Why was Classic more successful than TBCC

It’s obvious that the population for TBCC (which is a superior version of the game compared to Classic) is much lesser than Classic .

Does not give much hope for Wrath Classic which was the best version of the game.


A fitting name.


How do we know it is less successful?


Because it isn’t as good. Simple. Class balance might be better, the game isn’t.

It’s much more like retail. Noone talks to anyone anymore. No sense of community, especially since all of our servers have been wrecked. (I’m from herod, had to go to faerlina and now I know noone and am a nameless face. Hardly in the spirit of “classic”)

The open world isn’t as cohesive. Flying mounts killed WPVP. Tons of reasons.

Like them or not, even1 world buffs also gave the community a reason to organize and work together to a common goal, whether that be strategizing when buffs go out or moving a raid into the opposite faction’s Darkmoon Faire for the buff.

These are just my reasons, but all of this went out the door with TBC. For better or for worse.


It’s incredibly boring.


Citation needed.


This isn’t r/pol. Get over yourself.

If you enjoy the game that’s fine, but there’s nothing to do.


That’s like… your opinion dude


No they didn’t. World pvp killed itself. They all inevitably end up 99/1 single faction pve servers, flying or not. It took over a decade in retail, it’ll take 3-4 years for classic. The general playerbase likes the glorified idea of world pvp, but doesn’t actually enjoy world pvp. If they did we’d have more balanced servers and factions.

Personally I think the massive faction imbalance, especially in pvp has really hurt BC. Horde have hour long BG queues, alliance are either transferring on CD to the “next balanced server” or stuck on servers with less than 100 alliance. It’s really unfortunate it got to this point, where the faction imbalance we literally all knew would happen, has been alllowed to hurt the game this much. And balance affects way than world pvp, it affects the whole game.

Also the fact that T5 isn’t in at launch hurts. T4 raids aren’t particularly exciting, and T5 was in at launch in actual BC.


Ya world buffs are really good everyone loved gathering buffs then logging off until raids!!

Also if your goal was to be known on a server then maybe don’t pick a mega server?


I and everyone I know have plenty to do. Sounds like a you problem.


Part of that is everyone was able to stockpile gold via mage alts - or bots - so a lot of the legwork to get a flying mount, etc. was already done.
Fortunately Herod was killed by the HvH announcement so I had to reroll while waiting for my gametime to expire. I get to casually level a new class all over again so I got plenty to do.

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We can’t all be gangsters, though many do like the thought of it.

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Yeah my point exactly. Scarface, the sopranos, the godfather, rap music, they all make variations of the gangster life look glorious, and people are like “man, that looks awesome”. But realistically, 99.9% percent of us would be miserable living that life, and wed despise everything about it. That’s classic pvp. I used to to love pvp, and like many was looking forward to “real” pvp coming back in classic. I hate it. Everything about classic pvp sucks, world pvp has become incredibly toxic, the pvp community is god awful. There’s just nothing enjoyable about it. Which is sad, I want to like it, but I can’t.


It’s true. We gangsters are a rare and tortured type. Imagine needing stimulation so badly that you regularly and recklessly throw your own life into jeopardy. We’re not as cool as we look.

Chaos and toxicity are nitroglycerin for gangsters such as myself.

Speak for yourself. I played herod alliance in classic and had wpvp the entire time. Especially over world bosses. That isn’t in TBC on any server, because of flying. If population was 50/50 on classic and 50/50 on TBC, the wpvp would still be better on classic. I am on a Faerlina now, which is relatively balanced, and it’s nowhere near as good as Herod WPVP in classic.

Flying mounts killed the type of WPVP I like and you are free to disagree but I am not wrong. I will have more fun when Isle of Quel’Danas comes out but it still won’t be the same.

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Those sentinel guards are even more gangster than I am, and they have proven it more than once.

Maybe for the people who no lifed the first week there is little to do. I’m gearing up a fresh 70 warlock and working on professions right now. Still havent even touched a heroic on this character.

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Yep, wpvp in BRM was crazy, and then stealthing around or going in groups in the plaguelands in P2 and later ganking people on the road running to AQ had its own special charm.

Oh, almost forgot, the fights you’d get into while farming demonic runes while claiming a spot in felwood or azshara.

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would of been better if it was all a fresh release like classic but without layering (to spread players thru other servers) that’s why classic was a better feel than tbcc. people would of played tbcc regardless of boost. most everyone was ready to play tbcc prior to the boost notice. in classic and retail.