Why the lack of Customization?

they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and make blood elves sound like they’re in such a great place, aren’t they?


To be more accurate, the timeline release is the following:

Regular (TBC)
Demon Hunter (Legion)
Golden (BfA)
High Elf (BfA)
Arcane (SL)

No, I agree with you guys. The problem is rather that the themes haven’t been expanded on.

Eye colors aren’t themes.

Classes aren’t themes.


Yeah, I’m starting to think it bothers them that we can point out they have two actual themes and we only have the normal one and we are the core race.

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This is where you are wrong. And even if we reduce it to the absolute minimal, then we would be still at 2:2+x or 2:3+x, depending on your personal point of view.

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In context of this discussion, no, I’m not wrong.

This isn’t a literary discussion of themes that play into blood elf society in some way, it’s a discussion of broad visually distinctive themes. Blood elves being visually generally along the lines of a traditional generic fantasy high elf race, an eye color alone does not push it far enough to be considered a visual theme separate from the main one.

Void elves started out with a sort of outsider touched elf look, completely inhuman skin color, funky hair additions and so on. It is immediately recognizable as a new take on the same model, even without EE. With these latest additions they get the standard elf theme as well, and there’s no immediate visual distinction between the two if you choose only those options.


Arthas was sexy AF.

And people claim blood elves got treated so well and had so many new options. Their customizations aren’t even finished which is most noticeable on the males. Let’s not forget the lack of quality in the new options. Void elf males are that low? Damn.

Still pretty low.



In total agreement.

Very true.


Last request in this thread before muting.

Blizzard please do some final touches on the Legion ARs before finalizing.

Black antlers for HMT.
Arcanic outline for the hands and glow added to the hair styles for NB.
Onyx skintone for LFD.
Void flavored skintone for VE.


But Blizzard did say that with the Blood Elves and Void Elves customizations, that they’re giving the players the options to play back to there roots.

Remember, Both Void Elves and Blood Elves are both High Elves, but under different political alignments.

If we’re going to play the game of “Void Elves have 2 themes”, then we’ll might of well play the same game that Blood Elves also have 2 themes:

The Blood Elves of Silvermoon and the High Elves from the other parts of Azeroth. Now, we haven’t been given much lore justifications towards the customizations, and Ion even stated when the Blue Eyes were dataminded that Blood Elves weren’t receiving Blue Eyes as the Blood Elves have evolved past them.

Plus, the old High Elves (Before Arthas), had actual human eyes looks, not glowing eyes.

The aim of the customizations for both Void and Blood Elves, as per quote from Ely, was to allow players to go back to there roots as the original High Elves, to pick there fantasy, and to chose on where they want to align. Which means the whole argument that Blood Elves only have one theme, is entirely false.

And then the entire argument, “Void Elves are supposed to be purple, blah blah, etc”, gosh, this has to stop. First of all, the only Void Elves we actually know that were originally transformed were Umbric and his followers, and there transformation were caused by the Nether-Prince Durzaan and the Void Etherals, but there transformation was interupted when we and Alleria defeated Nether-Prince Durzaan.


I don’t play that game. Blood elves are High elves, trying to pretend high elf is a new theme to the high elves is nonsense. They look exactly the same. Original flavor Void elves and Blood elves do not look the same. Two different visual themes. New void elf options look like blood elves, thus giving void elves the blood elf visual theme.

People have eyes. Blood elves and high elves look the same, blue eyes does not a visual theme make.


And so are Void Elves. As I have said:


And what does any of that have to do with broad visual themes of a model?

I am not talking about lore, plot, RP, in game biology or any of that.

I am talking pure visuals, the look of an in game model. Blood elves have a visual theme physically of generic fantasy high elf race. Void Elves started with the theme of magically infused/extra-planar elf, with the blueish skin palette and tentacles in hair. Then they were also given the generic fantasy high elf theme as well.

You may have gotten into this in the middle, so let me just say. In the start for me I was arguing against the idea someone floated that Blood Elves have 4 visuals themes, which ended up being Blood Elves, blue eyes, green eyes, and gold eyes. That’s not a visual theme.

Like a fel theme would involve fel-touched skin colors and hair, possibly some fel energy effects, extra bits and bobs like maybe horns or wing type stuff. Something that would immediately signal this is a fel elf if it was standing next to a blood elf and void elf.

If you want to get into lore and rp themes, then there’s probably too many to count. But I just don’t think that’s applicable in a discussion of visual options.


