Is there a chance that the Core Races may get more in future patches or expansions in terms of customisations, after of course the AR’s got there chance?
Why do they need to wait for the ARs to get some?
We also confirmed in SL that the Jailer has Lana’thel’s soul sitting in his storehouse of Frostmourne victims. Pop back in, steal it and resurrect her that way. Or ‘redeem’ Kael’thas by having him return to lead remaining San’layn since they were literally his followers in life and he can’t come back and lead the living blood elves. If they could invent void elves and the whole night warrior thing out of thin air they can easily come up with justification for San’layn options for blood elves.
Copy/Paste seems to be a low effort addition that’s easy to add. Something new and unique, however, doesn’t exist and needs to be made. Hopefully Blood Elves get new things unique to them in a future customization wave.
As said above, copy/pasting existing assets onto an identical model seems to be a simple and easy thing to do. Completely new assets, not so much.
Hoping for a proper Void Elf customization pass in the future that adds new Void Themed aesthetic options. Right now, there aren’t void options that can be copy/pasted from other races.
The Void Elves were less than a dozen, yet they’re playable.
The Mag’har Orcs have a limited population, yet they’re playable.
void elves START out as a ‘crack squad’ but can bolster their numbers from any elf that seeks them out
CMs don’t determine what customizations get added. Developers make that call. CMs just get to tell players what is coming down the line.
Don’t think I was asking any of us players that. Also, so what? It’s still repeated additions of non-void options before any new void options were given, and not everything is just a copy paste, there’s gonna be at least some work on the hair where the tentacles are being taken away.
The worry is that certain requests are being prioritized in being presented to the devs as being requested, since it seems like the announcement of NB and LFD additions the majortiy of updates have been on the Velves getting more and more stuff wished for by the high elf crowd
So… what you’re saying.
There’s High Elves in the Void Elves.
Yet you’re denying the High Elves should be playable.
You literally contradicted yourself.
Citation needed. Last I heard was something along the lines of, ‘The Void Elves aren’t necessarily recruiting, but they’re not turning anyone who wants to study the Void away.’ There’s no indication that more Void Elves specifically with the blue skin and tentacles can be made, considering that was the result of a ritual being prematurely stopped.
Let’s not pretend that the additions to Void Elves in both customization passes weren’t essentially low-hanging fruit with minimal effort to add. New things take time to add, because they need to be created. That’s why we haven’t seen new void customizations. They don’t exist, they need to be made, and other Allied Races (Nightborne, Lightforged Draenei, and Highmountain Tauren) all desperately needed attention first.
Plenty of core races still need attention too. There’s no reason not to add simple and easy things such as copy/pastes. Removing tentacles is likewise not difficult, none of the hairstyles need to be changed for it.
Yeah, considering void elves skipped the line, and now are getting more.
you know the citation clearly. now youre twisting danusers words to impy they are there to study when the question asked was where do the numbers come from. do you guys ever argue honestly? just play the damn game. void elves are far beyond a crack squad to the point that they can sacrifice a ‘crack squad’ during the alliance war campaign in bfa
Literally can not thank you guys enough this is incredible <3
Let’s not pretend that what was given was not basically EXACTLY what was requested and a huge give that was completely unprecedented, and not just some unwanted leftovers.
What’s the contradiction?
Blood Elves are high elves, and void elves are their own thing after getting changed by the void, not just a elf that studies the void.
Well, looking at some of the things the High Elf crowd has wanted… I’d have to disagree.
Was it a, ‘huge give?’ I think it was something that was greatly appreciated, but in terms of cost to add haircolors and skin colors that already existed, I can’t imagine it was resource intensive.
Yes, yes, there was that period when people kept making mockups because they thought if they made a model that was almost exactly a blood elf but with just enough difference they’d get it. But the request has always been for a high elf, which is what a blood elf is, so it never made sense for there to be a different model.
So why are Kul Tiran humans and the rest of Humanity so different? You’re saying that playable High Elves couldn’t have had a different body-type? Something more athletic looking? With a different stance, meaning a different silhouette?
Skin colors I agree with you, hair colors I don’t simply because Void Elves have completely different hair textures from Blood Elves so it’s not just a simple copy/paste like with the skin tones, time and effort has had to go into Void Elves getting shared colors from Blood Elves.
Can you at least stop talking down what high elf fans got as if it was nothing when it’s what you were asking for? It comes off really greedy and ungrateful
Can you stop talking up what they got as if these additions cost us a raid tier and High Elf fans should be grateful and never ask for another thing ever?
Don’t mistake me. I’m quite glad we’ve gotten the additions we’ve had. I just find it bordering on absurdity that people act like these additions came at some monumental cost or something, when they are very basic and simple additions, so easy in fact that Blizzard added three additional hair colors in the short span of time since it was announced we’d be getting five natural ones.