Why the lack of Customization?

Indeed, this is something I’d love to see implemented in game for Night Elves.


More Highborne customizations for Night Elves please!


Same here my man. Frankly, one doesn´t need to be a genius to see who the actual childish party is in here. If your opinion, Averie´s, mine, etc., is so distressing for some posters, then as actual responsible adults they will put us on ignore and move on instead of promoting more drama, period.

But to drag in here old jabs not even relvant to the topic every time they feel bored is frankly ridiculous. And no, calling a spade a spade is NOT being a jerk, is acting honestly, period.

Well, I was one of the “antis” who was NOT exactly desperate to support Dark Ranger stuff in January -I rather supported regular scars and the runic scarifications of the TBC artbox back then cause I believed devs were gonna implement the easy peachy red eyes + whitish skin tone and ignore the stuff I wanted. The joke was on me cause they STILL ignored what I wanted -the only mercy I got was to see the lingerie jewerly not implemented. That was NOT the kind of image I wanted for my Belves and thankl God for the lawsuit* cause that was probably the reason they backpeddaled on that piece of trash customization).

I always wanted more “generalized stuff” cause some aesthetics are VERY niche regarding class combos. And as someone who can only spare to play with 2 Belf toons -too many alts and I´m rather proud on the fact I favor playing with more racial variants than to stick with one race; I sponsor a couple of every Horde race-, one a DH and this rogue, “Lightforged only” stuff or “Felblood only” stuff kinda screw me up cause they aren´t lore friendly and I wouldn´t use them.

Heck, I support the red eyes but NOT to RP a Dark Ranger but to imagine those are Blood Anima irradiation.

And a Necrotic color and a Nature color and so on…

Doesn´t erase the fact you tried to ask for the stuff NOT using an honest approach but using any new “argument” that you dropped like a hot potato anytime I destroyed it. We could have respected your petition had you came out and said: I just want red eyes, I can compromise, but nooo!!! First, you tried to poach Fallynn´s hard work supporting an incoherent agenda over “San´layn rolling Alliance”… who suspiciously ended when I pointed that San´layn NPCs do NOT have red eyes in-game.

After, you and your buddies went for the "buut, buut!! Dark Rangers are FORSAKEN not BELF and the Emeral Nightmare is RED!!! Well dude, remember who sponsored Xavius? Maybe an Old God whose name started with a “N” like “N´zoth”???

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

So, your welcome about us giving you people an even bigger argument to get N´zoth styled eyes deployed to the Velves AND in several colors that yes, include red -and frankly, I still can´t understand why you people didn´t vouch for those when those are waaay cooler than the regular Dark Ranger red eyes. Even to RP a “vampyr”.

YOU grow up. Cause your whole cause is NOT about RPing a vampyr toon on Alliance, is about sticking it out to the Hordies, period. If not you wouldn´t care AT ALL if a Blood elf paladin wants to RP a vampyr when you literally want to RP a vampire in the faction who killed those very same San´layn last tuesday. You can´t come here to act like the lore police just to make concessions to yourself… not unless you want to be taken seriously and not as a troll.

Dudes… I don´t see no void elf haircuts on Castlevania´s actual vampires (go check the actual Netflix series and come mere to tell me how “Goth” does Dracula actually look). Nor in the irl movies like Bram Stoker´s one. The media basically used anything and everything at disposal.

Vampires are vampires no matter if they sport a ponytail or wet hair and if you people believe a haircut makes it more or less so, then you don´t even care about those to even properly RP them, period. You can ask for them sure, but to try and limit the petition towards YOUR side of the fence -as Zugyr tries to do with his incoherent “but MUH Alliance San´layn!!!” BS is nothing short of comical, period.

And no, Belves are NOT “lighforged” no matter how much he dreams so… and if a Horde player wants to use red eyes with his Paladin he should be allowed to. I didn´t see nobody collapsing nor servers self destructing when Belf warlocks used golden eyes either ffs.



Red eyes for void elves please.
This is perfection.


