It hurts so much more when someone says it loud like that…
Worgen front flip too ya know
Heck yea we do!
Oh I also forgot to mention another HUGE issue for Worgen… transmog.
Because their heads jut out of their chest rather than sitting on top of their shoulders (much like Tauren) helms and hoods and pretty much anything around the head/neck area looks absolutely awful on them. Lots of clipping and weird stretching of the armor pieces.
Blizzard really could try harder with Worgen. The hunched over model the males have is really quite bad imo
Literally this 100% see plenty of both of them in mythics. Only thing i never see are mechagnomes and we all know why.
Well now you’re just being mean…
I’m in Human form 90% of the time I’m logged in, so I’m basically playing a Gilnean Human.
Just play a human then that’s gilnean what’s the difference?
I am. There is no other way to play a Gilnean Human lol
You can rp a gilnean human being the human race and not worgen though?
Honestly I would play Worgen more if they fix it were you do attack with tooth and claw and if they had tails. If they would fix the head armor(head armor looks stretched rather than fitted.) and tweak running on the female models I would play them more. Hell I would even race change a couple of my Elves if Blizzard would fix it all.
This is my opinion : I just don’t care for Vulpera. My reason is the armor doesn’t fit they bodies or heads that well. The head armor looks stretched more than “fitting”
I know I play Elves but if Blizzard would go back and tweak the Worgen and give them tails I would play them more.
Somethin’ about dem short furries, IDK!
Worgen’s design needs an overhaul. Their legs are too skinny compared to the bulky chest and shoulders ( for the males at least) and armor looks funky on them. Helms look stretched to cover the muzzle and pants look god awful on them. Plus in my own opinion having a tail would make them look better but, that’s a me thing.
its the tails.
Give Worgen Tails.
look at Dracthyr. they have tails. and they are meta.
I like the Worgen more than the Vulpera.
They give bigger snugs. Vulpera can’t.
They are only popular because it’s the brand new thing. Also augment being mad strong right now still lol…
They have a really reaaallly awful run animation and that dead weightless arm sway they do is really bad. Also cannot transmog the dragon form so meh. Imo
look, the run animation looks fine… if you stack a stupid amount of speed on them. forget ilvl. my Dracthyr is stacking SPEEEEEEED
they have an option too make a camp anywhere thus giving em an extra hearth when most races are limited too heartstones and teleports.
they are better if you can pet em…
sadly only the vulpera are lettin me pet em rn
Nah pan the camera to the side and see it’s goofy. But if you like it lol all you man. I personally wish it was different.
I’d play them if they had gone horde instead of alliance.
But to be serious, I think monster races are still somewhat of a niche pick in general. While I’m surprised that vulpera have actually outpaced worgen, I imagine vulpera being small and cute-themed make them a relatively easier pick?