Why was Jaina enthusiastic about working together again?

The Horde gear up for another war anyway.
So why stop fighting? If you have a rabid dog biting at you either run or kill it.

The Horde is that rabid dog.

Maybe the solution to that is to declare war on the Horde as soon as they have a warchief to avoid that scenario again.


It depends on if the true gods of it all decide the Horde needs to go soul searching. Which apparently can only be done one way.


The solution is to just get rid of the position of Warchief. The likelihood that the leaders of the Horde would come to a consensus to start a war with the Alliance is pretty slim.

It’d be our turn to start the next war, though I doubt there will be another.

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Blizzard: Presents events that make the Warchief position look terrible.
Also Blizzard: Hereditary Monarchy is great. Look how good of a person Anduin is.


Jaina: The Horde will pay for what is has done.
Also Jaina: The Horde is good and we should stand together once more.

Yeah Blizzard is not known for being consistent which seems to be the core of my complaint. I see so many contradictions that it gets on my nerves.


As far as I can tell Jaina wants the people most responsible to pay but at the same time not throw every Horde under the bus.


So why is she smiling at Saurfang?
The general and commander of the Horde invasion force as well as the commander in charge of Lordaeron’s defense?

He should be at the top of the list of people responsible.


He’s sad though. That grants him 100% absolution.

He might even change his diet later, granting him extra absolution points.


I’d argue you are looking at this wrong. Protracted and repeated wars is known to drain any nation and make them weaker. Both the Horde and Alliance has been constantly battling each other and greater threats all within the last 10 years or so canonicly. Both sides should be under extreme fatigue right now when it comes to their armies.

It’s a ripe time for N’Zoth for bring about the Black Empire. I bet neither the Alliance or Horde could put up a proper fight to prevent it’s coming right now.

Blizzard forgot he did that.


Shouldn’t growth character development take a character forward though? Trusting the people that have genocided or attempted to genocide you or some other race every few years isn’t exactly wise…

I mean in this very patch Lor’themar says that most of the horde supports Sylvanas and all she’s done; like, the horde actually really does want to obliterate the alliance.


Blizzard constantly contradict themselves just to push whatever story they are trying to push which to be honest is just so… so terrible.

The highlights aren’t even worth it! At least GoT had some cool cinematic moments that the story had to sacrifice itself for. WoW has none of that.


You must have missed how that scenario brought back the purge of dalaran. Her response was weighted in that very real acknowledgement that neither side has been saints.

Yes, Teldrassil is reprehensible and by far the worst thing the modern Horde has done, but there comes a point where you just have to take what you can get for the sake of a better future.

Let’s say she hadn’t said what she said. What would have happened? The war would have dragged on, more people would die, and then a few expansions later another Theramore or Teldrassil would happen, and then we’ll all be at each other’s throats again.

It sucks, it feels awful, but it’s the pill we have to swallow. This is the hole Blizzard dug us into, and we have to make peace with that. We shouldn’t be happy that it got here, but all we can hope for now is that they’ll stop doing this stupid crap from now on…

oh who am I kidding…


Not a fan of Jaina going full circle.

My expectation was that she’d tone down her murderous rage to a level where she can tolerate cooperation with the Horde and feel ambivalence toward them at best.

Did not expect the Crossroads trailer.


Thats what we were promised with Theramore.
“just let this go and it won’t happen again otherwise we will ‘END THEM’.”
Well it happened again and it was a 100 times worth.

As the great George Bush once said.

No you swallow it if you have to but I ain’t.


Thats what we were promised with Theramore.
“just let this go and it won’t happen again otherwise we will ‘END THEM’.”
Well it happened again and it was a 100 times worth.

Yeah…and that’s exactly what the cutscene talked about. It felt like one of the most honest, and self aware cinematics Blizzard has ever made. Thrall quite literally talked as if he was one of the playerbase, sick with this constantly happening.

The fact of the matter is, it happened. But for the first time it looks like Blizzard realizes that this doesn’t fly, and we’re getting tired of it.

Also using George Bush as an authority on ending cycles of violence is…a really really poor judgement.


That’s my problem.
It is Thrall of all people complaining. HIM! It blows my mind.

That was my point. There will never be an end.
Even if it does, if I had control over the story or any agency in this game. Why should I?

If Blizzard gave me the “Nuke all Horde cities” button I would press it in a heartbeat.
Total war. That’s what I want to see. No more fake peace.


Between years of friendship with Thrall and what Baine has done, I believe she should find it easy to trust those two.

It’s easy to conflate the group for the individual.

Thrall abandoned Jaina in the Shattering. The only reason he came back was because she was about to wipe out all the orcs (and solve all of our problems honestly).


That wouldnt have solve anything and considering the Alliance fleet was in her tidal wave’s way would have probably destroyed both factions to the point the old gods would have won.