I´d rather the males get their crooked noses and snarl fixed first tbqh. And the body proportions cause those are atrocious, male Nelves quirurgically removed their last ribs to have a bigger waist to hip ratio than the females.


those void elf skin tones and red eyes :fire: :fire: :fire:

i still really like this concept too…


this skin tone and purple void markings too would be the chefs kiss for this race

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That’s the thing, yeah. If it had been, from the start: “I would like red eyes and San’layn customization for void elves. Here is the lore as to why. There will be dissenting opinions, but I am steadfast in this and will push it.”

Instead, it started and continues with “give us something the Horde wants.” And then making up excuses that do not make sense.

So much truth in this statement, it’s unreal.

Not to mention, suddenly they would like to gatekeep ‘goth’ elves after asking for vanilla non-monster non-goth elves for so long. Suspicious? Very.

All in all, San’layn for the Horde. Red eyes for Blood Elves. San’layn & Dark Ranger customization or Allied Race should be Horde unless they shatter the faction barrier (which I do support), which is unlikely but possible. Regardless, Blizzard should consider San’layn/Dark Ranger customization for the Horde sooner rather than later.

I do not support such customization exclusively for void elves, or them getting it first. This should not occur, and from what I’ve seen on the forums, most agree that they fit the Horde.

^ This was made with a blood elf on WoWhead and should be given to blood elves. Thank you.


i have to admit youre doing a really good job of selling me on this. never knew how much i wanted void red eyes for void elves

with the actual void elf skin tones it looks awesome. idk why a couple think a red eyed void elf is a horde thing. oddly, the most vocal for san’layn were actually pro high elf and ok with the alliance getting a horde race which paved the way for void elves because of course they needed their own unique theme to justify an AR slot. san’layn will never happen because of void elves. blizzard isnt going to hold off a customization that makes sense for void elves because a couple think it will eliminate san’layn from ever being an AR because its too late. void elves already did that

so they were ok to share a horde race but the line is drawn at an eye color. bizarre

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It’s really strange.
The goth theme elves getting red eyes doesn’t actually take them from blood elves, and the red eyes for blood elf request is separate. And both elves getting them would provide different RP tools and aesthetics for either faction.

For as many people like myself who’d use the eyes as a way to RP a san’layn on my chosen faction, there’d be more people taking that eye colour and the potential future tentacle colour toggle to play a red “maximum corruption” elf, or a N’zoth cultist, or even something to do with the Nightmare.

It’s likely, as with the blue eyes, both factions are getting them at the same time.
People can then take those tools to build whatever fantasy they want, even if it’s something that “breaks the lore” like a dark ranger paladin, or an alliance vampire. (…the latter sort of doesn’t, but people claim it does.)

In the end, it’s not actually a big deal. Just people want it to be because they want to gatekeep, rather than actually expand and look at potentials that don’t align perfectly with their own perception of what should happen.
Thinking outside the box is fun and leads to far more engaging concepts.

Also, I’m also in the boat of thinking Void Elves were pretty much the “San’layn” Allied Race. I’ve explained my reasoning in the past, but the repeated tl;dr is Dar’khan was scourge allied, not void related, Ghostlands questing, the hairstyles being vampiric in origin, the sudden cut-off of the San’layn story on both factions and the void elves just popping up out of nowhere, the whole “emo” stuff, the san’layn joke they make being in reference, ect ect.
They were partly through the staring experience for them and had heavy work done on the models, but changed it halfway through their development. Tin-foil hatty, but there’s enough evidence to debate it in a fun manner.

They pretty much took a popular request, retooled it to be something more interesting in hopes it’d be enough to appease Alliance players, made a mistake, backpeddled on it a bit, and… now we’re here.
It’s fascinating.

Pls permanent EE skintone option. Give me a reason to play Void Elf Blizzard.


Better yet, customizable Entropic Embrace. REALLY let it get voided out like, hardcore. And also, add a new racial to toggle the visual effect permanently until disabled.


To be fair I don’t think the issue is red eyes for void elves.

The issue is “give us San’layn blizzard” which void elves having already two visual themes don’t need. And given their other comments on the issue I think the intended purpose of their phrasing is intentional.

Blood Elves don’t even retain their own visual uniqueness anymore, void elves do on top of a second visual theme and two passes the only race to have benefited from adjacency to a core race and then again with ARs.


