But should they is the better question. It would even make more sense to allow the Mechagnomes to be Druids as some sort of Transformers.
I haven’t ever liked the idea of blood elf druids, but that’s just because “blood elves can be too many classes already” and less on the lore.
Opening things up would probably erase my objections.
That’s true though. The most played race on Horde gets even more options. Would hurt the race diversity even more.
I can understand that, and I do agree with that statement. But honestly, I would wish Blizzard would look at every customization for every race, and give every race the same equal treatment.
I don’t think we’ll ever get to the point of having the same amount. But I hope next pass they look at races with the least and bump them up a bit.
They didn’t give Pandas much at all. And there were a lot of things people asked for.
Why they refuse to give Worgens tails or Trolls beards is beyond me.
There’s still so much some races don’t have, incuding heritage armors. I really hope they haven’t given up on it.
I hope so too. Blizzard did say the aim of the customizations is to allow us express our characters more, but a vast majority doesn’t feel like that.
I’m not one of those people. I don’t think a class should be excluded from a race just because some people on both sides of the argument disagree. Tit for tat is pretty sophomoric. The more options the better.
Same here.
Your comment didn’t age well. Hahaha.
Belf druids would fit just fine, and more so than paladins would fit void elves.
How about no to both? Void Elf Paladins make as much sense as going to a Hot Dog Stand for a Salad, and Blood Elf Druids, well, there is a reason why the Highborne society were kicked out of the Night Elven society after the Night Elves adopted Druidism.
Hey! The dirty water cart makes a great kraut, relish and onion salad!
Well, only if it is not the dirty water from New York.
They used arcane, that’s why. They didn’t turn against nature. Quel’thalas is beautiful, and the farstriders retain a close connection with nature. I could see them making the jump to druids just fine.
But that’s like the home of the dirty water dog
It’s really one sided though. Swing over to the Blood Elf request thread or the San’layn request thread or the Dark Ranger request thread. There aren’t huge arguments or push back or anything. Just a group of people trying to keep Alliance players from playing a race and group that exists within the Alliance.
I’m not against Blood Elf Druids.
I think that with the way the groups are setup that Blood Elf Druids don’t make sense. The same way that for whatever reason you can’t play a Kul’tiran Paladin.
But I don’t really care about that. Blood Elf and Void Elf Druids, Void Elf and Nightborne Demon Hunters, Void Elf Paladins.
Bring em’ all.
But just adding Blood Elf Druids alone? No thanks. Everybody already plays a Blood Elf and the Horde already has more players. Not into it.
I hope this also means that sometime in the near future they will add some more playable races as the race I identify with most and would express the best with is just an npc race.
I just wanna be a Sethrak. I love snakes. And we don’t even have a reptile race available anyway.
I’m more bothered how the most popular player race gets more class diversity which would result in other races get even less played. Blood Elves really don’t need another class, to be honest. Would rather see unpopular races getting more options.
It would be very nice for blizzard to add Sethrak. (along with other ARs…)
Yes to both!