Why the lack of Customization?

I love your suggestions.

Blizzard, please give the Panda’s some love


They will do something for the heritage armor - which will be in blue and red.
It’s really pathetic if you think about it. We cannot equip kegs in one hand or on the back (or they are limited to 5 min toy usage), we have no access to all the Pandaren transmog available, there is no update on the missing hair spots on the updated models and the female necklines.

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I hate how she decided to let it go when it was the night elves being genocided by the horde.

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I love the Highborne culture that is Nightborne, I’m always glad to see that they at least retain their own visual theme and there is difference in NEs culturally and their options reflect that.


I am still hoping they smooth out the faces more, but I love nightborne a lot, their story was one of my favorite things to come from Legion.


Also blizz, give everyone possible freckle options separate from faces please, with varying colors and patterns. I’d love for my nightborne to have white freckles, it’d look like stars. Same for my nelves.


Maybe goblins will get Kelfin customization I think it deserves to be customization.

And Tauren Taunka.


Some mock ups I did with starry freckles for nb, slight variations of brightness.


I like the third one the best!!!


Kelfin would be extremely wasted as Customization.

They cannot survive on goblin racials. It’d be Wildhammer all over again. Just goblins cosplaying.

These too I cannot see as customization. The Taunka are a different people than the rest of Tauren society.

Very nice.

Looks very Nightborney too given their home.


Considering they can’t do much for the races we have customization is the better route in cases imo.

And with their words on RP tools starting and ending with your character that isn’t a bad thing imo.

RP tools are valuable and I don’t see them as bad but I do recognize them for what they are like you pointed out


A kelfin that cannot breathe underwater?

They’re not customization material. They’re AR material.

I hope Blizzard recognizes that. Wildhammer was a bad move the way they did it. I’ll die on that hill.

(Respectfully. My view of it does not invalidate your own.)


RP tools would be beneficial here.

I’m not interested in more races unless truly unique, continuation of ARs where its just the race but slightly different when they haven’t done a good job at core races / AR implementation is just not beneficial and I’d rather see goblins get that then not.

This is reciprocated of course not to invalidate you either just disagreeing on implementation


I think we all want them implemented better and with more care. Blizzard has been lazy and I was kinda hoping they were turning over a new leaf after the allegations.

Seems it was, as many of us feared, just bluster in the moment.

They only responded when something new happened, and since its all quieted down on their end they’ve gone silent.

I digress.

I get your view but I cannot go for it myself. I care too much about these races to see them reduced to minor customizations without their own racials and heritage and story beats. (Not huge story just some flavor)

That said if Blizzard adds in alternative racials for sub races and cultures I’d be ok with it in the end.


Love these suggestions, also wanna add that a gut slider or gut-less options for males would do wonders in fixing how armor looks on them, I suspect this is a big reason why we don’t see many of them around, it’s discouraging to be so limited transmog wise.

night elves are written as badly as sylvanas since bfa. especially when it comes to void elves. they would never accept them as allies

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So much this. I remember going to Darnassus and seeing Void Elves walking around and just being floored by that. The Night Elves might have changed in the decade or so since the Third War, but damn that was so cringe to see.

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I don’t think draenei would be crazy about void elves either.

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Where’d you find that one? Thats amazing.

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