Why the lack of Customization?

More Hair Styles, Tattoos/Warpaint, more skimpy mogs too.


Scarification for Undead since even in rl tattoos remain long after death,let us be upright,just because we’re undead doesn’t mean we have to be hunched over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame


Those would both be awesome. I’d probably level my undead priest finally if she could be upright. Undead could also use beards.

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Yes, the Highborne are spread out it’s not just one thing at his point. To say the Nightborne ARE the Highborne you could say the Naga ARE the Highborne in a similar way.

What the Highborne actually were was the Night Elf upper class at a particular time mainly associated with Queen Azshara. From that there is various versions of this spread out and it’s not just one thing anymore.

From my understanding of the Nightborne which I could be mistaken is that during the whole incident involving Queen Azshara and the Highborne and the well/magic that there was some Highborne residents in Suramar that put up a magical shield, I don’t think they were all Highborne it was a big city they had some Highborne residents there.

The main Highborne with Queen Azshara became Naga.

"Yet many Highborne did not meet their fate at the bottom of the sea. Some had betrayed their queen at the last minute, having realized the horrors she would unleash upon the world. These defectors had fled the [capital city] of [Zin-Azshari] site of the Well, and were thereby spared when the Great Sundering tore [Kalimdor] apart. Others remained hidden away in far-flung strongholds such as [Eldre’Thalas]

Those who had joined with the rest of their shattered peoples fled the rising waters of the [Great Sea], eventually arriving at the base of [Mount Hyjal] where they helped to rebuild the night elven civilization in the newly reshaped world. They were not entirely welcome: the night elves, now led by Malfurion, reviled Queen Azshara’s former servants and were doubtful of their loyalty. Still, without the Well to supply their magic, the Highborne were considered little threat, and were permitted to rejoin night elven society."

From there you can see the Blood Elf spreading forth as those Highborne ran into trouble with magic again. etc.

Point being that the Highborne or High Elf isn’t currently one thing like it might’ve been in the past. Different things can be true.


I differ from many of my Shen’dralar customization compatriots in that I don’t want anything significant to represent the Shen’dralar.

Just a bit more jewelry, a tattoo (male and female), an eye color and maybe a skin tone all with arcane looks but decidedly in the style of the Night Elves not the Nightborne.

The Nightborne and the Shen’dralar diverged over ten thousand years due to their unique storylines and shouldn’t have the “same” customizations.

Nightborne advanced (though stagnantly) and Shen’dralar waned.

The opulence of the Nightborne is not what I’m looking for for my Shen’dralar.

I think it’s ridiculous to lock a part of the night elves society off for a theme that several other races employ.


100% this. I want nothing that represents the Nightborne. All we (or, well, I… I can’t really speak on behalf of the rest of Shen’dralar fans x) ) want is elegant jewelry/hairstyles, maybe an Azshara-like skin tone as you say, not much more.

Which is why…

This x 1000.


I agree. And after recieving nothing but copy and paste for the Void Elves, it is the last thing I want. I was hoping for more of unique skin tones and hair colours, bit more of a different shade to be honest to what the Blood Elves had. But if requesting for Highborne customizations, don’t want it copied from the Nightborne. Want unique ones, ones with the Night Elf highborne.



It’s only fair that, after being neglected for so many years, the Shen’dralar develop their own Highborne style.


I’m not even sure I’d call em highborne anymore lol. (Which is why I almost only use Shen’dralar.) They’ve been through so much humbling and been taken down so far.

I envision them integrating into the Night Elves society as they had nearly nothing when they arrived but after awhile they realize with the Night Elves they have access to resources again. So they start making little bits of jewelry to enhance their arcane abilities just a bit, a tattoo here or there. Y’know?

Integration is all good, and I do think they did, but they’re not gonna forget what they are. They’ll gravitate to things that are important to them. I think that should be represented.

The skin tones and eyes are for actual differentiations based on their story…

Also it gives me two reasons to request green eyes for Night Elves. lol


Lol, I see so many hidden replies in this thread and I’m wondering what they say but I refuse to actually look, regardless what you said sounds good so you got a like from me. :blush: :blush: :blush:


Honestly, the way the un-bubbled highborne have been portrayed in game this whole time has been “Night elves wearing fancy clothes” up to and including the Moonguard in Legion.

It works for me.

I wouldn’t MIND seeing some more fancy jewelry, and I’ll always take some tattoos and optional skin colors, but I feel like traditional Highborn is covered pretty well as is on blueside. Though there’s always things that would be nice to see, and I really wish WoW used some more of the rune magic angle and enchanted goods in its aesthetic.

I wish the Shen’dralar had more of their own look, but that ship sailed in Cata.


I disagree. Blizzard didn’t start adding customizations until Legion-BfA. I think the reason we only saw them wearing fancy clothes is because Blizzard at the time didn’t have much choice.

Again though physically I’m not asking for much. They are night elves, I can see reason to add “aszhara’s” skin tone, and green eyes because they fed on a demon for 10k years. The jewelry is just to let us have more options in how we mog or portray ourselves.

And tattoos because everyone needs some/more tattoos. lol

Purple eyes just because I think everyone should have more options and Shen’dralar could have that with the newer trainees I think.


Indeed, but so have High Elves, and they haven’t changed their way of dressing or their taste in jewelry for instance.

To me, the Shen’dralar are definitely Highborne. In their way, sure, but still Highborne.

Definitely. Not sure if they will ever get green eyes because of their exposure to Fel, though (:tired_face:). But maybe more a more Arcane-infused eye color could make sense.


It wouldn’t hurt, for sure. I’d have to go back and do the Cata sundering dungeon to check if there was anything unique there (besides Azshara, who is ALWAYS unique), but I would kind of like to see, for example, a fel glow magical tattoo option with the blockier night elf style as opposed to the thin Nightborne script.

…Also an option to straight up rock the felborne look for my Nightborne, but that’s beside the point.


Thats fine. I’m actually just asking for Malfurion’s green eyes. This just gives me another way to use that green. lol

I do think this should be considered just to give some more options for Night Elf eyes. (All the glow eye races need more colors)

I’m against giving them a glow as I think thats beyond both what the Night Elves would permit and the Shen’dralar’s current abilities.

It’d be neat but I think it crosses too far towards Nightborne at that point.

(Thats just me though.)

This though. It needs to be Night Elf designed not Nightborne.

This is a thread specifically for bringing things like that up. That is not besides the point.

Also. Yes. That. For Nightborne.


Can you imagine if they could choose the magical glow color of hands, glowing feet and hair (added in), and tattoo?

Like, green, purple, blue, the silvery “Elune” light they have now…

Just sayin’.


I’m curious - how do you envision Shen’dralar jewelry?

I just checked Azshara for instance as inspiration and realized she’s using ear jewelry that resembles those of the Nightborne.

Maybe the Shen’dralar can have something similar to that, but in a way that doesn’t look like Nightborne ear jewelry.

Meh dunno, was wondering if you had any idea. x)

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Honestly not much different than what we already have.

Perhaps with more this look…


Viney but with gems for arcane stuff.

Nothing super fancy though. Simple, naturey but with Arcane worked in.


Yeah I like that, in fact now that you mention it, combining the themes of Nature + Arcane would be awesome.


And it keeps it away from Nightborne aesthetic which I prefer.

Similar but different.