Why The Rush Blizzard?

Uhh no?

You forget this post is about the OVERALL Phase releasing right? They’re rushing phase 2, so Rocksalot ask if they’re going to be rushing phase 3 and so on. Can we expect to get Naxx during 2020? Because you see then, it will be more difficult to go through content on my Shaman or my Warrior because Classic is over before we know it.


With that good Sir I agree, one of the great things leveling in Vanilla was the honor grind and the constant world pvp that actually mattered.

Give us honor and BGs and all will be fixed!

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that’s a really credible point, assuming of course that Blizzard doesn’t have an anti-twink agenda all over again

Makes zero sense actually. I’d like to enjoy the process of continuing to gear up for raids in MC and Ony right now rather than start another raid tier. I’m enjoying running these old classic 5-mans trying to get my best pre-raid gear. Adding content too early will kill that experience for a lot of players.


I feel the same way sometimes.

Expanding content appears to be stretching the player base in a way that the casuals are left with fewer people to play with.

At the same time, they would be facing the same problem if the faster players quit or took a break.

Im not on a PvE server but wonder if those servers are populated with more casually minded players? If so, then releasing new content shouldn’t threaten the casual pace dynamic too bad?

No dog in the fight - just curious

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they are not rushing anything.

all the content is there, they are DELAYING it, releasing as slowly as they possibly content, piece by piece, to keep people entertained cause they know there’s so little to do in classic people will leave due to boredom.

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No one is preventing you from doing just that. The phases releasing have no effect on how you choose to play and enjoy the adventures. Ignorant people should really stop with the “Your Retail” BS. I stopped playing with the Release of Pandas, so it’s impossible for me to be a retail person, when I don’t even own retail version.

I don’t enjoy dailies, and never have. Stop projecting with your ignorant false assumptions of others.

When I started playing in Vanilla WoW BWL was already a thing, it had no effect on me as to do it you needed to have a guild, and the gear from the earlier raids still. AQ also had no effect on me, as the same reason as above. Eventually I was able to see BWL and AQ after we had MC on farm for months, but it still took me months to go to the lvl to be able to go to BWL/AQ, but had no direct effect on me that others had access to those raids.

Don’t be a tool.

I can’t imagine them ruining twinks in classic. It would further open the floodgate for the change crowd to start asking for minor improvements.

But hey… it’s possible they might.

This is a good point. I made all my decisions on character class and race, plus what server to pick and whether or not to transfer, based on the information we were presented pre-release. If Naxx is going to be out this summer I do not want to spend any time leveling alts or gearing twinks. I want to make an informed decision.


Again wrong. If they released all the content at the beginning why would I need to try and get pre raid BiS when I can go PuG ZG and AQ20 and even BWL and what not? The phasing keeps things relative to their phase they’re in. Would people be trying to farm Jed as much if ZG was released already?

This isn’t true. P2 Doesn’t even have MC. It’s FINE. WE might be 6 months from BWL.

So right now there’s still just MC/Ony. How are people just dinging behind? Really?

Not to mention, catch up mechanics were always ALWAYS a part of wow. ZG helps A LOT. So even if you don’t hit 60 before ZG you’ll be fine in there as well.

You know Rocksalot,

The diversity of opinion is probably a symptom of a development team that is at a crossroads and unsure how to proceed :popcorn:

Gestalt level vanilla experience is happening.:stuck_out_tongue:

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It would be nice to have, even at best, a rough time line. Then I could see if I could expect myself, with my current schedule, to get 1 level 60, 2 or perhaps 3? I just don’t know. I know now though, that I needed to rush atleast 1 to 60 to enjoy P1 before it ends. Getting to MC w/o the huge war is going to be much different then it will be come P2.


This. This is what those of us who have been speculating on new content have been talking about. It doesn’t take a crystal ball to foresee that the post-Naxx content drought will cause the stagnation and death of communities if no new content is added.

As far as the pacing goes, I have a suspicion that phases 2 and 3 may get brought out pretty quick, but the rest will be spread out a bit more. Phase 3 brings battlegrounds, which will give people a lot of repeatable content.

I am lvl 48 I have a 21 hunter and a 16 Warrior, I play many hours a day and way to much on the weekends. I think I have maybe 10 days played on this Rogue alone.

For me, I like leveling up, but I do not just grind xp and quest ad nauseam, I like checking out cool waterfalls and fishing for a few, I like helping other players lower do quests, I like adventuring around with no real goal at all sometimes!

I suppose I too could be 60 and whining, I didn’t join Classic to race to the end like the others. I logged on Classic to “Play the Game”.


This is a case of bad perspective.

I’m in 3 guilds spanning two high pop servers. In one guild we have 200+ members 12 of which are lvl 60. About 30ish members are 50+ and the rest are in the 30-49 range with a hand full of pre 20’s that are alts.

The 2nd guild on the same server is 400ish members with about 30 lvl 60’s, 80 lvl 50+’s and a sea of lvl 30-49’s.

The third guild is on Grobbulus and it’s got 100ish members that are almost entirely 55+s.

People who are in the third type of guild think that they are the “norm”, the standard, but they are not. They are surrounded by like minded individuals. They are trapped in an echo chamber so they think they ARE the curve.

The vast bulk of players aren’t 60. The problem is players who are 60, and have been 60 for weeks now, only know other 60s or thereabouts, only raid with them, and so assume they are the norm and not the exception.

I would wager, dollars to donuts, that the average level (to not include alts or players who haven’t logged in over a week) is probably in the neighborhood of 45 to 50. I would place those players in the solid “casual” category. Meaning somewhere in the 10hours played a week arena.

Those players in the pre 40 range are either rerolls or super casuals.

60, for absolute certain, is not where the bulk of players are at. It’s certainly where the bulk of super to extremely active players are at. This is akin to having a conversation with an upper middle class individual.

They think everyone is fine and the world is amazing for everybody. That “everybody” thinks just like them! That “everybody” agrees with them.

Meanwhile the remaining 93% of the world wants to know what the #%^+ they’re smoking.


Makes zero sense actually. I’d like to enjoy the process of continuing to gear up for raids in MC and Ony right now rather than start another raid tier. I’m enjoying running these old classic 5-mans trying to get my best pre-raid gear. Adding content too early will kill that experience for a lot of players.

again, give it another week or two. people will get bored out of 5 man or only stick to arena-angerforge run as that’s what they need… or they’ll wait for a MC piece.

why would it kill the experience? nothing replace those 5 man. the people bored from MC aren’t going back to 5 man anyway.

There isn’t a rush. The games been out for multiple months. There are tons of 60’s. People have MC on farm. Pugs do it with ease as if it’s close to LFR…

We don’t have bgs, we don’t have the pvp level system. We don’t have nax or the dozens of other things yet. People are bored. Why should they hold content?You act like by releasing this content people will no longer be running onyxia or molten core. Trust me this benefits you if you just dinged 60. There are so many ppl out there min/maxing requiring all BIS gear (the guilds not the pugs) therefore by releasing more content, people will be running the mc and onyxia on alts, and will also be running it in their mains for fun and to top dps charts and won’t be need the gear

cause you’ll wipe over and over.

altho it would be interesting to see how far/fast people can clear content without months of gear farming in between phases.

Im coming around to wanting that firm timeline, too. Time management is the meta game that I think a lot of us must win, just to stay subbed.

Blizzard has a spotty record of valuing our time expenditure apart from carrots designed to make us stick around.