Why use the AXS mobile app for Blizzcon when it's proven spyware?

This is bad because Blizz already has a lot of hate on them. Doing this just adds to it. Plus not everyone brings their cellphones to cons. Some may have no safe place to set it if in costume. Some may just feel they risk losing it and leave it behind.
This app or even a cellphone should NOT be required to get in. Not at all.
If they are so desperate to know how long people stay at a panel, they can figure some other way to do so. Heck people can always have a number given to them on entry. You then sign that number on a paper when going into, or out of a panel. Have a place for time as well.
Or better yet just ask people to rate the panels they went to. That works just as well to see if a panel was good or not.

Why does it need access to your photos, vidoes, AND the ability to operate your camera when you aren’t using the app?

I don’t have a smartphone.

I still use a flip phone.

I wouldn’t use any apps if I had a smartphone.

I won’t be buying a ticket to Blizzcon. Ever.

Semper Fi! :us:

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I find it really really creepy that Blizzard wants people who are going to their convention to practically wear a tracking device that tells them everywhere you go and everything you do.

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Well if you install the app and give it permission to access your photos, videos and control your camera. My recommendation is to install apps like that on a burner phone. Keep that stuff away from your every day phone.

They’re testing on how much they can get from their remaining most-loyal playerbase, which is basically people that would pay to enter their convention.

1.) This is only a concern if you’re going to Blizzcon. If you aren’t going (and weren’t going to go anyway) why throw a fit? That’s like complaining it’s going to rain outside when you weren’t going outside that day anyway.
2.) Are people so glued to their phones and paranoid about their privacy they don’t want to shut off their phone? You’re on vacation. Why do you need your phone on the entire time?
To get with friends? Agree on a designated meeting area at a certain time(s). Or just stick together.
To get the time? You can get a watch.
To take pictures? You can get something called a camera.

If you absolutely need your phone to maybe check the Blizzcon schedule or text someone, turn your phone on to check it and turn it back off after. Or ask someone who isn’t so paranoid to do it for you.

MANY apps do the same thing.
Amazon shopping? Camera, Contacts, Location, Microphone, Phone, Storage.
Burger King? Camera, Location, Phone, Storage
Chick-Fil-A? Camera, Contacts Location, Phone, Storage.
DoorDash? Camera, Contacts, Location, Phone, Storage.
Facebook? Calendar, Camera, Contacts, Location, Microphone, Phone, Storage.
GoogleMaps? Camera, Contacts, Location, Microphone, Storage.
McDonald’s? Camera, Contacts, Location, Phone, Storage.
Uber Eats? Camera, Contracts, Location, Phone, Storage.
Wells Fargo? Camera, Contacts, Location, Phone, Storage.
YouTube? Camera, Contacts, Location, Microphone, Phone, Storage.

For the AXS app, the only permissions I see are contacts and locations which is a far cry from Amazon and Facebook. I didn’t give AXS access to my contacts and I don’t care if my phone tracks my location. I’m not doing anything illegal so why should I care if my phone knows I went to Walmart followed by McDonald’s? Why would I care if my phone knows I went to work on certain days? It’s not like I’m suddenly going to get intrusive ads for Walmart or McDonald’s while I’m at work. I actually find it amusing to look at my timeline at the end of the month and see where I’ve been.

If you’re so concerned about privacy, you shouldn’t be on the internet because it tracks everything you do. You shouldn’t even have a computer since some have tracking software built in to the OS these days. Look at the flack Microsoft’s getting for Windows 10 over it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mac has the same thing, but no one’s called them out on it because they’re not as “evil” as Microsoft. If the OS doesn’t have it, you can bet your games probably do. WoW? Connects to the Bnet launcher. You realize Blizzard can track your play time, what characters you play, how long you play, where you’re playing, who you talk to? If you have a Steam game or any other game that requires a launch like Uplay, etc, they’re tracking you. Anything electronic these days can track you. If you have a newer car, chances are it tracks you somehow. If you have a phone you can download apps on, it can track you. If you use the internet, it tracks you. If you show up in the local news, that ends up online and you’re tracked. If you walk into a store these days, you’re being tracked. If you use Facebook, you’re being tracked. If someone even mentions you, you’re being tracked. You can’t control what someone else does.

People’s paranoia is often why we can’t have nice things. People still cling to cash despite it being filthy. You know most cash in the USA has traces of drugs on it? I’d rather stick to my credit card. At least I know where that’s been.

Selling our information without our permission is the real issue. File a class action lawsuit if it concerns you that much. I’m sure there will be plenty who’d join you. There’s no sense trying to get people to grab pitchforks and torches over this. It’s no different than people jumping to conclusions about unmarried women with black cats being witches and burning them at the stake or drowning them. People are sheep and inciting mob mentality rarely helps anything when all you’re trying to do is cause hostility. Haven’t we had enough hostility in the last few years? Perhaps you should have a better thought out argument like WHY you feel the app should not be used this year or at least allow for an alternative to get tickets. If an alternative is not given, then talk to a lawyer. Maybe they can find some random precedent that lets them file a lawsuit for discrimination or something. But inciting mob mentality really helps no one and just makes it worse. Blizzard then just ignores you. Considering Blizzcon tickets sold out in less than 5 minutes, I don’t see many really caring. Granted, many of those that bought the tickets are likely just reselling them (guess that anti-bot thing didn’t work) or didn’t read the fine print. They just saw “Blizzcon tickets” and jumped.

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Someone else who didn’t read the definition of spyware. :roll_eyes:

Selling the information is crappy, yes. But by using the app and accepting the terms, people are giving permission to do that. It’s in their terms.

Blizz should’ve made the authenticator app work for Blizzcon instead using this outside crap.


Imagine my surprise that this entire controversy was BS

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The Point

Your Head

Wooooooooooooooooooooosh - The sound the point makes as it fly’s over your head

Remember in the bible, you will need a mark in your hand or head to purchase or sell anything during the 7 year tribulation. Seems like Blizzard is just giving a dry run with scan codes from phones. Seems like the crazies from the 80’s might be right.

It is a stunning and disgusting to see so many people not give a damn about the data-mining. I think you are all the sheep Activision Blizzard hoped for. What they are doing is wrong, and what they will gather for what you’re getting out of it is absurd. If anyone from Act Bliz is listening, if you want to avoid losing another 3 mil players or more in Q2, you need to stop this. Now.