Why The Rush Blizzard?

Ok… they aren’t releasing phase at a fixed rate. No idea why everyone thinks that is the case. They are releasing phases when they see fit. Personally I don’t expect bwl till march at the earliest.


Nobody said that’s what classic is supposed to be. If they wanted it to be “authentic” they would have started with 1.0 instead of 1.12

This phase doesnt actually add any instanced content. Just some world bosses and honor. Of course its gonna come out after a couple months max, people need a different grind to help bridge the time to BWL, which probably wont be out until around April.

I would like them to pump the brakes after phase 3 comes out for sure.


nobody ever said anything about releasing content at the same super slow pace… they don’t have to code and create it, they just have to flip a switch.

there’s nothing new, nothing unexpected to be excited about, there’s nothing to do at 60. People are already raid-logging… that’s 1 small step away from not logging in at all anymore.

we aren’t blowing through phases, we’re crawling through them.


If they didn’t want it to be phased, they could have released all the content at the start. Blizzard is phasing it for a reason, I have no choice/influence over that decision at all.

I’m simply confused at their approach. They phase the game to create a more authentic feel, but they rush the phases? It seems odd to me anyways.


I bet we don’t see a new phase for 4 months minimum.

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The people that are raid logging are the extreme minority and can go play something else. They will come back as new phases are released.


that blue quote means they’ll bundle content together. as in phases. doesn’t say anything about waiting a bloody 6 month between phases.


yeah the reason why only 1% or was it lesser had experience nax in vanilla. tbh classic is just a nastolgia train just play at your pace, if you want to exp raid just go retail and play mc nex aq and bwl. lol


extreme minority?

there’s already 12+ raid team clearing MC on earthfury horde side ( and that’s not a ‘hardcore’ server like faerlina , herod or stalagg). that’s already 10% of the server, at minimum, who hardly have any reason to log on beyond the weekly raid clear.


And nobody said we expected 6 month phases either. What I said was we didn’t expect 2 month phases and Naxx in less than a year. Quit creating straw men.


This is my POV, too.

No doubt Blizzard is watching this balance but I think, ironically, the elephant in the room for shareholders is the longevity and appeal of retail.

I get this sense, after Blizzcon, that Classic was approved on the premise it would bolster retail. I just dont see Classic-tBC providing enough long term interest in absorbing the focus of the WoW flagship.

For this reason, Blizzard will likely maximize the flexible phase release with a focus on sub retention - but I wonder if they have the right feedback process in place to gauge the sentiments of the player base - instead of relying on some data point algorithm.

There is a current exodus happening pre phase two. Why? Not certain but likely a mixture of burnout, boredom and frustration.

The stated reasons on these forums is an indication but a small sample size.

Casuals feeling left behind vs faster players getting bored, is not a new conflict.

My gut says the loss of the casual base will end Classic quickly; and is maybe why Blizz has a history of catering to casuals. However, you cant please everyone with #nochanges. Its fascinating to see how Blizzard will balance their release pace after phase two.

Am I crazy to think that Shadowlands release is driving the Classic train and its phase schedule?


you are the ones making a huge fuss over the honor system being out after 2 friggin months when it should’ve been there at release.

and you are the ones scared about getting BWL any time soon when we’re already bored of MC.


I sure hope they do release some content early, outside of the phases, like they did with Dire Maul.

If we’re really only going to have MC/Ony + world bosses for endgame PvE content for the next 4 months then there will probably people that take a break and come back for P3.

All of this is OK. I fully expect there will be an ebb and flow of players. Lots of cool games coming out over the next year too and I am fine with the occasional lull in WOW content so I can catch up with other games an then come back to WOW when there is something to come back for.

This game has legs, there is content for at least 2 years and I have no doubt Blizzard will milk it for all they can.

What are you talking about? It’s basic math and it’s on the other guys side, not yours.

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That may be true for the no-lifers like you, but you are not the majority.


yes, cause taking 8 days /played to reach 60 is lvl’ing efficiently…


This is a very good post and stated better than I could thank you.

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some people are new like me… took me 2 months to hit 60 completely new to WoW… havent touched any other game since classic dropped and i dont plan on any other game for atleast another year