Why the lack of Customization?

Yeah, I’m guilty of liking a snide comment from time to time I’m sure. But I’d have to see if it was due to a Horde related hostile post or if they mention a customization feature that I would have liked to see.

Dragonhawk stuff would also be neat, but I’m not certain what could reflect them. Could be some neat tribalish tattoo themes :woman_shrugging:


We’ll see, won’t we.

I can’t wait till you get your next set of raggedy hairstyles, random bits of leaves and twigs in your hair, and grill marks on your face. :clown_face:

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As am I but iirc it was right before I re subscribed and I was browsing the thread and I probably woulda argued with you too based on what was being said, but it wouldn’t have been me being hostile or disliking you I just strongly disliked the sentiment you were saying and found it unfair.

Hence why I’m sure no one means ill will when people are passionate about their favorite playable races.

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I would need full context because I don’t generally jump on a Horde player hate train so I would have had to be nettled that day or something.

I want Salamanders cause well…irl myths use Salamaders as the ultimate fire magical animal. And the Belves are -as per canon lore- the mages that favor fire over arcane or ice, so Salamanders are a nerdy nod to irl cultural myths too.

At least my face don’t look like i’m a granny.


Thinking about it… are salamanders like ducks on Azeroth? Do they just not exist :thinking:

Reset. Reset. But this time we get to play through the WCIII scenarios in an MMO and have a different writing staff who cares about the lore. Albeit nothing would happen exactly the same. How cool would it be to play as a High Elf (Belfs to be) trying to fight off Arthas? Of course I’m dreaming and it’s unrealistic/never going to happen, but it’s fun to imagine. Sorry for the rambling. A WoW 2.0 but modern and made by people who care and have passion.

It does.

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It was basically one big

But the tone was highly critical and condescending of any valid Horde complaints, hence the sense of unfairness and the condescending tone was where people probably were hostile.

Anyways I don’t mean anything by bringing it up other than to add to your point you made about people being hostile at you for no reason, and adding I’m sure it wasn’t personal because it coulda just been the conversation.


You’re a little late with that one. With 9.1.5, the Nightborne are already poised to have better appearances than the Night Elves. Ah, it feels good to be a Nightborne. :sunglasses:

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This is why the essential removal of the CoT disappoints me. There are a lot of past events that would have been wicked to play through as a raid, dungeon or scenario.

I wouldn’t doubt this then. Depending on the time you read that I was pretty…frustrated to say the least. When ARs were first implemented and BFA ones were released and what not, I was quite…miffed and spicy on the subject.


You say this and then go post a picture of a blonde high elf… dude :rofl:

Can we just agree that none of us will ever convince the other on our arguments and leave it at that? Mate it’s like war of the worlds in here.


Best faction war yet!

I cant catch up on 6100 posts of elfwank what’s the tldr?

They DO exist in the RTS:


They apparently look like Kodos and live underground -coherent considering the deeper you are, the closer to the fire elemental plane-. It would make for “crocolisk-esque” symbols as Fen told me in the Belf thread (and I replied then: "since when are dinosaur features a bad thing? He agreed).

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You’re actually required to read the thread to participate.

Ah yeah, the Lightning Lizards. Aren’t they regarded as salamanders repeatedly on Azeroth as well? Kind of weird.

As I kinda go over in the first bit of my thread. >.> There a lot of potential cross over for Void Elves and High Elves… technically speaking… Blood Elves are high elves too… so… >.>

Poach away.

So much this.

Also this.


I should clarify that I should have said “people disagreeing over pixel elves isn’t gatekeeping” but I think the quote shows that too that I quoted. Plus no sane person I can imagine would take that out of context to make it seem like because I didn’t add that then my statement means something else entirely, but this is the internet and the wow forums so should clarify **


Yeah, I was pretty sad that they discontinued CoT too. It’d have been nice to play through poignant moments in the game (hopefully handled properly) and feel apart of WoW’s history.

I’d like to think that we could disagree peacefully without attacking each other. I know everyone in this thread can be better. I can actually see valid points being made by many of you here.

This is actually what I’ve been thinking. Though I don’t think everything should be shared, only where it makes sense.