This is a case of bad perspective.
I’m in 3 guilds spanning two high pop servers. In one guild we have 200+ members 12 of which are lvl 60. About 30ish members are 50+ and the rest are in the 30-49 range with a hand full of pre 20’s that are alts.
The 2nd guild on the same server is 400ish members with about 30 lvl 60’s, 80 lvl 50+’s and a sea of lvl 30-49’s.
The third guild is on Grobbulus and it’s got 100ish members that are almost entirely 55+s.
People who are in the third type of guild think that they are the “norm”, the standard, but they are not. They are surrounded by like minded individuals. They are trapped in an echo chamber so they think they ARE the curve.
The vast bulk of players aren’t 60. The problem is players who are 60, and have been 60 for weeks now, only know other 60s or thereabouts, only raid with them, and so assume they are the norm and not the exception.
I would wager, dollars to donuts, that the average level (to not include alts or players who haven’t logged in over a week) is probably in the neighborhood of 45 to 50. I would place those players in the solid “casual” category. Meaning somewhere in the 10hours played a week arena.
Those players in the pre 40 range are either rerolls or super casuals.
60, for absolute certain, is not where the bulk of players are at. It’s certainly where the bulk of super to extremely active players are at. This is akin to having a conversation with an upper middle class individual.
They think everyone is fine and the world is amazing for everybody. That “everybody” thinks just like them! That “everybody” agrees with them.
Meanwhile the remaining 93% of the world wants to know what the #%^+ they’re smoking.