Retcons; The only way to salvage it. Same way SoO went from most of the Orc population to only some.
Make sense to me. Night Warrior enraged Tyrande isn’t someone you can send to work with the Horde right now.
I don’t inherently disagree. I’m just baffled that out of the entire Alliance cast, they picked the two people who should take second and third place behind Tyrande in terms of murderous intent towards the Horde.
Because unlike Tyrande, they’re fairly rational right now. And they’re heavy hitters.
You don’t have to succeed in wiping everyone out.
Reason #198 why the faction war sucks: you don’t have to actually destroy anything. You can let two sides beat each other up over inconsequential things. It’s what we had before Cata.
True, but I think in her eyes anyone still fighting the alliance is complicit.
because their arcs was about moving on and care more about your people than personal vendettas.
tyrande’s vendetta is just starting. hopefully.
unless you really want tyrande working with the horde, because that is what we are going to had, of course that azshara is stronger.
so blizzard wrote themselves into a corner. because they can’t just let azshara kill us all, you know, playable faction and all that.
i hope that this tyrande absence gets explained with whatever story they want to tell later.
This is just me, but I’m not holding my breath for that one. I feel like loose ends are more often forgotten about rather than tied back into the tapestry of the plot.
Tyrande has nothing to do with azshara.
Shoo Troll.
Not to be rude but Tyrande had very little involvement with Azshara. Sure she was held captive… but she had more talks with lady Vashj who they already killed off then she did with Azshara. She wasnt some highborne night elf either, she was a lowly priestess before she became high priestess… not worthy of the great azsharas time. She had very little to do with the actual fight against the legion either btw. She was pretty much taken out at the start and then put in at the very end in as a damsel in distress.
He’s right, outside of being kept hostage for awhile, Tyrande has no interaction with Azshara…her only real contact was with Vashj and she’s been dead for a few expacs now.
To all of you saying there is no interactions between them :
“She is conscious,” Captain Varo’then remarked to someone behind him.
“Then, by all means,” responded a languid, feminine voice. “Let us see what Lord Archimonde so prizes…” … “This is her?” the queen asked with unconcealed disappointment as she studied the captive.
In truth, in Azshara’s presence, Tyrande felt even mousier than the handmaiden. She wanted to at least wipe the grime and blood away from her face and form, but could not. Even aware that the queen had betrayed her people, the priestess felt the desire to kneel at Azshara’s slim, sandaled feet, so charismatic was the monarch.
“She’s not to be underestimated, Light of Lights,” the captain replied. When his eyes fixed upon Azshara, they did so with burning desire. “She appears favored by Elune.”
The queen did not find this at all impressive. Perfect nose wrinkling, she asked, “What is Elune to the great Sargeras?”
“Spoken so wisely, your majesty.”
Azshara approached closely. Even her least movement appeared calculated for maximum impact on her audience.Tyrande again felt the urge to kneel before her. “Pretty, in a coarse way,” the silver-tressed figure added offhandedly. “Perhaps worthy to be a handmaiden. Would you like that—what was her name again, captain?”
“Tyrande,” Varo’then replied with a brief bow.
“Tyrande…would you like to be my handmaiden? Live in the palace? Be a favored of mine and my lord? Mmm?”
The other female started at this suggestion, the feline eyes seeming to flay the priestess. There was no attempt to hide intense jealousy.
Gritting her teeth, the young night elf gasped, “I am sworn to the Mother Moon, my life and my heart hers…”
The queen’s beauty was suddenly marred by a brief look that rivaled Captain Varo’then’s for its evil. “Ungrateful little trollop! And such a liar, too! Your heart you actually give rather easily, don’t you? First to one brother, then another brother! Are there others besides?” When Tyrande did not respond, Azshara continued, “Are males not delightful to play with? It is so fun to have lovers fight over you, isn’t it? So tasty to see them draw blood in your name! Actually, I must commend you! Brothers—especially twins—are such a splendid touch! Peeling away their familial bonds until they wish to rip out each other’s throats, betray each other…all for your favor!”
Varo’then chuckled. The handmaiden smiled darkly. Tyrande felt a tear slip from her eye and silently cursed her emotions.
“Oh, dear! Have I brought up tender subjects? I do apologize! Poor Malfurion and Illidan…those were their names, weren’t they? Poor Illidan, most of all. Such a tragedy, what happened to him. Small wonder he chose to do what he did!”
Despite herself, Tyrande blurted, “What about Illidan? What do you mean?”
But Azshara had turned back to Varo’then and the handmaiden. “She needs her rest, don’t you agree, captain? Come, Lady Vashj! Let us see if there is any progress on the portal! I want to be ready when Sargeras crosses over…” The queen practically preened at mention of the demon’s name. “I want to look my best for him…”
The guards stepped aside as Captain Varo’then led Azshara and the Lady Vashj to the door. Just out in the hall, the ruler of the night elves glanced over her shoulder at the captive priestess. “You really should reconsider whether to be my handmaiden, dear girl! You could have had both of them alive and yours to play with…after I’d grown tired of them, of course."
They probably picked them precisely for that reason. Jaina’s whole arc this expansion has been her coming to terms with her past decisions, and realizing that while her previous, “peace at all costs” position was wrong, Daelin’s pro-war position was wrong too. She’s now settled somewhere inbetween, where she’s fine waging war if she has to, but her ultimate goal is peace.
Similarly, but to a smaller scale, Genn’s story in Before the Storm was all about him realizing he was wrong to hate the Forsaken, and the wider Horde too, for that matter.
So these two formerly pro-war characters, among the most warlike in the Alliance, are now working with the Horde as an example of their growth and their character arcs coming in for a close.
Now. To be absolutely clear: I think this is absolute horsecrap writing, and Blizz is horribly wrong for doing so. But this is the story they’re telling, so that’s what we get.
“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.
Vengeance, where ?
And that’s the entirety of it. Azshara playing with her current toy. Not exactly a long prolonged series of rivalries. Our player characters fighting a 20 man raid have more interaction with her than Tyrande did.
Still more than any character in 8.2.
And no it isn’t the end of it go read Stormrage this scene still haunts her.
I should commend you for that post though, that’s a lot of typing and I think you got it spot on.
I can even add the Stormrage passage if you don’t have it but it could take a while.
I don’t have it yet… it’s on my list of books to get when my budget allows. WOTA and Rise of the Horde are the last purchases I’ve made.