Why the new mount equipment system feels so underwhelming

Except for gliders, the temporary buff items only work in Kul Tiras/Zandalar; they’re already dead once people start spending their time in the new zones. Just like nobody needed the Legion versions once we hit Argus.


Not at all. I want Blizzard to implement a system that gives everyone the ability to have access to multiple mount effects the way we do now.


the fact they’re only giving us 1 water-walking equipment for free is the part that bothers me. i mean, only 1? seriously??

And you’re arguing for nerfs when there literally doesn’t need to be a nerf. People are upset because they feel like they have to use the strider. Fine. Give all mounts water walking for all I care. Don’t take it away, put a price tag on it, and make me choose between that or another option.

No they are equal but with your solution they completely miss out with blizzard you still get want water walking on your bug.

Not hard to understand this.

In the grand scheme of things, we’ll be able to walk on water again with our strider mounts, so no biggie.

However, the design and implementation of this system is just terrible.

First, how is it that a horse can suddenly walk on water (and a water strider bug cannot). That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Next, now there is going to be flying everywhere (huzzah!) the mount equipment is pointless outside of BGs and special zones.

Why is this limited to one slot per character? That is also a ridiculous restrictive. It is removing the choice of a mount to basically be cosmetic. At least before, I felt involved in my choice to use my strider (or golem) for a purpose. Now, it simply doesn’t matter. It takes choice and fun away.

It really feels like a half-assed attempt and doing something, and ended up with something that instead of getting acclaim has just been ridiculed and had negative backlash.

There was no reason to remove the water strider’s ability. Put it back, even if it is excluded from other benefits.

Make mount equipment per mount. Obviously. Let me choose the best mount to use based on the situation. Give me the decision to make.

Lets have more than one slot per mount. Let a profession create them (remember belt buckles).

Come up with some more inventive equipment, or just move them to be passives of the mounts themselves. Anti-daze, speed increase, herbing/mining, fast swimming, quest usage without dismounting (when you have to click an item), stamina buff, cast/attack while mounted, slow-fall. (almost like talents).

It’s a shame that the design team took such a potentially great idea and managed to shoot themselves in the foot with it. Here, let me bandage that for you, oh no, you removed that too.


That’s because the Anglers have been experimenting on Water Striders which has caused them to lose their ability to stride on water. (Literally they send you a letter on the PTR telling you this.)

Nevermind that your water strider predates said experiments and hasn’t been to Pandaria to be experimented on in 4 to 6 years. Unless the Anglers can now transcend both time and space!


Remember when skinning had crit buff, and mining had HP buff, etc. Yeah they wont be adding this in if they took all those other features away. They pruned this game to the point that later down the road, almost every class and spec will be similar just named different.


If they do this, then they can’t add restrictions going forward. Bardings and stirrups have zone restrictions (the current ones won’t work in the new zones unless they are changed).

Making them consumables lets them add restrictions on a whim.


Seems like a non issue to me?

Now you will be able to have at least one effect that previously you could not have had outside Zandalar and Kul Tiras. People who want to stack effects (like they could before) in those zones still can. Only difference is now people in other zones now have the option to have anti daze or parachute as opposed to just water walking (which is still an option if they want)

This system would have been infinitely better if it was per mount and not per character. They somehow managed to make it even worse than what we already had, but that seems to be the norm now with the WoW devs I guess.


They made it worse and people are cheering for it. That is masterful use of spin.

Now, if we could just get them to put as much effort into making a good game as they put into making bad ideas sound good, we’d be all set.


The head honcho is a lawyer, spin is what they do.

are you serious about the letter? omg im done with this game.

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Yup, he’s serious; WoWhead has the letter up:

For those who don’t want to click, it reads:

Hey there angler!
I have great news for you! After much research here at Angler’s Wharf we have managed to create an item that we can equip on our mounts to enable water walking!
Unfortunately in this research we may have caused irreparable harm to the water strider population, and they lost their innate ability to walk on water, however, our new Anglers’ Water Striders mount equipment works for them as well.

Yep, I saw it here in a thread by Mortis


It’s a consumable, like a gem, which are quite often limited to a single expansion use, like a gem, also based on current consumable items that are already limited to current zones.

You can do that right now with current consumables and/or class, spec, or mount combinations.

You can do that in 8.2 but only as a Blood DK using the parachute.

To be fair, its 40g. I do think it should be free for all alts, but it isn’t going to be noticeable.

It’s day 2 of the PTR and things are almost always cheap on the PTR so players don’t need to bother farming gold to test things.

It’s also the only vendor item and since the other 2 will be subject to AH pricing it’s a pretty good bet that the WW shoes go up substantially when 8.2 goes live to be in relatively the same price range otherwise why bother spending a few thousand for no daze when you can get WW for 40g and ride around mobs?

(Likewise, why buy stacks of parachutes off the AH when you can make much better goblin gliders in your garrison for free?)

Yeah that letter is still the best story they have told all expansion. WAY more plausible, even with not being plausible at all.