This is actually doable.
It loads a seperate skin for the effect, so they could just slap a few textures in there and let us customize it at the barber.

The current, something even blacker and sparklier, red full on corruption, arcane theme unlockable one, ect ect.

Racial customization as a whole would be nice. Give arcane torrent new colours and stuff. Different stone forms.


If I haven’t made myself clear to those who clearly don’t put in the effort to read HOW I WORD MY POSTS, perhaps I need to repeat myself again, and for the last time.

I personally don’t care about exclusivity or the faction barrier. HOWEVER I do see where the people are coming from WHO WANT SAN’LAYN TO BE EXCLUSIVE TO BLOOD ELVES.

As soon as the void elves were added, which was a mistake in my personal opinion, all ‘faction identity’ went out the window. It’s amusing how because I’m not 100% against high elves (being apathetic), me wanting San’layn playable on Horde and not locked to just the alliance (which… high elves are playable on both… so… void elves are locked to just the alliance…) people paint some spooky narrative of me on either side.

So, to spell it out for people that need this repeated about a dozen times over, even though they are perfectly capable of reading my posts:
(A) I don’t care about high elves.
(B) I see where people are coming from when they want something to make blood elves distinct.
(C) Some people thing San’layn/Dark Rangers on BLOOD ELVES ONLY would make them distinct.
(D) I agree with (C).
(E) While agreeing with C, I wouldn’t care if both got it as long as San’layn were playable on the Horde, BUT it would be entirely unfair at the same time given void elves would be able to be void elves, vampyr, AND high elves, whereas Blood elves (which are literally high elves) would have only two themes and be a parent race that’s only got 2.
(F) Apparently people think that because I’m not completely against high elves in being apathetic, but also not interested in high elves in the slightest, both sides see me as completely and utterly evil. :woman_shrugging:
(G) San’layn should be playable on Horde. Regardless. Or not at all. The Alliance already have void elves. They don’t need something the Horde has been asking for and belongs on the Horde based on the lore. This isn’t a situation of ‘but void elves are now getting high elves’. Blood elves and Void elves can be high elves now. These people are arguing San’layn on just void elves. It’s ridiculous, and I’m not afraid to say it. They have void elves. They don’t need anything else exclusive that should be on Horde for gods’ sakes.

End of discussion, end of argument, I honestly am tired of repeating myself here and other threads, and should perma-mute this nonsense because I have 0 respect for those ignoring literally everything I say.


As several NB posters here and NE posters already pointed out there’s no reason for the NE theme to infringe on another Horde race at that.

I think for me it’s an established Horde races theme and the theme was never integral to NEs, a handful of elves living in a cave returning to integrate into society after living in filth and extremely humbled aren’t the same as NB upholding the culture pristinely.

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What I’d love to see for potential Void Elf customization in the future is proper Half-Elven options along with just regular Helven choices. Our High Elves shouldn’t be about quel’thalas and thalassian traditions anymore. They’ve been away from Quel’thalas for so long now that their children with the humans would be adults. We should have customization that reflects their place in the Alliance, and having some customization dedicated specifically to both a new Helven aesthetic and Half-even one would be perfect.

We should get regular eye colours, normal human eyebrows and normal human ears - something as simple as that would be a massive change and almost completely change their silhouette.


You have my vote!


This and starry skin xD I was looking for void elf art on twitter and i noticed that most of void elf art have either starry hair or skin, and it’s so amazing! I really want Devs to expand void elves theme and be creative with their customizations using the starcursed effect.

I was playing with my void elves on ptr and i realized that we don’t have void eye colors for void elves, every eye color seems to fit high elves more, and it is a bit disappointing.


Well, you where more wanting the main Blood Elf stuff added first, which is understandable. But I was referring to the Blood Elf ‘fans’ that hate any idea of darker or grittier themes.


It’s a good option for both.


Also this.


I would definitely be more inclined to play a void elf if they expanded on the star-cursed void theme. It’s my favorite thing about the race & I think it’s super unique and has tons of potential. Honestly blizz messed up making them exact replicas of blood elves in the first place, they should have at least given them a different posture/face options/structure etc like they did with nightborne and night elves. If they did that, I feel a lot of the mess going on would be avoided.



Red eyes for velfs please.