Why The Rush Blizzard?

I think you’re missing the point. Casuals aren’t going to be doing Naxx, it wasn’t made for them, but that’s not a problem because unlike retail being behind doesn’t matter. If you had given my guild 6 more months in vanilla we would still be in BWL because we sucked. Trying to slow the game down to a casual pace will just kill the game

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I didn’t do either of those things and easily hit 60 in a few weeks. That stuff is kind of irrelevant

Ill def give you that for naxx, that place is no joke lol. But on private servers we had casual guilds (not pugs) working through naxx. At the very least i’d expect that a “casual” 2 night a week raiding guild should be able to be progressing through AQ when naxx launches, and maybe even clear it by the end of classic.

barely did any instance after wailing cavern.

also, for all of you QQ’ing about people ‘rushing’ and reaching lvl 60 in 4 day played…

you should be getting a ton of rested XP making your lvl’ing faster ( in term of /played) than ours, WTF are you doing?

Looking forward to Cyberpunk I used to play that rpg as a teenager

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I do?

Um, right back atcha. “I’m bored!” isn’t a counter to anything. You have yet to answer why you rushed in the first place, what you thought would happen after that, how people aren’t going to leave sooner if content is rushed out, etc.

What point was debunked? What question did I refuse to answer?

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In what way will that affect you?

There will always be people at every point in the progression curve. Same as it was in Vanilla. You are setting an expectation that Blizzard should artificially slow progression at the top end to spare the feelings of people who might be upset that they’re not as good at the game as other players. That never existed in Vanilla, so why should that expectation exist in Classic?

Actually retail caters to the casuals in so many more ways. This was known for years before Classic was ever announced. You have it completely backwards.

No matter what timetable they release classic in, every player will be able to experience all the content. Just because you’re behind the curve, doesn’t mean you can’t experience every bit of content eventually, at your own pace. If you choose to quit because you’re not at the bleeding edge, then that’s your choice, but it has nothing to do with the content schedule.

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Wrong. Then there’s no point to the game and it would die because the people begging for content release will just clear content that’s released early and go back to raid logging. How do you think the game has survived this long? Especially on “vanilla-like” p servers?


Fresh servers, not alts.

Pservers still exist, if you want accelerated content you can have that RIGHT NOW!

Dont ruin classic by pushing out phases ASAP.

Releasing BWL now would not be accelerating the content at all. The number of players currently killing Ragnaros is multitudes higher than the number of players killing Ragnaros when BWL released in Vanilla.

It would accelerate the release of the content, not the amount of people clearing MC.

Blizzard has already said that content phases are being released when the playerbase is ready. The playerbase has many times more players killing Ragnaros and many times more players at 60 compared to the release of BWL during Vanilla.

Hopefully phase 3 releases in a month or two, the playerbase is ready right now.

So what about the people that decide to play Classic after all the phases are implemented.
Will they just give up and quit or keep playing?
Maybe we should just tell them not to bother because they are to far behind.
maybe that is what is wrong with Retail, why should I play if I am so far behind. But you know that will be my reason for not playing Retail. Thanks
When I do get to 60 and decide to take a break will I fall behind in Classic?
No, I will not due to the fact Classic is going no where. I will come back after one year and guess what. My toon and every thing that I have done will still be there.
There is no curve or falling behind for the casual Classic player.

We still need people to quit on my server or we will have huge queues when layering is removed.

Blizz accounted for people leaving classic, thats why they dragged a-- on spinning up new servers even with 8hr queue times.

Raid logging is fine because people dont actually need to play this specific game for every moment of free time they have.

The hardest part about raiding in retail is that you have to log X amount of hours per week or you fall behind, if you want a version of wow that can eat all of your time, retail has an endless AP grind you can smash your face into for literally endless hours.

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the good old ‘’ if you play more than me you rushed therefor it’s all your fault’’.

not that it was really worth much in the first place.

for the pserver? a very small, fringe portion of the playerbase who enjoy repeating the same trivial content for years, starting over again and again and again.

for the actual game? by releasing new content regularly.

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the hardest part about raiding on retail are the bosses themselve. nothing classic has to offer even come close to a mid-tier heroic boss, nevermind mythic.

the hardest part about raiding on classic is 1- level’ing up, just time consuming, and keeping people interested after the 10th time you one-shot everything in a speedclear fashion.

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If you are playing 20/hours per week and just hit 60 you are doing something wrong. With that being said…I dont believe you play 20 hours per week.

20 hours a week for the 10 weeks is 200hours or just under 8days 8 hours played.

A “fast” solo leveler would be around 6days without rested xp (144hours)

I also got both professions to 300. I have around 500g in materials/coin. And a good amount of AFK time during that period. Also, dungeon runs for some pre-raid BiS (those groups don’t come too fast for a mage either)

Still, I leveled at a reasonable rate without it being the only thing on my mind.

No, I didn’t log on everytime and go grind out some XP, sometimes I wouldn’t get any and be on for about an hour doing other things.

Do you want to try questioning my own playing again?

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