Why was my Mage ability to teleport to Outland deleted?

My Shatrath port has gone poof…


That’s odd, did you maybe try to go back to the trainer and relearn it yet?

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Trying to find the guy who teaches it right now cause its not the mage trainer. They don’t make it easy to find. That being said, I shouldn’t have to since I already learnt it years ago.

Edit: Yea this is weird. The spells are there for me to learn. Or should I say re-learn.


Did you faction transfer that toon recently?

I did faction transfer but that was many months ago. I’m pretty sure I’ve ported to outland on it since then.

Just checked a Mage from each faction and all portals and teleports are still there so it’s probably not on their end.

Just like store bought transmogs, I guess sometimes you’ll also lose abilities too :wink:


The Shattrath portal trainer:


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Mine was gone on retail today too, both the teleport and the portal to Shattrath - had to /cast teleport: shattrath manually in chat wtf


I just tried to port to Shattrath, and couldn’t find either one in my spells. I’ve been on my server for years, and faction changed more than a year ago, but today they’re gone.

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Checked both of my mages. One did faction change at some point years ago and one never has. Both have the teleport and portal to Shattrath. So dunno.

This happened to me today. The icon was there two days ago. I had to cast it manually.

Same happened to me. I’ve used the shattrath teleport spell this week but today it and portal are both missing.

So now we are able to lose store transmogs, CE pets and class abilities.


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Mine is gone now too, wtf?!

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Mine is gone now too. This is my main and I have had her since BC and spend tons of time on her. I haven’t changed servers or factions in many years. /cast works, but the portal and teleport buttons are completely missing.

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All the mages hurriedly log in out of paranoia

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Yeah… mine is gone too…


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Odd, my mage can still port there. You must have made the gods mad.

U can still relearn the spells in shattwrath. She has 3 portal spells 4 me teleport, portal shattrath and teleport oribos

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