Every game you got your group of people who just complain nonstop about “Blizzard forcing them to grind AV”. It’s ridiculous.
I resubbed Friday night and started the grind around 3AM Saturday morning. I had the mount by 5AM Monday morning. I work full time also and wasn’t off for any of the days. It was simply a quick process. I got it within 5 games. Most lasted around two hours with some being shorter. Only one lasted for the whole day until I had to leave.
It SEEMS like some terrible grind until you get into it and realize how quick and painless it really is. Then it’s smooth sailing. Plus you got until January. If you’re a bit put off, just go for it. The mounts are beautiful.
Update: I have just completed it on my now 113 WW also without doing a single quest or farming Insignias (as I leave them for players without the mount). I’ve literally been doing it on him for the ridiculous XP alone. Once again, if you JUST play and loot simple things like the NPC’s to turn in, you’ll be done much faster than it seems.
Disclaimer: I play entirely with one hand…with several bars bound to an old SWtoR Naga. My internet comes from a distant xfinitywifi hotspot. While I have two amazing PC’s I built, I use my old 2012 AMD APU laptop for WoW as I can take it to different rooms at night to keep more quiet. The frames are garbage on the lowest settings. DESPITE ALL OF THAT…I still looted a fair share of Insignias just fine. Seriously just quit crying and don’t do it if you don’t find the process to be worth the rewards. Either that or try harder. Good luck and best wishes!
Just got mine. Played yesterday for 2 hours, got obsidian worldbreaker and 40% av.
Played 3 hours today got av ram.
Done and done!
Its because certain people don’t want to work for their rewards. They have two full months to work towards it but certain people want it now and with little effort so they can keep complaining that they have nothing to do/work towards.
Probably because I’m 15% in, the first match took 3 hours (loss), this last match, I afk’d for less than a minute to use the restroom, came back and I was kicked out of the match, this was over 2 hours in. That is a grind, it’s painful, and a reminder of how poorly the bg is designed. It has nothing to do with work as Byucknah as stated, it has to do with complete frustration over lack of progress. I don’t mind something taking time as long as I can safely deal with rl issues such as a full bladder. Maybe byucknah can fart around all day with a job/family/etc, but some of us have limited time to play.
It frustrates me that the fastest way to get the mount is to ignore the BG entirely and simply repeat quests for a few hours. It’s not the worst grind ever, just … oddly counter to the entire point of the event.
I’ve been pacing myself and just doing a few quests per BG, but it’s still incredibly strange that you can’t progress it in any way but those quests. A victory should at the very least get you 5, 10%.
Old AV was about big groups of people slugging it out.
The new-old AV is about doing all the little side quests ad-nauseam.
Some people can get a lot done by looting bodies, but that only works well if you’re on the farming side and generally a melee character. I played a mage on the (almost always) losing side, and only got a few badges from armor scrap turn ins, despite doing a decent amount of pvp.
My only complaint is that the looting of insignias just doesn’t work at all for me if another person is doing it. Like a 5% success rate. I have 30-35ms, and have my cursor over the corpse right as the person dies, see the mouseover change and I begin the cast, only to get it too late. I have the bg set to 1 setting while I typically play at 10 so I don’t think it is some game effect slowing performance on my end.
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The only disappointing thing for me is that winning doesn’t contribute at all to the % bar. I played for 2 hours yesterday, and was defending posts, on the front lines, and playing objectives, but I got nothing out of it. The problem is it incentivizes people to just going off into the mines and mindlessly grind out the supplies quests. I wish that they’d made you at least get something for winning, even if were like a 20% increase, considering how time consuming the whole thing is.
That being said, when people are actually trying the BG is really fun; I wish they’d bring it back permanently! It is so satisfying fending off a raid on your tower/GY, or pushing through and capping an objective, not worrying about the re-enforcement mechanic.
I would happily grind, but that’s not what it is. It’s go into AV and do side quests while ignoring AV.
That isn’t fun.
You get 10 badges for winning. So yeah practically nothing. The play is to kill alot of people and get the npcs on your side that allow for more turnins. Ideally it should give like maybe 30-50 badges for a win.
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It’s not about the grind, it’s about putting quests in that don’t contribute to the overall group. When 50% of your team is taming rams and chilling in the mines there’s a big design issue. Rams need to be tamed and supplies need to be ran but not half your team.
I had the same feeling when I first started it but as you stated OP once I got going it was not that bad. I did the mount grind on my Hunter so getting those badges from dead players was not very easy. What’s funny though I thought I would not touch the place again once I got the mount but decided to level a 112 pally through it and had some great fun doing it. It only took 2 full games and 5 minutes into a 3rd to hit 120.
It does contribute to the bar. When the BG ends don’t leave the BG immediately and give it about 20-30 seconds before leaving. I ran into that issue myself and just waiting for a bit fixed it.
haha well if that is the case then they need to hot fix that asap. I shouldn’t have to afk in the results screen to get it!
I’ll double check it next time i’m in game though.
It’s a good thing it’s just fun to do in general lol.
Its yet another long boring grind with little to no rewards. Its not worth the time to me.
Don’t care about the grind, I care about 1/3 or more of the team being in the mines the whole time because the quests were not set up in a way to actually contribute to the BG.
There is anger because the rams and wolves can be capped too quickly.
Well I can understand frustrating grinding, but this AV grind is players being lazy.
When the team actually pushes forward it’s fun. When half the teams runs straight to the mines because of stupid requirement on a limited time mount in a bg it is clearly bad design.
If everyone plays AV as it originally was, you get the mount very fast. AKA–capture towers/mines/etc, loot corpses and turn in repeatedly.
Doing that, I ended the first match with 45%, 2nd I got the mount.
This is what old AV was like. Standing there looting as you got shot to turn in armor scraps. Remember the old days and embrace it 
Or how great it was designed. I wish we had just one thing in game that didn’t cater to the 30 minute crowd
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