Why the lack of Customization?

kinda sad if you want to lean more into the void, you know being a void elf and all, a transmog does it better then the actual race that was transformed by and is intrinsically linked to it. my void elf needs more void stuff

and ofc red n’zoth eyes would look sooo good!

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It depends, does Paladin count for the humans? Or Shaman for the Draenei? No? Good.

Then it isn´t a “secondary theme” cause it´s linked to a HERO class, period.

Considering you try to pass a class combo as a “theme”, I worry for your deffinition of “fairness”. Doesn´t seem one based in solid analysis.

Especially when we remember that lorewise speaking, the DH toons aren´t even affiliated to Quel´thalas. Like DK´s aren´t affiliated to their parent race either and so on…

I mean if eye colors are themes then all the races already “own” the undead theme -Velves included :clown_face:- so guess what!!! They can already make their “Goth Vampire”, he just has to be a plate wearer!!!

I frankly believe they don´t even think too much about their arguments when they go in their “gotcha!!” phase. If the Belf players have proposed so many themes that was literally in response to see our tame “regular pink elf” theme eroded.

Devotion. the yellow color is linked to their devotion -NOT the Sunwell- as per Danuser´s own words (and considering Danuser is the new “Boss” of the story team, well… this makes it the proverbial “Word of God”).

I´ll put the link to the benefit of the usual suspects -that I bet will jump to say Belves "have two themes cause “holy sunwell” or some other inane Bs that´s nothing but misinformation:


In your very thread I celebrated a red eye model that wasn´t a cheap copy / paste on the Dark Ranger eye style. So yes, people that want them for genuine reasons and not merely to “stick it to the antis” have worked ways to accomplish that.

Is not about the color, is about the actual reasons. And if people are so transparent in their intentions the malice leak from their posts well… too bad. We´re all adults here and can notice when stuff is demanded by pettiness, and have all the right to call it as such, period.


I need to circle back to that post you made actually. I had other ideas… but I’ve forgotten what I was going to say… lol

I agree. Though I think at this point I might just stop responding at all to it.

Gets tiresome.

The starcursed eyes? The fact they look a little like The Sandman´s Morpheus version of eyes?

I mean, that design is honest to god even better than the DR one. The N´zoth red eyes too are much MUCH better and unique. So why attach to “hand me downs” just to complain after you only got “hand me downs”? Sounds like asking for nightmares, not dreams.


The one I showed the other day that I stumbled on?

It was really good. I liked that you likened it to Stars. And it was different enough to DR eyes that it definitely wasn’t that but could easily have been used for that for RP. I liked it a lot.

Also the tentacle colors, and the starcursed skin. Really good stuff.

the ocean of difference between a genuine original idea getting development and a malicious petition whose only true goal is to foment the already ubber toxic environment both fanbases already share.


The point isn’t her snark, it’s that the developers wrote that and they didn’t lump Blood Elves and High Elves into the same thing like some keep trying to do in this thread. That’s the point.

I’m not talking about just in-game , I was including the years in lore Thalassians worked with and were part of (and some still are) the Alliance. Again, you seem to be missing the point that it’s Thalassians who have a long history and present with both factions.

This isn’t relegated to any of the other playable races, and using WoW’s life-span is weak since lorewise there’s only been like 11 years or so of time passing lore wise (which not always included Horde fighting alongside human companions) compared to the likes of the Troll Wars and some such between humans and Thalassians “for ages to come”.

But that’s starting to get really off base. Simply put, the Alliance has had a far longer history with Thalassians, and do to this present timeline. Game wise, both factions have had more interactions with their loyalist groups of Thalassians unlike any other playable race.

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Well that’s dumb of them then. But also

I think too many people are losing their minds lately over a poster or two saying whatever they want, as if their own lone emphasis repeatedly on the matter will be listened to over the vast majority that’s been clear about what they’re wanting.

Ignore those posts if what they’re saying is frustrating, I do it with Mag and Soft all the time now lol.

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Agreed. Like the Blue Eyes for Blood Elves only movement. Didn’t pan out how those trolls were wanting it to pan out, thankfully.

I have, trust me, but I wanted to just inform you of this x.x I just want to emphasize I, personally, don’t mind it going to both. Just not void elves exclusively (who already have exclusive void customization as is and no I don’t think it should go to blood elves)


Isn’t that really over selling it? The thalassians had a vague alliance with the Alliance which they dumped as soon as they could, I mean it didn’t even last the entirety of WC2, and then WC3 for the high elves is basically “How the alliance were jerks and screwed them over” A few elves decided to help, but they all got stuck in Outland, basically all the other high elves that didn’t rejoin Silvermoon just said screw it, that place sucks now I’m staying here when Arthas attacked. Not really rah rah Alliance is it?

Simply put the horde has a far stronger relationship with the Thalassians than they ever did with the alliance.


I just get frustrated at their blatant childishness -there I said it-.

No people, jumping to act like a 5 year old just because other human beings didn´t support your ideas how you wanted them to does not make your opinion better. People has all the right to pick for themselves the stuff they want to support or not. Nobody is entitled to demand loyalty feats to other posters unless they pay for their sub, period (and keep in mind that even in this case, the affected poster can choose to leave the game and the “new owner” of the account with money spent for nothing).


I have Muir on ignore but let me guess: is he trying to argument the Belves belong to the Alliance or something? Or worse, was he one of the “kind” individuals trying to sell the idea that an eye color = theme (just regarding the Belves ofc, cause that argument regarding the Velves would had obliterated the whole “give us the Belf skins and eye colors and haircuts causemy Helfer RP” agenda)?

Why do these people continue to bother with the Belf race when it´s evident they couldn´t care less for it, ffs?!?


I think he’s been going on about how BEs eye color is a full visually distinct theme. But then later denied an eye color alone being enough for VEs to get a visually distinct theme, so the point there seems to be acknowledging that eye color isn’t a theme? Idk it’s rather confusing how it’s two different standards.

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If this is the case, why am I NOT surprised?!? /s

I honest to God don´t get their obssesion with “emulating us” (they loved to criticize us and paint us as the coming of the antichrist because we tried to “gatekeep” their petitions, but when we follow their advice and start working out ways to differentiate our race from their Bland Elves or their Schizo elves we end up deserving nothing, too? That´s entirely too much commitment to actual legitimate gatekeeping if I´ve seen something remotely similar to that word in these forums).

How about they care less for what we ask and care more for their own petitions and stuff, ffs?


IF there’s one constant thing in life besides death and taxes it’s the content of this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yup, seems like it.

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I had some interesting talk with a few people from the PCU who follow these topics as readers. In general they agree with the posts I made and corrected me there as well:

Blood Elves: 3 unique themes + 2 shared
(Fel-Energy, Demon Hunter, Cleansed + High Elf, Arcane)

Void Elves: 1+2
(Void + High Elf, Arcane)

They shared this video with me too and why the Sunwell is its (edit: typo) own theme for Blood Elves.

The High Elf options should fall under the shared themes now. The quest for the Blood Elf golden eyes was already absolved during the Burning Crusade by cleansing the Sunwell. These options are more a Paladin and Priest feature but people are allowed to express themselves how they want.



Class options also open to other races are not a racial theme for us. Neither are eye colors when many races have more than one.

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