity race
Oh are you guys suddenly anti-Troll? Did that happen before or after you guys started dining with them?
Dude, she isn’t leaving the Alliance. It isnt in the cards.