Why this game lacks tanks /rant

That’s what happens when YOU’RE the leader. It’s the nature of the beast.

If you’re tanking, you better know wtf you’re doing or people are gonna violate you. I’m not trying to carry. So if you’re a noob, find 4 other noobs to play with and learn together.

My time is just as valuable as yours. Whether you’re a noob or a veteran.

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They have to be permanently banned with closure to their accounts.

The community won’t improve unless there’s consequences for their actions.

Not being able to type for 24 hours isn’t even a deterrent.

It’s the same concept with my roommates" 5-year-old child.

We tell him not to throw toys, or not to touch the remote control or not to scream----and of course with kid logic he does it…right?

His parents and I have started to collect his toys and lock them away in a closet downstairs with a padlock.

He’s almost out of toys. But he’s slowly learning to behave better and listen to his parents.

A couple times, his parents have picked up a couple toys and thrown them in the garbage bin. He never got them back.

A permanent consequence to a result of repeated bad behavior.


The real fun in tanking is in m+. If you can endure the leveling to 60 and get basic gear for low level m+, there are lots of good resources/videos that teaches you the important aspects of a dungeon’s m+ route. Which mobs to pull, which to kick, which mobs NOT to pull. Study these and then try them out. You will find that things start to click and make sense. Once in a while you encounter some rude people but you can shrug it off if you believe in your route. You can ask around if some of their criticism is confusing to see if they had a point, albeit conveyed badly.

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Only for repeated offenses? Because blizz already does this without the new hurt feelings report that’s coming out.

Now granted I agree repeated offenders should be punished. But out right ban for some smack talk isn’t exactly business friendly. We are talking hundreds of thousands of accounts being banned. That amount of revenue lost would put a dent in blizz’s pockets.

The chat bans for 24hr-indefinite would seem to be the choice they would make.

These are just my opinions.

Tanked in Cata and MoP, tried leveling one again this expansion and people just have no patience and only care about getting through the dungeon 10 minutes ago.

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I feel the true reason to lack of tanks is simply because there not as fun or not viable .
I use to love prot warrior tanking in Bfa but now there nonexistent and unfun, simply due to talent changes and azerite trites being gone its sad for me most of classes i enjoy are not vable due to lack of love givin to these specs.

DPS ruin everything.

/signed healers

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While leveling a druid for heritage armor I got a group with a bear tank.

Tank was pulling big. I could see the healer struggling but seeming to manage. I tossed out my trivial feral heals when I could to help with Swiftnends.

Apparently because the healer hung in there despite being at like 10% mana this tank decided he could pull bigger.

When he died…I got a pop up to vote kick the healer for not healing…Pretty amazing. You dont oom if you arent putting out heals. Big pulls are fine but in addition to it there was no down time at all so no time to get mana.

Thankfully I wasnt the only one who said no to the kick and when he died a second time he just left. The replacement bear tank was perfect and from there the dungeon run was flawless.

I hear you OP but sadly it isnt just impatient dps that cause issues.

Also sometimes I would say that some dps I think feel they fall in to a rhythm with the tank and can pull a thing or 2 in the interest of faster clear and bring them back to the tank so the tank doesnt have to worry about it. It appears to be a helpful gesture but some tanks dont like that.

Totally understandable in any situation but when unwanted pulls happen its frustrating for sure!

I know people complain about this, but I’ve still hardly seen it outside LFG or LFR.

Seems as apocryphal as the “always blame the healers” thing, which happens, but you’re probably just exaggerating the 1 out of 100 times it happens, and forgetting the 99 other times it didn’t.

Another reason, I personally feel, is that if you aren’t perfect or pull VERY fast, you suck in everyone’s eyes. Which discourages anyone from tanking. There’s a lot of pressure with it. If it’s better that way or not is a separate debate

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Finding a tank for RBGs is a good time. Only real option is Guardian druid. Vengeance DH is ALMOST do-able? Tanks don’t get to PvP and be viable. Prot paladins are just for cheese in arena. All the other tanks? Entirely useless.


I just want people to stop butt-pulling stuff that is easy to skip.

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I’ve had dgs as recently as today where dps are pulling for me. Granted they are +2s and the dps in question have almost as much hp as my 248 tank so they nuke everything down quickly. But it is kinda annoying to try and say, round up a bunch of packs onto the bombs in pf so we can quickly wipe a group and the dps all decide they want to attack this far off pack and then run as far away as possible from the bomb. Overall, it feels like this happens either when the dps are too dumb to know better, or overgeared enough it doesn’t matter. in the first case, no amount of forum posts are gonna help, in the other, meh its a few seconds of annoyance for blasting a key.

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This is what I always did when I ran dungeons, because that’s just being a polite dps. I don’t much anymore, because I hate the GOGOGO crap. I don’t understand why people are so rude though. :expressionless:

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I say hi when people join and if they are rude while forming i kick em.

Welcome to the honor farm.

ppl are gonna be queueing into 2s for 30 second runs.

Back in the day DPS new how to CC, now days just not their place to fix a mistake. They lost the teamwork concept because it’s 3 DPS playing solo.

I blame tab targeting, I want to go from mob A to B to C, Not go From Mob A to random trash pack 3 rooms away…

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Back in the day Dps were just has brain dead as they are now, they couldn’t interrupt, they couldn’t CC, getting them to not stand in everything and to not pull everything was a miracle.

Nothings changed since then except now we have added even more classes and specs to go full lazy on…

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How far back in the day? You can’t complete a heroic TBC without CC unless the group just way out classes it. Threat meters where so their AOE spells didn’t get themselves killed. They knew to hold back. Was a much more group oriented combat system. No tank could hold everything except Paladin and he’d OOM if people where stupid. All tanks had limitations and advantages.

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