You’re still playing that game. If you wanna talk about ‘Original Void Elves’ then Alleria, the first one in existence doesn’t look like a blueberry. She looks like a High Elf.

Keeping it to all to this discussion of visual options.

Also you may not agree with it, but Blood Elf eye color specifically for them, does tell a visual theme. The reason they got Golden Eyes was stated by Jeremy Feasel to indicate the wrap up of their story in TBC.

There was a reason Ion’s first response to data-mined Blue Eyes for Blood Elves ‘didn’t make sense for them’ , that ‘they’ve evolved past that’.

You can downplay it, but for Blood Elves, eye color does represent a theme.

That doesn’t mean the developers don’t allow you to use the RP tools you have to make any kind of story for your Blood Elf character just like Steve Danuser said while they will confine Golden Eyes to the holiest BE NPCS (Priests/Paladins), players are free to put it on their BE Warlocks and come up with whatever reasons they wish for it.


No point arguing with them anymore Muir. They’ll just ignore it at the act of spite, and act that they have to have everything more given to them

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But void elves got none of this… Their options don’t even count as “new” because all they received was copy paste BE customisations. No new hairstyles, skin colors, acessories, eye colors, or tattoos. All other legion allied races got a full pass. This is utterly unfair…

How do you expect alliance players to stay in this game if you don’t even give them the same amount of content? Customisation matter for a lot of ppl, and alliance is always receiveng less. Don’t skip void elves , give them new options, listen to us pls! LFD players are asking you to give them ONE skin tone, ONE and you aren’t listening to them… devs were able to give nightborne a copletely new effect for their hands, but aren’t able to give LFD one single skin color they are asking for ages.

LFD options are underwhelming, and void elves… they literally lack everything other AR’s have.


Honestly I’m surprised we’re getting anything after the whole dev team and this entire unending nightmare for Blizzard. I imagine the office is just on fire right now and somehow they managed to get some work done in between the burning and fire extinguishing.

It’s probably gonna be a while until they actually recover from this.


The game where I say that an eye color does not drastically alter the overall physical appearance of a model to the extent that a whole new palette of skin and hair colors, removal of tentacles and such?

Blood elf eye color can be a sign of some of the more story related themes of the race. But it is not something that when you glance at two elves side by side will stand out immediately to announce what visual look that elf represents.

It’s like people are dishonestly ignoring the argument being made in order to argue points they can argue against and not just dropping a nonsense point that is easily disproven by anyone with eyes.

I’m of the opinion that that is why we’re getting it now. All that has gone on over the last two years has screwed up the dev cycle, and this is the easy stuff to get out to try and fill out the gaps in released content this expansion. Easy in that it can be done relatively quickly and doesn’t rely on anything that may have to be removed or revamped now that some people are gone like anything that touches the story probably has to contend with.


Clearly I am an arcane elf not a blood elf.

Look into my eyes.

More seriously.

I agree with you, eye colors are a far cry from the subrace option that Void Elves received.

At least in my opinion I don’t see a comparison here.

(Fenelon btw. Mostly switched toons to make the joke at the beginning.)


The story behind the non-blue skintones on velves and the different coloured eyes on belves is irrelevant. The fact is that void elves can look like two completely visually different kinds of elves while blood elves can’t. This ability to look like two completely visually different Elves is also something previously not allowed on VEs, denying that it happened or that those aren’t a huge deal or what was asked for is disingenuous.


Are you trying to hypnotize me?

And seriously, I’m not arguing that eyes can’t be representative of important story beats for a character. But transmog can do that too, but that doesn’t make that part of the model’s visual theme. Maybe I need another word since there are so many themes flying around. I’m just talking about a visual appearance that if I put up one of each side by side you could in an instant label which one was which, as opposed to having to take even a moment to compare details.

A visual theme for lack of a better term, just needs to be more to me. An eye color is good for a character’s themes, but doesn’t rise to being a theme of a model. It needs more oomph to be a theme for the model, bits that tie in to more areas, especially more obvious areas that you’re more likely to actually notice in game when you aren’t zoomed in on a character.

And again to the thread. I’m not arguing for void elves to lose what they got or anything like that. I’m just saying the blood elf model does not have as many visual themes as it has eye colors. It can be important when you’re designing your character and how it ties in to their personal story, but that’s story/RP related, and nothing to do with large scale visual motifs of a model which would entail a shared aesthetic over most if not all cosmetic categories.