Why Vulpera popular but Worgen aren't?

They are werewolves. They are not supposed to be cute or have good posture, they are beasts…

Sure, it makes sense that they look the way they do, but it doesn’t change the fact that players prefer cute to ferocious.

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Because Worgen make bad femboys.

They’re ugly.

All I know is that Vulpera are a plague, and fire is the only cure


While I have both… the vulupa sleeping animation is just too adorable so I have more of them. Also, I have issues with the worgen constant sniffing (though maybe they fixed that?).


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Worgen are 8 feet tall in Lore and 6’ 11" in game. They are too small.


Vulpera are cute, worgen are not. Its that simple.

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Cause we’re cuter than any other furry species out there. Now pet me!

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Worgen don’t have tails. Give worgen tails now!

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Worgen are nice, but I think they’d look better if the ladies looked more like Loona from Helluva. Lack of tails kinda gets in the way too. But there’s one customization that looks good to me, which is white fur with red glowy eyes. I guess the mane could be customizable?

I don’t like Vulpera very much. Too small for me.

Man Vulpera uses the Goblin skeleton and armor still looks better on Vulpera than it does on Goblins, specially female Goblins.

Worgen are relatively popular though. They’re like the 4th most popular Alliance race. It goes human>night elf>void elf>worgen.

If anything Horde players have a hard time playing anything that is out of the ordinary from Blood elves.

In one word: tails.

OP had the correct answer.

Alliance is dominated by Human and Human-looking characters.

And yeah, some Horde players like Blood Elves, but Horde is majority-populated by ‘monstrous’ races.

I hate this truth. /unfriend /thisiswar!

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Oh now don’t unfriend me. I wish the worgens had tails too.

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I won’t unfriend you. And I just blame the Undead. Needing so much fur to keep there skin together.

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Indeed. They needed all the tails.

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female worgen still look stupid because of WoW’s particular brand of sexual dimorphism