That still doesn’t counter the fact that you don’t need a title to continue wearing the same jewelry you wore your entire life.
Or like this:
That still doesn’t counter the fact that you don’t need a title to continue wearing the same jewelry you wore your entire life.
Or like this:
And you think there is a story developed for the 3 Nightborne NPC’s with the Highborne title in Zuldazar?
The Shal’dorei had great impact in the Nazjatar, also, group of the Shal’dorei have come to the gates of the Orgrimmar in the 4th war, I do not know what are you talking about.
Is that image supposed to counter the fact that there are Highborne Night Elves somehow?
That image suppose to show that Night elf Higborne are not the only ones.
Yeah… I don’t think anyone has argued that here, though?
While I’m with Lunaera on this, the “Highborne” title is just what it is, a title. It should be available to the players.
At least this title is available to the players.
With a lot of the conversation regarding Night Elves/Highborne in this thread, I wanted to compile a short list of customizations I’d like to see for the Night Elves when core races are revisited in the future.
I’ve compiled some concepts applicable to both regular and Highborne Night Elf aestetics.
First off I’ll start with the options applicable to all Night Elf aesthetics.
Starting with an alternative Night Warrior eye appearance:
As you can see with Tyrande in the cinematics, while her sclera is mostly black, there’s also a secondary cool navy color, most predominantly in her pupil area. A couple artists edited the PC model to demonstrate how it would look on players.
Along with the eyes, Tyrande was depicted with some amazing tattoos which have a beautiful blue/silvery glow. While I wouldn’t expect such elaborate tattoos for Players, a simplified version for PCs would be most welcome, notably those that glow and in the same wispy and ethereal style.
This is a good example of what a simplified version in the same aesthetic style could look like on a PC.
Also, please give females body tattoos and decouple male face and body tattoos.
As for eye colors, the devs have nailed every color in this picture, though PCs don’t have green, which would be great for a Nature aesthetic, just as Shan’do Stormrage demonstrates here;
Violet would also be welcome and would suit the Night Elves nicely.
Another common concern I see among Night Elf players is a narrow eye toggle;
The eyes for PCs seem very wide since they were updated in WoD. Adding a narrow eye option would help recapture some of the feeling the original vanilla models had, and would be applicable to a Highborne aesthetic as well.
Now, onto the Highborne style aesthetics:
First off, some more stylish hair options;
These concepts borrow modified hairstyles from both Draenei and Lightforged Draenei, demonstrating both regal hairstyles and accessories for said hairstyles.
The second picture also demonstrates more Highborne friendly jewelry and facial tattoos, which also work into the Night Warrior style tattoo ideas.
This image emulates Azhara’s Night Elf appearance onto a basic Night Elf model, with the pink stylish eye tattoos, along with a Highborne esque tiara and earing. The tiara and necklace on Azshara’s actual model would be great too.
Lastly, some more vibrant blues and violets, in addition to other colors, would make great additions for both skin and eye colors.
These, for me, encompass the aspects I feel are still missing from Night Elf customization and would love to see any of these options, or similar, added in the future.
Once again, thank you for your hard work thus far, and we look forward to what’s in store for the future
You’re in favor of not allowing Night Elf fans have access to Highborne jewelry and elegant customizations?
Indeed, 100% agreed. It’s the other side who’s against this.
No, I guess not. The current Night Elves are more savage than anything else. You can’t even look like Tyrande or Malfurion as a player characters and the armors do not represent their designs well enough. I think the only real feature they have is the leaf hair-option which makes them somewhat acceptable as a playable crash dummy race.
Nelf highborne checking in.
Thank you so much for this post! I wish i had trust lvl 3 to make a highborne customization thread xD
Nightborne deserve to better capture their own visual theme than NEs who have moved on from the Highborne culture Nightborne represent.
Another Horde races visual theme shouldn’t be infringed on, we’ve seen the lackluster unique options and lack of second visual theme for Blood Elves despite losing visual uniqueness to give their AR counter part one.
Night elves are the core race in this situation and none of their main themes visuals went to NB, no nature hairs or markings etc, yet they want to infringe now on the NB visual theme?
I guess the next time I comment on suggestions for customizations I’ll be sure to be as vague as possible.
Gorgeous !
I would love to have more Highborne jewelry for the night elves.
Very nice.
I’m stealing some of your list for my own. Very neat.
Wanted to bring attention to a few requests regarding the nightborne again before you guys decide to move on from them
Some other things majority of players would love to see, but if you can’t get to these now then we can definitely look forward to them in the future!