Why Vulpera make sense as a Neutral race

they didnt say that
the quote speaks to ghostcrawler regretting how it was implemented

No one stays dead in wow.

Pirate culture sounds pretty good for a seafaring people like the kul tirans

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Really? If this game only considered popularity when it came to what sort of content it released; we’d ONLY ever get Humans, Elves, and the occasional Draenei content (and lots of skimpy armor to throw all those barbie dolls in). Worgen would get very little thrown their way; and Goblins would absolutely get NOTHING to look forward to (being the least played Core race).

You’re taking the Junker-Gnomes as a personal insult, in part because you seem to hold nothing but contempt for the Gnomes; and in part because you clearly seem to be placing far more value on the little Roma Goblin Rigs with Tails than is really justified. You’re bias towards this topic is not a universal (there will be plenty of Horde that despise the Vulpera if they become one of our ARs; there will be plenty of Alliance who will find they enjoy the Junkers).


I want to share the love, believe me

Eudora was a minor npc, and a boss (who didn’t even get to shine solo, she was surrounded by two Human captains). Vulpera are also not a majority population in the Bilge Rats, and have no distinct culture outside of that group. The Bilge Rats also include races like Saurok; Hozen; QuillBoars; Orcs; Ettins; and pretty much any other race you can think of. They are a more inclusive faction of people than the Horde or Alliance put together by all indications.

  1. Horde literally saves them from slavery. A background they share with some core Horde races. They also have a nomadic history in common, with several Horde races.
  2. Nisha is the most Horde character on the planet, whether they ever join the Horde or not. It’s been rumored that Kiro is learning Shamanism from the Horde and Zandalari. Something that would greatly help his people survive in the desert.
  3. Alliance kind of set their caravans on fire.
  4. Alliance have 0 friendly interaction with them, other than mutual partnership with the Devoted.
  5. By allying with the Horde and Zandalari, they may be able to claim a safe haven / home territory within Vol’dun, something that was never possible before due to the Seth’rak and lack of resources.

The Tortollan would be a good candidate for a neutral race. They are featured in the Horde story line more, what with Torga and Nazmir, but they never actually claim a side. The Vulpera lean pretty heavily into the Horde and all but swear allegiance to Talanji at her coronation.

The Pandaren were only given as a netural pick because they were also the highlight of the expansion, so giving them to one race over the other would have been a dumpster fire of favoritism claims. I doubt (and hope) that we never see a neutral playable race again.


Okay well, I regret it, how about that?

Not to mention, the only non Vol’dun Vulpera either side deals with are Eudora and the Bilgerat Vulpera. With how “Faction Oriented” many of the Dungeons are in this expac (where I have no doubt that canonically the Alliance had NOTHING to do with either Atal’dazar or Kings Rest) 
 which faction do you think canonically raided Free Hold? Think it was the Horde (who went out of their way to disperse a thorn in the Kul Tiran navy’s hide)? Or was it the Alliance?

Hey, turns out, the Alliance has likely attacked BOTH factions where the Vulpera have a presence.


Not a neutral race no, as a horde race yes. Have them mirror the Alliance getting the sneks, the Sethrek.

The only way Vulpera to be neutral is Alliance redeeming themselves for the damage they’ve done on them.

Missing the forest for the trees. There are a boat loads of Vulpera pirates out there who are not bound to Vol’dun.

Vulpera bands have no central authority and are not beholden to any ancestral land.

Alliance goes to Vol’dun and sets vulpera on fire. Yes, vulpera totally makes sense for Alliance. :roll_eyes:

Nobody will be getting Seth’rak. I’d put money on it.

  1. They don’t have an existing PC rig.
  2. They are truly neutral, or hostile to both factions.
  3. No NPCs warm up to either faction. (Although Vorrik does yell at the Troll orphan on children’s week)

Of all the races introduced in BfA, I’d say Seth’rak are the least likely for either side.

The next set of Ally Races will almost certainly be Vulpera for the Horde, Junker Gnomes for the Alliance.

I mean, if having hope makes you feel better. But that is the longest stretch I have ever seen. I doubt a bunch of scattered pirates who share a race are suddenly going to group up and join the law-abiding faction who just recruited a country of people with strict piracy laws.

So you want to makes friends with the ones that have tried to destroy Boralus ?


I noted this in another post, but who exactly do you think canonically attacked Free Hold? A LOT of the Dungeons are Faction Centered in BfA. I don’t think for a second that canonically it was anyone other than the Horde that dealt with King’s Rest; the Temple of Sethrallis; or Atal’dazar. With that being the case, that means that many of the Kul Tiras dungeons are spearheaded by the Alliance, and among them probably Free Hold (and with it the attack on the Bilgerats).

The Horde had no reason to attack a pirate refuge on Kul Tiras (especially one that is hindering the Kul Tiran navy). Hell, we’re even awkwardly allied with some pirates in that region. The Alliance (and especially the Kul Tirans) in contrast absolutely had motive to break up that pirate den (and kill Eudora, and the other pirate leaders). Thus, the Alliance isn’t just responsible for attacking the Vol’dun Vulpera; they’re also likely responsible for crushing the Bilgerat Vulpera as well.

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Vulpera exist outside of Vol dun
the xample you are talking about is specifically related to the horde faction exclusively

Blood elves and Undead Lorderon exist on the same side as the orcs who they battled in the first wars. It really isnt that far of a stretch that pirate mercanaries are hired

but again it is missing the point. They can be any band of Vulpera, whether pirates or wanderers. Vulpera are as neutral as can be. The band that confronts the alliance is not representative of all vulpera kind

 you are well versed in Kul Tiran Maritime Law?

It is also likely that they didn’t
it is also likely that there is rival vulpera factions

My speculation isn’t based off likelihood, it is based off the possibility of vulpera outside the narrow scope of Vol’dun.

The proof of possibility for the existence vulpera outside vol’dun is evidenced by their presence amongst the pirates, on the kul tiran islands.

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Tell that to Kul’Tirans.


Kul Tirans are not as new as Blizzard would have you believe. They are using a borrowed skeleton.

But that is besides the point. Kul Tirans are still human. Vulpera are an entirely new race

No they’re not, the KT rig is new.


no, no it is not

if you have access to any model viewer that allows scale adjustments

pull up a grummel/pygmy and place it next to the kul tiran. Be amazed.

 essentially, you want to play Vulpera. There is absolutely nothing in the game to support the idea that the little Foxes would EVER end up a playable race for the Alliance; but you want them (even if they do actually become playable for the Horde). So 
you’re bending over backward to justify WHY the Roma Fennic’s would end up on the Alliance (when it would probably just be more productive and respectable if you just admitted 
 you want them because you want them).