Why the lack of Customization?

Old God’s this!

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Yes to all of this. Also they need to not gender lock stuff.


I realized after I posted that I should have included that in there too


I mean is this not why so many Blood Elf fans are asking for Red eye color? To be able to get Dark Ranger type looks? (I know people are also asking for Undead skins too but others have said Red Eyes would be enough as well).

And some get upset at that one poster asking for it on Void Elves. It’s like you said in a way here

About the wood elf stuff, I mean if you google “Wood Elf” you will come up with a common appearance: Brown/Orange/Blonde hair, Green/Yellow Eyes, Pale to Oaky Brown skin tone. Wood Elves practically have an established look across many fantasy genres.

For the other races being their own visual theme, I think if that were the case we wouldn’t have Sand Trolls and Wildhammer lumped into their core races, fact is Blizzard is just inconsistent with many things and they tend to hamfist solutions instead of implementing a clean system that can be added upon in the future.

Didn’t say it was, I said green/gold eyes will always denote a Blood Elf. And by that I mean NPCs Blizzard implements. Your character is always an exception due to RP tool options we get over NPCs.

These I can 100% agree with.


I’m not here to argue, but with the amount of it that has happened Blizzard would have the be blind to not see how this has divided players.


But is that a whole new VISUAL theme? Or a visual modifier to signify a character story theme?

Mainly the really obnoxious poster who has some SERIOUS problems with their sense of proportion and has admitted they’re just doing it to be a dick to someone else by trying to label the red eyes as alliance only?

From my quick look at google there seems to be two themes, that translated roughly into wow would either be night elves for the ones with skin tones that are more in the pink range and/or with antlers, then there’s the ones that would work as a blood elf/non-void void elf which tend to be generic elf but with a bow and in a green outfit.

Like you kinda said, the theme is a very broad category, it can encompass a lot of variations. Wow has two really big elf categories with the night elves and then the other elves. Night Elves get more of the wild elf, and drow, and tall muscular elf type. The other elves go for more of the slender elegant elves, if void elves didn’t start with a full range they might be under the same category, but the skin and hair tentacles as such kind of push it out into its own thing.

Except that’s exactly why I think they are. From one point of view it provides more freedom to create the character you want to create story wise if you have a broad brush of a race visually with tons of options that represent variations on it, and you don’t get stuck with one aesthetic, you can draw from multiple to represent say a travelling dwarf who may be a bronzebeard but fought with the wildhammer and has incorporated some of their look into their own.


People don’t want only red eyes for a dark ranger theme though. Other stuff would need to be added to fulfill the theme, undead skin tones, scars would be nice, other eye colors that could fit an undead elf theme, etc.


Not sure, this kind of feels like it relies on the creativity of the player, such as those saying their Blue Eyed Blood Elves will rep those that never left QT and the magic worn off (yes yes a dev stated it would years ago, then Ion said it didn’t make sense, then it was given for High Elf roots as per Ely - not that their magic worn off).

See, you say this, but then it’s like how else were Void Elves to be able to emulate an Alliance High Elf without getting those options added to them? So it’s like yeah I agree with a lot of what you’re saying here which is why it perplexes me that yet even though you say this portion you still say they ruined Void Elves by allowing them to have a “broader brush” of options.

I know, I said some did say that would be enough. It’s kinda like those of us that were simply asking for black/white hair colors on VE at minimum, that would’ve been enough yet we got pleasantly surprised with more than that.

As it should. I prefer there be options there to help out the creativity of the player. And let’s not get into the various conflicting dev statements, it’s not like Ion didn’t say other things about high elves not happening too, then that changed.

I mean, the big question is did they need to? Which is where we differ, I didn’t think they needed to add visual options for that as the race as a whole is much more solidly part of the horde, but they did and that’s that. If they didn’t add what they are, they could have gone further along the road of void, adding more options that strengthened the unique theme they have and tie in more outsider/void-touched options to really play to their strengths.

I like more variety, and this feels like more of a wasted opportunity as well as a detriment to the game by taking the cheap way out and one sidedly changing the way races and factions worked in the game. Just adding this to point out that I’m not being inconsistent here, I support both broad based races to provide a lot of creative options for that race, but I also value each race bringing a new feel to the game so that there are more things to choose from. It’s a personal taste, but it’s a turn off in a game that claims to have a ton of races if it ends up being all variations on the same thing. Like FF14, I’m not a fan of how it’s mostly human plus, plus cat ears, plus bunny ears, and so on. I know there are a few that have different looks, But I’d kinda rather have it where if you want to do that you make say a shifter race that has animalistic properties where you could lump all the cat ears and such, and get wide visual variety in a group rather than specific sub-groups where all the options are locked away from the others.

