Why Tyrande isn't part of Nazjatar/Eternal Palace

I suppose I should have done THE instead of the. That’s what I meant, having Jaina be THE definitive role. Her being there is fine, I think she’s had a bit too much spotlight already personally, but I wouldn;t really mind if she was doing just what Lor’themar was doing, but back seating to Tyrande for the Azshara stuff.


As far as low quality subversion of expectations go, how do you think this expansion will end?

I’m guessing:

A.) Sylvanas’s master plan was to kill N’zoth all along! Elune is a void lord, Sylvanas’s demoralization of the NEs was part of a master plan!

B.) Saurfang is actually the villain of the expansion and Blizzard has hastily rewritten their finale due to player backlash by making him the secret bad guy. Turns out Sylvanas as vindicated and acting in the Horde’s interests the entire time!

C.) N’zoth kills everyone and the Black Empire reigns victorious. The entire expansion will be rendered moot as the Bronze Dragonflight retcon everything at the last minute in a Days of Future Past-style dungeon/storyline, which will lead into Warlords 2.0 but on Azeroth.


I think the best subversion of our expectations is to do exactly as everyone thinks, because it’s so stupid there’s no way they would do it…which is why it subverts it.

AND by best I mean, single worst thing they could do.


Nah. She clearly needs at least 5 more cinematics before the expansion’s end (including one where she solos N’zoth), as well as the greenlight on production of Blizzard’s second feature length film attempt, a bio-pic style movie: Proudmoore.


Lowkey I actually think she will be the one to kill N’zoth after Sylvanas’s whatever bs plan fails…and that scares me.

that wasn’t what they told us in the past 2 blizzcons.

sylvanas is the main villain and as such is moving the plot of everyone.

Are we really sure about that?
because i don’t think that it was azshara the one who burned teldrassil.
i hope that you get my point
Blizzard is just preparing another story for tyrande.
and if that isn’t the case,we should be making post in the ptr forums already.

Because i really don’t think that is a coincidence that they will be using shandris and not tyrande.
Or maybe i am… too optimistic?

Your probably right about that but WoW being a MMO we can’t know what is next so it will always feel bad to see something like l this without knowing what role Tyrande will have in the futur. Moreover, she could also become a villain corrupted by the NW which would be terribly bad writing.

I like Shandris toi but I feel she was too young in WotA, they could have used Malfurion who flught against Azshara, Jarod or Maiev who were older etc…


Dude, Azshara is the single most important person to Tyrande as a character, more then even Malfurion. She shaped Tyrandes ENTIRE character post WotA. There is no character as responsible for another characters growth and shaping then Azshara to Tyrande, except MAYBE Sargares to Illidan.
I am very aware Sylvanas burned Teld, and yes she and Tyrande have beef, but it’s not on the level of direct character association as Azshara to Tyrande. Even to this day, post night warrior transformation, Tyrande STILL reacts violently to being called Queen.


yeah i mean isn’t a lot of tyrandes character built on her making sure she DOESNT become like azshara?


It’s a massive part of her character, to the point that her personal nightmare during the nightmare was of Azshara.


which was dealt with, the only thing tyrande has to do with azshara is she doesnt want to be her, thats it she only talked to her once.

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put some shoes on gurll!!! just kidding

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And Illidan had one interaction with Sargares, does that mean Sargares isn’t responsible for shaping Illidan?


hes not illidan isnt about just sargaras is the whole legion, tyrande completely dealt with azshara and her nightmare about her in stormrage.

Everything Illidan did from that point on was the defeat the Legion, which was an extension of Sargeres’s will, he even says “To face him, once again.” at the end of Antorius.

And she didn’t deal with her Nightmare, the nightmare Azshara terrifed her, tried to turn her into a Naga, and Tyrande reached out to Elune just to get away from it and fell unconcious.


So are you saying that Shandris didn’t completly dealt with Azshara (even though she has nothing to deal with her) and that why there is no Tyrande here ?

Because even in your perspective, Tyrande still has more history with Azshara.


yeah illidans character is consumed by and revolves around his opposition and dealings with the legion.

i wouldn’t say this is the same for tyrande though. there is more to her than just wanting to not be azshara. BUT it is still a part of her and you’d think she deserves a role in the final imprisonment/toppling of the queen.


Aszhara messed with shandris too, I am saying out of the three of them blizzard could have picked any of them none of them has more claim than the other, illidan is the one who has alot more than any nelf main character that has more to do with azshara.

It’s not quite to the same degree, as one is Space Satan, but the example is more for person a is responsible for a large amount of person b’s character. Tyrande has never had any closure to her self doubts and fears with Azshara, and this is the chance for her to have that and ACTUALLY close that chapter of her character.


Yes but he isn’t there and isn’t a part of the nelf faction anymore.

Shandris was very young and never interacted with Azshara, Malfurion and Tyrande fought/spoke to her. Maiev and Jarod were older and the latter lead the war against the Legion she attracted on Azeroth. Shandris as just the same type of relation to Azshara than any commoners of WotA.

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