Gimme a lot of different races that are all visually distinct, and then group all the sub options of each group under there so that I can have the full variety of that body type no matter what I want to be. It just kinda throws a wrench into that idea if an alternate form of that race that is already playable is locked into another faction.


ethereal customization is very popular among the void elf players in my experience. yes that is anecdotal but it shouldnt come as a surprise


we have seen red used by the void and red eyes is often requested for void elves. and eye color is an extremely small addition

seen some talk about phoenix tattoos for void elves too as they use it in a lot of their imagery including racial banner. these would be cool as well

thanks! and happy halloween!


You are being inconsistent though, by your earlier ask of ‘did they need to emulate Alliance High Elf?’, you’re saying it’s ok for some races to get the broader options to have more freedom and then restricting it for some others because you personally don’t/didn’t want it.

I mean in-game we have Elisande pointing out Blood Elf and High Elf separately, that was put in by the developers, she’s not equating both of them the same attributes either despite some players here trying to do so.

Well the reality is when it comes to Thalassians both factions have a history of alliances and present relations with them, so it’s not like this came out of nowhere. It’s not as if any other race playable or otherwise has the same connection either, making them unique in that regard (and not neutral in the sense of Pandaren) of differing loyalist groups.

You mean the time she basically calls the high elves posers who are putting on airs of a legacy they’ve abandoned? She didn’t exactly think much of their claim.

I’d say that humans have as much connection to the Horde as high elves have to the alliance. We’ve worked with some factions, we’ve quested enough with your king and heroes, and even have an in with the KT. It’s not exactly unique to have npcs work with a faction that their race is opposed to.


I’d take Horde KT, I love the model and the customizations, especially for females we could also trade the Mage class for Warlock class and bam we actually have a model copied from Alliance like they do from us. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Okay, I’m going to set the record straight because this is incorrect and twisted. No one is getting angry that they are asking for it on void elves. We’re angry that they’re asking for it ‘to take something the Horde has been asking for’ and to make it exclusive to void elves. Those of us annoyed about it have made that extremely clear.

I can’t stand this thread and generally avoid it, but was curious. But yes. Like, the people doing this took it out of the forums and harassed on other social media. They’ve repeated over and over that they want it for petty reasons.

So sure, void elves can get red eyes. But exclusively? No. It’s ridiculous they even try to push that. Blood elves AND void elves got blue, after all. So if anything, they should be pushing for neutral, which would be fine, but they came at a very aggressive angle with anyone they disagree with.

I don’t know how many times I need to repeat that I don’t care if it’s neutral, though understand the people who are opposed to it given void elves have an entire magic theme (void) that goes beyond JUST eye color, but here it is. Again. For the thousandth time.

I know you mean no harm and all but it really does get frustrating seeing this narrative pushed when that’s not the case here.

I mean, half of this thread were absolutely losing their minds over those who were wanting blue eyes to be exclusive to blood elves. So it’s a tad ridiculous now that a horde theme is being demanded as exclusive to void elves, and certain folks are defending this or saying ‘people are getting mad that they ask for red eyes on void elves’ when there is waaaay more to the story than that.


Oh no, you came back. :scream: :scream: :scream:


Oh I’m bowing out now that I’ve set the record straight. People will twist my words for the thousandth time over again, but I’m going to bookmark that post and link it every time someone tries it because I am so tired of people twisting things.


Not to mention the idea that VEs would get a third visually distinct theme while Blood Elves do not have two visually distinct themes and that is what many like myself would like to see to offset the loss of visual uniqueness that occurred when VEs got their second set of visually distinct options.

I don’t think anyone cares if VEs get an eye color that can work for the old gods / void aesthetic, because an eye color isn’t an entirely new visually distinct theme… I do take issue with additional VE options being worked on or handed out before Blood Elves get a chance to catch up though. Void Elves are on their third pass.


Old Gods this.

Red eyes can be fine for Void Elves I think, we see several void beings that have red as a coloration, but red eyes has to be a horde thing and Dark Rangers should be a thing for Blood Elves. If Void Elves get it, blood elves really need to get it too.

San’layn I personally don’t think make any sense as anything but Horde. But thats me. Some folk want them for Alliance thats good for them. Neutral is also fine by me.

I also think they should be an AR not a customization.

The issue I have with the most vocal member of the give San’layn to the Void elves camp is that they’ve literally told me they’re doing it because they want to take something from the Horde and its revenge for them.

Got nothing against those who want what they want. Just those who only want it to hurt other people.


Yeah, none of the people pushing that have good intentions.

Plus red could be shown with Void Tattoos or as a Tentacle Customization. Strange they aren’t pushing that.

The Undead Blood Elves should go to the faction with Undead and Blood Elves.

They could as one or they other. They just have more potential as an AR then most customization request.

Agreed, it’s purely childish and needs to stop.